School Psychology (and State Certification)

Proposal for New Academic Plan, Plan Change, or Plan Deletion
(Select if this will be a fast track item. Refer to UCC or UGC Fast Track Policy for eligibility)
If this is a new plan proposal and the plan is not listed in the current NAU academic
program inventory, then you must complete the “Proposal to establish a New Degree”
If this proposal represents changes to the intent of the plan or its integral components,
review by the college dean, graduate dean (for graduate items) and/or the provost may
be required prior to college curricular submission.
1. Effective beginning FALL:
See effective dates calendar
2. College:
3. Academic Unit:
4. Academic
MA School Psychology (and
Plan Name: state certification)
6. Plan proposal:
Educational Psychology
5. Emphasis:
New Plan*
Plan Change**
Plan Deletion
** UCC plan or sub plan proposals must include an updated 8-term plan.
** UGC plan or sub plan proposals must include an updated program of study.
All Plans with NCATE designation, or plans seeking NCATE designation, must include a
letter of approval from the NAU NCATE administrator prior to college curricular
7. NCATE designation, if applicable:
Initial Plan
Advanced Plan
Change from Initial to Advanced Plan
Revised 06/22/2011
Remove Designation
Change from Advanced to Initial Plan
8. Current / New* catalog plan text in this
column. Cut and paste, in its entirety, from the
current on-line academic catalog:
Show the proposed changes in this column.
Bold the changes, to differentiate from what is
not changing, and change font to Bold Red
with strikethrough for what is being deleted.
M.A. School Psychology (and state
M.A. School Psychology (and state
certification) Ed.S. in School Psychology
We designed this degree and state
certification program to prepare you as a
school psychologist. We emphasize
developing skills in the assessment of learning
and behavior problems as well as those
needed to serve as an effective consultant
with school personnel.
We designed this degree and state certification
program to prepare you as a school
psychologist. We emphasize developing skills in
the assessment of learning and behavior
problems as well as those needed to serve as
an effective consultant with school personnel.
This M.A. and state certification program is
appropriate if you want to be certified by the
Arizona Department of Education as a school
This M.A. and state certification Ed. S. in
School Psychology program is appropriate if
you want to be certified by the Arizona
Department of Education as a school
Our program consists of:
Our program consists of:
At least three years of full-time
academic study beyond the
baccalaureate degree; and
Requires that you complete 72 credit
The program also includes an academic
year internship of at least 1200 clock
hours, at least 600 of which must be in
a school setting.
This program has been approved by the
National Association of School Psychologists.
For the 48-unit master's program, you take:
EPS 580 and 591 (6 units)
EPS 640 (3 units)
One course selected from: PSY 620, 621; or
EPS 712 (3 units)
ESE 548 (3 units)
EPS 670 (3 units)
Revised 06/22/2011
At least three years of full-time
academic study beyond the
baccalaureate degree; and
Requires that you complete 72 credit
The program also includes an academic
year internship of at least 1200 clock
hours, at least 600 of which must be in
a school setting.
This program has been approved by the
National Association of School Psychologists.
For the 48 unit master's program 72-unit
Educational Specialist (Ed.S.) program, you
EPS 580 and 591 (6 units)
EPS 640 (3 units)
One course selected from: PSY 620, 621; or EPS
712EPS 605 (3 units)
ESE 548 (3 units)
One course selected from: EPS 712, ECI
EPS 664, 673, 674, 675, and 738 (15 units)
EPS 601, 606, and 671 (9 units)
EPS 625 (3 units)
EDR 610 (3 units)
For the 24-unit certification program, you
EPS 604 (3 units)
EPS 605 (3 units)
EPS 607 (3 units)
EPS 660 and 675 (6 units)
EPS 693 (6 units)
One course selected from: EPS 712, ECI 541
and ECI 675, and other foundations courses
approved by your advisor (3 units)
541, ECI 675, ESE 548, or other
foundations courses approved by your
advisor (3 units)
EPS 670 (3 units)
EPS 664, 673, 674, 675 (6 units), and 738
(1518 units)
EPS 601, EPS 604, 606, EPS 607, EPS 622,
EPS 660, 669, 671, 693 (6 units) (9 30
EPS 625 (3 units)
EDR 610 (3 units)
For the 24-unit certification program, you take:
EPS 604 (3 units)
EPS 605 (3 units)
EPS 607 (3 units)
EPS 660 and 675 (6 units)
EPS 693 (6 units)
One course selected from: EPS 712, ECI 541
and ECI 675, and other foundations courses
approved by your advisor (3 units)
9. Please list the Learning Outcomes of the Plan/Emphasis (see degree major assessment
webpage, if applicable to the proposal.
10. Will this proposal affect other plans, sub plans, or course offerings, etc.? Yes
If yes, describe the impact and attach written responses from the affected academic
units prior to college curriculum submission.
11. Does this proposal have the support of the Dean’s office, including sufficient resources to
administer the plan?
12. Is this plan currently offered at the same academic level by any other academic unit at
If yes, list the plan(s) with duplicate material. If the duplication is great than 20%,
explain why NAU should establish the plan.
13. Justification for plan proposal. School psychology is a field that has been changing
emphases in practices as new approaches and research emerges in the field. The National
Association of School Psychologists (NASP) has an approval board that reviews programs and
approves programs across the country to help guide candidates who are applying to programs.
The NAU MA School Psychology +Certification program (soon to be EdS) has been approved by
NASP since 1991. NASP requires candidates to have a degree in school psychology in order to
be approved for National Certification (NCSP).
Revised 06/22/2011
Our current program requires a minimum of 72 credit hours of coursework. Nationwide, school
psychology programs generally offer 60-72 credit hour programs. Current the NAU MA +
Certification program is a 48 hour masters plus 24 hours necessary for candidates to gain
certification in the State of Arizona and for the program to be NASP approved. When candidates
complete this program, their transcripts show the MA degree, but the transcript only lists the 24
additional hours they are required for candidates to become certified. This has been somewhat
problematic for graduates whose pay scale may be determined by the degree obtained versus the
number of graduate hours earned. Additionally, some other states or school districts recognize
the EdS degree in certification and hiring practices. The EdS degree is considered to be a more
advanced degree beyond the master’s degree level (usually 30-48 credit hours), but not
equivalent to the doctoral level. Nationally, there are many programs around the country that offer
the EdS degree in School Psychology. In Arizona, the University of Arizona offers an EdS degree
in School Psychology.
The proposed plan deletes Psychology courses (PSY 620 Psychology of Learning, PSY 621
Cognitive Processes, PSY 655 Theories of Perception, PSY 670 Psychopharmacology). The
department of Psychology prerequisite for these courses is admission to a MA Psychology
program. The school psychology graduate candidates are admitted to an Educational Psychology
program. A letter of support for the elimination of these courses from the chair of the department
of Psychology is attached.
The proposed plan moves EPS 605 Educational Psychology Applied to Learning as required in
the to the Cognitive Affective Bases of Behavior block. EPS 712 Foundations of Learning moves
from the Cognitive Affective Bases of Behavior block to a course option in the Educational
Foundations block. EPS 605 is a prerequisite to EPS 712. Changing EPS 605 to the required
course provides advisor’s greater latitude with recommending a foundations course that most
aligns with the candidate’s needs.
ESE 548 Survey of Special Education was a required course in the foundations block.
Many candidates enter the programs with experiences as P-12 teachers. Other candidates enter
without P-12 background. EPS 604 Introduction to School Psychology will now list ESE 548 as a
prerequisite to this first semester, introductory course. ESE 548 will then be the elective course in
the Foundations block. If candidates have P-12 background in special education, they may be
advised to take one of the other foundations block course options.
Thus, the proposed plan deletes 6 credit hours of elective from the Educational Foundations
block. While elective courses in the foundations block will be encouraged, the recent NASP
review indicated a need for adding a course in counseling P-12 students. Thus, the proposed
plan adds EPS 622 Child and Adolescent Counseling. EPS 622 is currently taught to MEd School
Counseling candidates. An additional section per year of the course will be added for EdS School
Psychology candidates.
The proposed plan change also adds EPS 669 Crisis, Trauma, and Disaster Counseling as a
required course. This is also based on a recommendation in the recent NASP review.
Candidates need to be prepared to handle crisis situations in P-12 schools.
The proposed plan moves the courses previously in the “additional requirements for certification”
area to appropriate blocks in the EdS program of study. This combines the 48 hours in the MA
degree and the additional 24 hours in the “additional requirements for certification” to total 72
Revised 06/22/2011
credit hours. The Program Committee for school psychology has agreed that changing the degree
earned (from MA to EdS) for this program will more accurately reflect the amount of graduate
credits the students have earned to attain the title of Certified School Psychologist.
Answer 14 for UCC/YCC only:
14. Will this requirement be a Student Individualized Plan?
(Due to the flexible nature of Student Individualized Plans, selecting yes
will require the requesting academic unit to submit an exception for every
student in this plan. These exceptions outline the approved individual
requirements for encoding by Degree Progress staff in the system).
Reviewed by Curriculum Process Associate
Department Chair/ Unit Head (if appropriate)
Chair of college curriculum committee
Dean of college
For Committee use only:
UCC/UGC/YCC Approval
Approved as submitted:
Revised 06/22/2011
Approved as modified: Yes