Minutes of a meeting held on
Thursday 18 June 2009
Ms A L Linsell (Chair)
Mr M Cullen
Miss K Dyer
Mr M Hammond
Mr P Mulvihill
Mr S Swanton
Miss C Taylor
Mr R Watts
In attendance: Ms L Davies (Secretary), Mr S O’Connor (Director of Development), Mr R
Taylor (Director of Marketing), Mrs K Whitehurst (Major Gifts, Legacies
and Bequests Officer), Mr N Cox (Principal Assistant Registrar - for
discussion of item 09/M13 )
Apologies for absence were received from Mr P Burke and Mrs V Lewis
The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting and introduced the new Alumni Relations
Officer, Mrs Lisa Davies. She informed the Committee that the Principal Assistant Registrar
would join the meeting for Item 09/M13 and that Mrs M Kinchuck had resigned from the
Committee due to work responsibilities.
There were no declarations of interest.
The minutes of the previous meeting held on 26 Feburary 2009 were approved as a
correct record,
Matters arising:
University Affinity Card
There has been no action on this item.
Brakeley Alumni Relations Report
The Chair noted that this would be discussed in her report.
It was reported that a postal ballot had been held and Mr P Mulvihill was successful
over Mrs V Lewis and he would be put forward for the position of Chairman at the
AGM on June 26.
It was reported that the University maintained its position in the top 20 of the
Leagues Tables, 15th both in the Guardian and the Times, but 20th in the
Independent, down from 12th. There is research underway to understand why the
University’s standing has fallen in the Independent’s tables.
The Council had agreed to fund a further 255 beds at Nixon Court. The proposed
final changes to the University’s Charter & Statutes are due to be submitted to Privy
Council in July. A new simpler Committee structure with enhanced Lay involvement
was close to being agreed in line with the current reorganisation and the introduction
of Colleges.
It was further reported HEFCE funding will be cut by £500K for 09/10 and approx.
£1.5m for 2010/11. UCAS applications had increased but restrictions have been
placed on 2009/10 student intake with penalites if universities overshoot.
It was reported that as Alumni Relations was not considered in conjunction with
Fundraising when Brakeley reported, the report is weak on substance in respect of
Alumni Relations. The Director of Development is working with the document as
well as documents previously produced by the Committee in his future planning.
Steve O’Connor, Director of Development shared with the Committee a very
positive letter that had been received from an alumnus and his wife who were now in
their 90’s but no longer able to travel to Homecoming. Their personal story reflected
the deep commitment and pride that so many alumni have for their University. Steve
will be sending a supportive response.
It was reported that in the period to May 2009 the Development and Alumni
Relations Team (DART) had launched the private phase of £3m Percy Gee Building
Appeal and that the Annual Fund was doing well with an ROI of 5.5:1 despite the
economic circumstances. Future plans include contacting more alumni and winning
more first time donors including the extension of the Annual Fund into Summer 2009
and a direct mail test to alumni Overseas. The DARO has launched a new look
Graduates’ Review and new website and welcomed new staff.
It was further reported that the DARO team were looking forward to working with
the new chair of Convocation and developing a progressive programme of activity
for 2010/11. Other activity will include extending the use of New media and Social
networking; delivering Homecoming 2009 successfully and enabling more alumni to
self organise a wider a portfolio of events that engage all communities; scoping the
International alumni market place and making initial proposals for activity;
improving links with departmental alumni groups and working closely with the
Heads of College and departments. We will also look to increase our marketing
effort for the Gifts in Wills programme.
The Committee received the £3m Percy Gee Building Appeal brochure. It was
reported that Trusts and foundations have been identified for approaches although
this will be a challenge since they do not normally support Students’ Unions.
£15.1m has been secured in grants from HEFCE for the project but a further £3
million is required to completely remodel the whole building. A range of naming
opportunities have been identified for major donors and companies who may wish to
support the project. Former Students Union Sabbaticals will also be engaged in
support of the appeal.
The Committee offered various suggestions for assistance with the Percy Gee appeal.
The Director of Marketing presented the Committee with the new market positioning
and branding campaign that will be rolled out over the next 2-3 years. The campaign
was informed by a series of focus groups and the results showed that peer group
reputation lags behind the objective credentials the University has.
The Director of Marketing explained the core values of the University as identified
by the focus groups: that Leicester is inclusive and accessible in its culture; offers a
personal, supportive experience for those who use our services; has a commitment to
high quality, innovation and rigorous academic standards; embodies a belief that
teaching and research are synergistic. The Campaign will seek to place Leicester at
the front of a new wave of 21st century universities - with strong teaching, research
and inclusive approaches. It is rolling out with an integrated campaign to staff,
external audiences and journalists and the HE community.
The Committee received the new marketing booklet which outlined some case
studies to support the campaign.
The Committee expressed its support and enthusiasm for the campaign.
The Principal Assistant Registrar briefly outlined the reasoning for the changes to
be made to the Constitution of the University, the documents for which had
previously been circulated.
In relation to Ordinance 20: 2 regarding the Membership to the Alumni
Association, the Committee asked whether the Register was up-to-date bearing in
mind recent discussions in connection with the database.
The Committee agreed, in principle, to the changes to be made to the University’s
legislation in relation to the Standing Committee, however, expressed reservations
if there were to be a change to its representation on Council at a future date.
The Committee requested that the Principal Assistant Registrar relay these
reservations to the Restructuring Project Board.
Annual Alumni Lecture 2009
It was reported that the lecture was attended by at least 150 people with a good draw
from the Asian and local community. It was not known how many alumni attended.
The Committee discussed the need to revisit the purpose of the event and possible
ways to improve or change it.
It was reported that the Alumni website had been revamped, that alumni would
receive monthly e-newsletters and that the graduating class of 2009 had been sent an
e-letter informing that they could now sign up for an e-mail for life facility. The
Committee requested the current take-up rate of alumni using the e-mail for life at
the next meeting.
The Committee received the Graduates’ Reviews which had been distributed to
72,000 worldwide. It was noted that the publication was still in a transitional stage
and future consideration be given to the profile of the Standing Committee for any
future successful recruitment.
The Committee considered plans for 2010 and agreed that the DARO team would
meet with the incoming Chairman of the Committee Alumni Association to review
their shared agenda, including possible new events or changes to existing events.
The Chair reported that considerable change would take place this coming year with
the membership of the following due to expire on 30th September.
Mr. J M Hammond
Mrs. V Lewis
Ms A L Linsell
Mr. P. Mullvihill
Mr. S J Swanton
(3x3 years)
(2x3 years)
(3x3 years)
(1x3 years)
(3x3 years)
Interviews had taken place with four prospective candidates who had applied in
response to an e-letter sent to various Departmental Alumni Associations throughout
the University.
Nominations had been received in respect of the following candidates for a 3 year
period as from lst October 2009.
Mr. R. Watts
Mr. D Parry
Mrs V Lewis
The Chairman: Ms A.L. Linsell (2009) stands down as Chairman and stands for reelection for one further year as from 1st October, 2009.
Mr. P. Mulvihill: Having served 1 x 3 year term stands for re-election, and is
nominated by the Committee to be recommended at the AGM to serve as Chairman
for a 3 year term as from 1st October, 2009.
The Committee intends to fill the vacancies in the co-opted category in due course.
The Chairman thanked both Michael Hammond and Steve Swanton for their
continuing support of the University and their contributions to the Committee over
the past 10 years of their membership.