UbD Template 2.0

Unit Title / Título de la Unidad: Evolutionary Thought
Teacher / Profesor: Miguel Mantilla
Grade and section(s) / Nivel y sección(es): 9ºA y 9ºB – High School
Bimester / Bimestre: 2nd Quarter
Length and timing / Duración y programación: 1 and a half months
Date / Fecha: November 12th, 2012
Established Goals /
Metas establecidas
LIFE SCIENCE – Evolutionary
4- Explains how natural selection
principles influence the process of
speciation and affect the Evolution
of life.
LIFE SCIENCE – Organisms
4- Identifies anatomical features
among organisms can serve to
understand the homology between
Myths and Technology
4- Analyzes and predicts how
social and cultural aspect can
generate bias in understanding how
science and technology develop.
SCIENCE – Science Struggle
distinguishes itself from other
ways of knowing and from other
bodies of knowledge, how
scientific explanations must meet
certain criteria, and how it is
subject to change as new evidence
becomes available.
Stage 1 - Desired Results / Etapa 1 - Resultados esperados
Transfer / Transferencia
Students will understand the Evolutionary thought as one of the greatest intelectual creations of human beings.
Students will understand the relevance of studying organisms according to the environment in which they inhabitate.
Students will relate the main concepts in the Evolutionary Theory in order to understand the way in which organisms adapt to different Eras, also they’ll
comprehend the interdependance of organism.
Meaning / Sentido
Essential Questions / Preguntas esenciales
Understandings / Comprensiones
Los estudiantes comprenderán que...
Los estudiantes continuarán considerando que...
- The evolutionary theory has generated a deep change in human thought.
- Nature uses natural filters that allow a bunch of organism to adapt and
- Discoveries that rely within the evolutionary theory have generated a deep
impact in human history.
- The evolution of the Evolutionary thought is a human endeavor in which
different scientists and societies have supported this creation.
- Why is it so difficult to study the evolution in order to find strong evidence?
- What’s the social impact of the Evolutionary Theory?
- Why Lamarck’s discovery has created such a deep impact in Biology and
Human Culture?
- Why the human being has suffered a remarkable evolutionary adaptation in
such a brief amount of time?
Acquisition / Adquisición
Skills / Habilidades
Knowledge / Conocimiento
Los estudiantes sabrán que...
Los estudiantes tedrán la habilidad de...
Geological eras
Biotic and Abiotic factors
Convergent and Divergent Evolution
Acquired characterisctics
Lamarckian evolutionary theory
Darwinian evolutionary theory
Natural & Sexual Selection
Identify main factors in the System
Oral presentations to explain scientific arguments
Chronological timelines
Comparison and contrast models
Homology analysis
Writing skills
Stage 2 – Evidence / Etapa 2 - Evidencia aceptable
Evaluative criteria /
Criterios de evaluación
Students will be able to catalog and
identify the main features and facts
that allow scientists to consider the
Evolution Theory as a real aspect
that describes the process by which
organisms struggle for survival.
They must improve their oral skills
and use analysis to explain the
main processes that nature uses to
filter the most suitable species.
Performance Task(s) / Desempeño(s) de comprensión
Students will show that they really understand by evidence of... / Los estudiantes mostrarán su comprensión mediante la evidencia de...
- Seminar: using only as a guide the book named: “The Greatest Show on Earth” by Richard Dawkins; students will design a seminar in which they’ll extract
and design arguments in order to explain the development of the Evolutionary Thought
Other Evidences / Otras evidencias
Students will show that they have achieved Stage 1 goals by... / Los estudiantes mostrarán que han logrado las metas de la Etapa 1 mediante...
Stage I:
Etapa II
Etapa III
Etapa IV
Clarification of Vocabulary
Research about the most important scientists in the evolutionary thought
Research about the Geological Eras
Reading comprehension
Work in class
Argument extraction
Connection of concepts
Analysis about Change & Constancy
Oral presentations
Model design
Stage 3 – Learning Plan / Etapa 3 – Plan de aprendizaje
Pre-Assessment /
Evaluación previa
Conversation and brainstorm about their conceptions about the Evolution Theory
Pre-conceptions and knowledge about cell and organisms biology
Progress monitoring/
Monitoreo del progreso
Learning Events / Eventos de aprendizaje
Students success at transfer, meaning, and acquisition depends upon... / El éxito de los estudiantes en la transferencia de conocimientos,
construcción de sentido y adquisición recae sobre...
Oral presentations about the main features of the Evolution Theory
Homology analysis
Laboratory practice about anatomical features among organisms to clarify relations
Workshops and modeling about evolutionary facts
Revision of previous concepts designing Webs to create connections with the Evolutionary Theory
Journal revision and feedback
Individual and and small groups work
Conversations every two weeks about the
Work in groups with the Philosophy
department to work on argumentation
Objetivo Bimestral
Nivel 1
Nivel 2
Nivel 3
Nivel 4
Life Science – Evolutionary
Explains how natural
selection and different
evolutionary principles
influence the process of
speciation and affect the
Evolution of life.
Predicts how different kind of
interactions can affect the
interdependance given by the
levels of organization for a
given ecosystem.
Identifies anatomical features
among organisms can serve
to understand the homology
between species.
Identifies the key factors that
must be considered in the
concept of Natural Selection.
Relates how physical and
behavioral features provide
some evolutionary advantage
for species.
Identifies the main aspects
related to the Geological Eras.
Contrasts the prevalence of
some biotic and abiotic
aspects among the Geological
Analyzes in specific contexts
how Natural Selection implies
the integration between
physical and behavioral
features to the environment
of some species.
Analyzes the importance of
relevant environmental
aspects and its influence on
Understands the concept of
homology and explain its
importance to study the
Evolution of organisms.
Explains how science
distinguishes itself from other
ways of knowing and from
other bodies of knowledge,
how scientific explanations
must meet certain criteria,
and how it is subject to
change as new evidence
becomes available.
Understands the principles by
which Aristotle and the first
Naturalists created the
concept of Uniformitarism to
explain the Origin and
Diversity of Life.
Identifies key anatomical,
genetical and embryological
factors which analysis in
homology may serve as a
valuable tool to understand
Describes the importance of
Jean Baptiste Lamarck in
order to understand the way
by which the study of Nature
was improved.
Explains how Natural
Selection and different
evolutionary principles
influence the process of
speciation and affect the
Evolution of life.
Predicts and analyzes the
importance of the
environmental changes that
occurred during the
geological eras.
Identifies anatomical features
among organisms can serve
to understand the homology
between species.
Life Science – Ecosystemic
Life Science – Organisms
History & Nature of Science –
Science struggle
Analyzes the homological
features to clarify the
evolution of organisms in
divergent and convergent
Corelates the main
hypothesis that arose in order
to create the Theory of
Evolution and Natural
Explains how the evolutionary
thought emerged from other
ways of knowing and from
other bodies of knowledge.
Science as inquiry – Analyzing
Formulates and revise
scientific explanations and
models using logic and
Identifies the relation of basic
evolutionary aspects to
understand basic case
Involves basic evolutionary
concepts to produce
hypothesis that might explain
the evolution of specific
Genus of organisms.
Uses appropriate tools to
contrast his/her own
hypothesis in order to
understand the facts that
might prove the evolution of
specific Genus of organisms.
Formulates and revise
scientific explanations and
models about the Evolution
of organisms using logic and