BLUE PRINT 2014-15 M.M 90 CLASS IV S.No Name Of The Chapter/Topic Total Marks SUBJECT English marks ½ x Num of ques. COD Ms. Anupriya marks 1 x Num of ques. marks 1½ x Num of ques. 3(E)+2(A)+3(A)=8 1½x1=1½(A) 1 L7 The Buddha 9½ 2 L8 Girl’s can’t play cricket 8 3L9 An Adventure 7 3(E) + 1(A)= 4 4 L10 Beyond the game 9 2(E)+1(A)+2(A)+1(A)=6 1 ½ x2=3(D) 5 L11 Tiger Talk 9½ 6 L12 The tree spirit 7 7 Adjectives 2 ½x4=2(E) 8 9 Adverbs Prepositions 2 2 ½x4=2(E) ½x4=2(E) 10 Conjunctions 2 ½x4=2(E) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Singular/ Plural Gender words Opposite words Paragraph writing Application writing Much many Unseen passage Picture composition Paragraph Letter/Application 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 90 ½x4=2(A) ½x4=2(A) ½x4=2(A) ½x4=2(A) ½x4=2(A) ½x4=2(A) ½x4=2(E) ½x4=2(E) TIME 3hours marks 3x Num of ques. marks 4 x Num of ques. marks 5 x Num of ques. 3(E) +3(A) = 6 1 ½ x2=3 (D) 2(E)+1(A)+3(A)=6 1½x1=1½(A) 2(E)+2(A)=4 1 ½ x2=3(D) 1x5=5(A) 24 32 Please see: 1 Represent E = Easy Questions, D = Difficult Questions, A = Average questions 2 50% = Average/30% = Easy/20% = Difficult 3 20 % variation 80% same paper 4 Science = N = Numerical question, TH = Theory question 12 5x1=5(A) 5x1=5(D) 5x1=5(D) 15 Sign/with Full Name/Date 1.COD 2 OTHER FACULTY Meenu Jain Anupriya marks 6x Num of Ques. Any other BLUE PRINT 2014 -2015 M.M 90 TIME 3 hours CLASS IV Name Of The Chapter/Topic S.No 1 Fractions 2 Total Marks marks ½ x Num of ques. COD Meenu Jain marks 1 x Num of ques. marks 2 x Num of ques. marks 3 x Num of ques. 1(E)+1(A)+1(D)=6 Shapes and patterns 09 1(E)=1 1(A)+1(A) =4 3 Measurement 17 1(E) + 1(E) =2 1(E) + 1(A) +1(A)=6 1(A)+1(A)+1(D)=9 4 Perimeter & Area 12 1(E) =1 1(A) +1(A) =4 1(A) =3 1(D)=4 5 Time 13 1(E) +1(E) =2 1(A) +1(D) =4 1(D) =3 1(A)=4 6 Money 13 1(E) + 1(E) = 2 1(E) +1(A) =4 1(A) =3 1(A)=4 7 Data handling 08 1(E) =1 1(E)=3 1(A)=4 8 Total 90 11 27 24 28 1 2 3 Represent E = Easy Questions, D = Difficult Questions, A = Average questions 50% = Average/30% = Easy/20% = Difficult 20% Variation 80% Same Paper 4 Science = N = Numerical question, TH = Theory question 1(E)+1(A)=6 marks 4 x Num of ques. 1(E)=4 1(E) +1(E) =2 Please see: 18 SUBJECT Maths marks 5 x Num of ques. marks 6x Num of Ques. Any other 1(D)=4 Sign/with Full Name/Date 1.COD Meenu Jain 2 OTHER FACULTY Jain BLUE PRINT 2014 -2015 CLASS IV M.M 90 TIME 3hours SUBJECT S.S.T COD Alka dhawan 1 L12 Our mineral resource 10 marks ½ x Num of ques. ½x2=1(E) 2 L13 Our Human resource 05 ½x2=1(E) 1x2=2(A) 2x1=2(D) 3 L14 Our Agriculture 11 ½x2=1(E) 2x1=2(E) 4 L15 Our Industries 08 ½x2=1(E) 5 L16 Means of transport 08 ½x2=1(E) 1x2=2 (A) 1x3=3(E) 1x2=2 (A) 1x3=3(E) 1x2=2 (A) 6 L17 Means of communication 08 ½x2=1(E) 1x2=2(A) 2x1=2(A) 3x1=3(D) 7 L18 Municipal committees 06 ½x4=2(E) 1x2=2(A) 2x1=2(A) 8 L19 Our Rights duties 08 ½x2=1(E) 1x2=2 (A) 2x1=2(D) 3x1=3(A) 9 L20 Our National Symbols 11 ½x2=1(E) 1x2=2(A) 2x1=2(A) 3x2=6(E) 10L21 Our rich Heritage 10 ½x12=6(E) 1x2=2(A) 2x1=2(D) 11L22 People who touched our lines 5 ½ x2=1(E) 1x2=2(A) 2x1=2(A) 12 Total 90 17 30 22 S.No Name Of The Chapter/Topic Total Marks marks 1 x Num of ques. 1x4=4(A) marks 2 x Num of ques. 2x1=2(E) marks 3 x Num of ques. 3x1=3(D) marks 4 x Num of ques. marks 5 x Num of ques. marks 6x Num of Ques. 3x1=3(D) 2x1=2(A) 2x1=2(A) 3x1=3(D) 21 13 14 15 16 Please see: 1 2 3 4 Represent E = Easy Questions, D = Difficult Questions, A = Average questions 50% = Average/30% = Easy/20% = Difficult 20% Variation 80% Same Pap Science = N = Numerical question, TH = Theory question Sign/with Full Name/Date 1.COD Alka Dhawan 2 OTHER FACULTY Hariom upadhyay Any other BLUE PRINT 2014 -2015 CLASS IV M.M 90 TIME 3 hours SUBJECT Science COD Mrs. Manju Jain 1 Ch7 Our Clothes 9 marks marks ½ x 1 x Num of Num of ques. ques. ½x6=3(E) 1(2(E)+2(A)=4 2Ch9 Safety first 11 ½x8=4(E) 1x2=2(E) 2x1=2(A) 3x1=3(D) 3Ch10 Material & their properties 13 ½x4=2(E) 1x2=2(E) 2x1=2(A) 3x1=3(D) 4x1=4(A) 4Ch11 Water –A Wonderful liquid 16 ½x6=3(E) 1(2(E)+2(A)=4 2x1=2(D) 3x1=3(A) 4x1=4(A) 5Ch12 Air ,Water & weather 14 ½x2=1(E) 1x2=2(E) 2(A)x2(D)=4 3x1=3(A) 4x1=4(D) 6Ch13 Work ,Force & Energy 13 ½x4=2(E) 1x(3(A)+2(A)=5 3x2=6(A) 7Ch14 Earth &the solar system 14 ½x4=2(E) 1x(2(A)+1(A)=3 2x1=2(A) 3x1=3(A) 4x1=4(D) 8 Total 90 17 21 S.No Total Marks Name Of The Chapter/Topic 22 marks 2x Num of ques. 2x1=2(A) marks 3x Num of ques. 14 marks 4 x Num of ques. marks 5 x Num of ques. marks 6x Num of Ques. 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Please see: 1 2 3 Represent E = Easy Questions, D = Difficult Questions, A = Average questions 50% = Average/30% = Easy/20% = Difficult 20% Variation 80% Same Paper 4 Science = N = Numerical question, TH = Theory question Sign/with Full Name/Date 1.COD MajuJain 2 OTHER FACULTY Alkadhawan Any other