K Mod 3 Fac Guide

Kindergarten Facilitator’s Guide----In School Professional Development
Mathematics, Module 8
January 8-10, 2013
Materials needed
Warm Up: Shape
Matching (5 min)
Shape Matching Have a set of 2-D cards and the 3-D solid figures out on the table. This
activity is to develop one aspect of visualization for children. This enables them to be able
to think of solid shapes in terms of their faces and sides. One way to introduce this activity
is to give the cards to each of the teachers. Have them look at the solid figures to
determine if their card would match. Ask the teachers to share which 3-D shapes match
their 2-D cards. This activity supports (K.G.4 & 5). This activity comes from Van de Walle
p.217 Activity 7.17. For extensions to this activity, see Activity 7.18, p.207 Activity 7.6,
p.195 Activity 7, p.194 Activity 7.1 in the John Van de Walle book.
Van de Walle K-3
book, 2-D Shape
Cards, 3-D Wooden
Shapes (K Inves Kit)
Look-for Document
Distribute the Look-for Document to teachers. This may be the first time the kindergarten
teachers have seen this document. Go over how the document is set up. Tell teachers that
we want them to be thinking about which practices are evident throughout this module.
We will be revisiting this at the end of the module. * Practices 1 and 6 are highlighted on
purpose during the literature book and video.
Look-for Document
Connection: Quack
and Count
(10 min)
Share pages from the book, Quack and Count and discuss how the different combinations
for 7 are made. Suggest what manips could be used to model the different number
combinations, i.e.: rekenrek, number line, two color counters, snapcubes…etc. Teachers
can also give students ten frames for them to act out the problem (refer to the ten frame
part-part-whole mat).
Quack and Count
book, ten frames,
two color counters.
Video: Formative
Assessment with
Combinations to 5
Play the video that connects to K.OA.3 (decomposition of numbers less than or equal to
ten). Discuss how students can be supported and challenged at various levels. First, elicit
these answers from the teachers and then make suggestions accordingly. For example, if
students have to recount the rocks each time, they need work with 1:1 correspondence. If
students can make the connections between all of the combinations to five, students can
then work on combinations to 10. Recommend John SanGiovanni’s Mastering the Basic
Facts: Addition and Subtraction Another resource can be the riddles from the Number
Sense Ten Frame Book.
Number Sense: Ten
Frame book
Closure: Standards
for Mathematical
Practices Look-For
Revisit the Look-for document and ask teachers to revisit what practices they observed
during the module. (*HINT*- practice 6 and 1 were evident in the lesson and video but
Look-For Document