Newsletter, Third Edition, June 2015 FP7-ICT-2011-8-318536 Introduction This edition of the COLLAGE Newsletter is dedicated to the different Summative Evaluations of the COLLAGE tools and services which are taking place. The summative evaluations are nearing completion at all three application partners: Waag Society, CEDEP and FIAT. At Waag Society the COLLAGE tools and affinity space have been tested on a series of design and concept development projects by Waag staff and collaborators. At CEDEP and INSEAD the creativity tools have been incorporated into some of the executive education classes through the GMP Tube platform. And FIAT CRYSLER have used the risk-hunting app at the CNH factory in Basildon to stimulate possible creative solutions to health and safety issues at the plant, as well as other COLLAGE creativity and mind-mapping tools in training workshop scenarios at FIAT SEPIN, Magneti Marelli and the Centro Ricerche Fiat. The results will be analysed and fed into the Summative Evaluation report due in September. Concept developers trial tools in their daily creative tasks at WAAG Society. D uring the past months, Waag Society has been using the COLLAGE tools both in internal and external settings. The following tools have been evaluated: StarQuest (previously LogQuest), Hatparty, BrightSparks, Cruise++, and the overall Affinity Space in which all tools come together. Waag Society’s concept team – consisting of seven designers with various backgrounds – has been the core ‘testing’ team. We tried to integrate the tools as much as possible in our daily routine of designing, researching and tinkering. Testing is not always fun, as we experienced. The challenge of being the first ‘user’ of a certain tool is that you encounter a lot of flaws and malfunctioning, which should not stop you from continuing using the tools. That said: seeing improvements made in functionality of a certain tool – based on your input – is rewarding. Our favourite tools are Hatparty and BrightSparks. These tools have been used by the entire organization during the ‘Strategy day’ in April – headed by Meia Wippoo, one of the concept developers. This was a nice opportunity to introduce the tools amongst the rest of our colleagues. The open character of the two tools allowed our colleagues to use them in their own projects as well! Last week, the latest version of Cruise++ tool became available, which has been tailored to Waag’s preferences. The trial for Cruise++ is still running. A glimpse behind de scenes: our first impressions are positive. Stimulating Creativity in Health & Safety Risk-Hunting and Resolution. C NH Industrial’s current systems for occupational health-and-safety management and lean manufacturing involve all of its employees in the detection, reporting and resolution of healthand-safety risks. To support employees to think more creatively in this risk detection, reporting and resolution process, the COLLAGE project has extended it with support for creative thinking about risk resolutions. More specifically, we applied current creativity research to extend a risk detection and resolution process at the CNH Industrial plant with creativity techniques and new digital support for the plant employees to use these techniques effectively as part of the risk detection and resolution process. The evaluation has taken place over a 3-month period in 2015 at the CNH Industrial plant east of London, and involved the rigorous analysis and comparison of the novelty and value of risk resolutions generated in the plant with the existing risk detection and resolution process and the new creative risk resolution process with its digital support. Employees using the app generated risk resolutions that contained far more content, and were on average 5 times as long in terms of word count, as the resolutions recorded with the original paperbased system Initial results show that Health-and-safety experts from FCA rank the risk resolutions generated by employees using the app as both more useful and more novel than the resolutions recorded with the original paper-based system. Assisting the creative process in the design and delivery of training workshops within the FIAT CRYSLER group. F CA Sepin as applied partner is in charge of evaluating the COLLAGE tools and affinity space within their organization context. The COLLAGE Affinity Space for FCA Sepin regards typical business-driven workshop scenarios in which key-organisational users are supported to find creative solutions to main business/organizational issues, solve problems and take decisions collaboratively by use of ad-hoc integrated social creativity web-based tools. In this scenario three typical use target users are involved: (1) the FCA Instructional designers/training managers, who design the training and learning process and expected outcome(s) of the appointed organisational workshop and/or seminar; (2) the actual trainer managers, who act as moderators/facilitators in delivery of the appointed organisational workshop and/or seminar; (3) the actual participants to the organisational workshop and/or seminar. As such, three use cases are consequently applied. In use case A– the “Design” Phase 1) the FCA Instructional designers/training managers are asked to address a business or organizational issue assigned by one or more business leaders using collaborative problem solving processes. The FCA Instructional designers/training managers will then make use of the COLLAGE tools either individually and/or integrated in the Affinity Space to design the appointed organisational workshop and/or seminar. In use case B – the “Delivery” Phase. The perspective and user experience of the 2) actual trainer managers who deliver the appointed workshop and/or scenario is considered. The FCA training managers act as moderators and facilitators of the training/workshop development process. In this context the COLLAGE /Affinity Space will support the training managers manage collaborative problem solving process with emphasis on different processes (divergent thinking/convergent thinking). In use case C – the “Active” Phase the perspective and user experience of the 2) participants to the workshop and/or scenario is considered. In this context the COLLAGE /Affinity Space will support the users/participants to achieve the workshop/seminar goals and collaboratively solve problems and take decision regarding the organisational issues addressed. Activity of COLLAGE dissemination has raised interest in different work group within the FCA group. Face-to-face and remote meetings have followed to present the project outcomes and tools more indepth. As a consequence of this, two additional work groups from the MAGNETI MARELLI company and CRF (Centro Ricerche FCA) have declared the interest to test the COLLAGE tools and Affinity Space within their organisational context. Workshops and seminars organised in the FCA pilots have evaluated the effectiveness the COLLAGE Affinity Space can have to enhance creativity and help explore different options, ideas, designs or outcomes. To date 13 summative evaluations events have been organised, and qualitative / quantitative data and overlooked user requirements have been collected and analysed to improve the COLLAGE tools. COLLAGE in the context of the executive education centre, CEDEP T he Pilots related to CEDEP have been set up in the framework of Company Specific Programs (CSP) aiming at validating and extending the insights into the adaptability of the GMPTube Social Affinity Space (SAS) and two embedded tools: HatParty and BeCreative. The first Pilots were conducted mostly with groups of managers attending courses open to participants from different organizations, and a round of three final pilots will l focus on the deployment of this COLLAGE SAS in a very popular form of management development, namely company-specific courses (organized internally or by an external school / education provider like CEDEP). In such courses participants are all belonging to the same company, although they might not necessarily know each other at the beginning of the course. One of the Pilots will enable the CEDEP/INSEAD team to deploy COLLAGE services in a 100% online learning context. The pilots involve over 130 participants from 36 different countries/nationalities, and are generating insights in the three areas targeted. The GMPTube SAS developed to support creative collaboration among distributed team members involved in projects has revealed to be easy to adapt to different educational contexts and for different groups, and can support formal or informal connection among the team members to engage in collective intelligence dynamics like brainstorming. BeCreative and HatParty have proven to be useful when dividing participants/learners in Teams as well as with individual players 100% online. Overall the COLLAGE GMPTube SAS and the Services to which the Pilot Participants have been exposed have demonstrated to have reached a quality and reliability which makes them valuable in the eyes of demanding managers and decision makers, and hence ready-to-deploy in real contexts, particularly to enhance current approaches to management education in organizations and educational institutions such as CEDEP. THE COLLAGE SERVICE SET