Hunter Gatherer Test Study Guide

Hunter Gatherer Test Study Guide WITH ANSWERS
Know the definitions of the follow words:
Ice Age
Paleolithic Age
Neolithic Age
Physical environment
slash-and-burn farming
Prehistory- a long period of time before people developed systems of writing and written language
Archaeology- the study of past cultures through the things that remains such as buildings, tools, or pottery
Anthropology- the study of how people have developed and live in cultural groups
Artifact- an object made by people long ago
Migrate- to move from one place to another
Glacier- a huge ice sheet
Ice Age- a period of time when glaciers covered great stretches of land
Beringia- a prehistoric “land bridge” that once connected Asia and North America
Domesticate- to tame
Nomad- a person who travels from place to place without a permanent home
Irrigation- a system of transporting water to crops
Paleolithic Age- the earliest period of the Stone Age in which tools were rough or chipped
Neolithic Age- the latest period of the Stone Age in which tools were polished and more advanced
Cultivation- preparing the land to grow crops
Adaptation- to change to fit in a new environment
Physical environment-everything around you that you can see and touch
Modification –a small adjustment or change
*Slash-and-burn farming- cutting down and burning all trees in an area to make the land ready for farming (very destructive)
*Irrigation -the artificial application of water to land to assist in the production of crops.
*Tilling- to plow the land for the raising of crops
*Dike/Levee-strips of elevated land along a river
*Canal- an artificial waterway for navigation and irrigation
*Dam-a barrier to obstruct the flow of water
Neolithic revolution – shift from H/G to farmers permanent settlements
PART 2: Answer the following questions
The differences between primary and secondary sources:
Primary source- first hand account, original document
Secondary source- second-hand account
How do archaeologists learn about prehistoric people?
Through the study of artifacts
What are some examples of artifacts of early people?
Tools, weapons, pottery, jewelry
How do archaeologists think early man got to North America?
Migrated across Beringia
Why would Stone Age man domesticate animals?
To tame them for their use, provide food, labor, clothing
How did plant and animal domestication affect village or community life?
People had more food
What did surplus food lead to during the Stone Age?
Population growth and civilizations
What are the characteristics of good farm land?
Fertile soil, fresh water, easily defended, transportation for trade, flat land, warm climate
What do cave paintings of early man reveal to us?
Early man painted their lives in pictures.
Who was Otzi?
Neolithic herder who was found in a glacier.
How did glaciers contribute to the development of agricultural societies?
Ice Age ended, temperature of the Earth warmed up, causing glaciers to melt, rivers formed, fertile, rich soil
was deposited.
What are two results of farming?
More food for more people, need more people to work
Why do scientists believe the Ice Ages occurred?
Scientists believe there are two explanations of why the ice ages might have occurred. They believe temperatures
were much colder so it never rained, only snowed, or the earth changed its tilt away from the sun.
What did the Earth look like during an Ice Age?
During an Ice Age the land looks very different. The Earth was frozen and bare. When the land and temperatures are
this barren and cold, the biome is called the tundra. Because the weather is so cold and the ground is frozen, very
few plants can exit. The only trees that grew were evergreens. No grass or flowers grew just shrubs, bushes, and
moss grass. In the northern parts of North America, Europe, and Asia there is still tundra.
What does the term Neolithic Revolution refer to?
The transition from hunger-gatherer societies to agricultural societies
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