Query Tests Results Search Query with symbols (e.g. <, >, £, %) Tweets found don’t include those symbols Search Query with spaces Doesn’t return any tweets fail Search Query: random nonsense stuff(e.g. fdfdjighoisdho) Doesn’t return any tweets fail Request number of tweets: a negative number, decimal number Print error information pass Request number of tweets: small number (smaller than 10) Return number of tweets requested pass Request number of tweets: large numbers Return number of tweets (2000,2500) requested pass Clicking cancel during the search threading The thread doesn’t stop Search Twitter for tweets based on simple Return tweets relevant to or complex search criteria. the criteria Maximum query size of 1000 characters ? Pass? ? Fail pass ? Tests about the GUI are done in following aspects: 1.Tests GUI against function requirements: create project, open existing project 2. Tests GUI against non-functional requirements: whether this GUI is user-friendly, colorblind user can use this software; interface is scalable for users who are short of sight. 3. Homepage testing: tests about project naming (i.e. project name consist of symbol, name shorter than three characters), project description (i.e. empty description and description with symbols), project creation (i.e. when this project is created) and number of tweets updated to the front page. 4. Basic GUI components testing: button clicking, texts in the text field, drag and drop and showing results in the content field. Home Page Tests Results Pass? Project name: consist of symbols Error message: project name must consist of only alphanumeric character and spaces, with no space at the start or end pass Project name: name shorter than three characters Error message: project name must consist of only alphanumeric character and spaces, with no space at the start or end (Print another message like name fail should be longer than 3 characters?) Empty project description Accepted pass Project description with symbols Accepted pass Number of tweets updated to front page Number of tweets: 0 fail Project Creation Currently it’s Unknown fail Save the project state to a file. Pass Load or import a project file. Open project A user-friendly graphical user interface with a unified and simple look/feel GUI?? pass Colour-blindness should not affect the use/understanding of the system. Interface should be scalable for people who are short of sight pass Tests about the search result handling (Categorizing) are done in following aspects: 1. Category naming: tests creating twitter category with empty name, name only consists of spaces and name consist of symbols. 2. Category removing and creating subcategory: Tests whether remove the category then the tweets inside that category are removed, tests whether subcategory can be created and whether be able to create, modify and remove categories for tweets before, during or after the sorting process. 3. Tests about search results saving and removing: tests when search results can be grouped into created categories and whether be able to save and load search result (i.e. local storage of these found tweets). Search Result & Category Tests Results Pass? Removing search results Search result deleted (Tweets storage on computer still there) Create twitter category with empty name Error message: category name cannot be empty pass Create twitter category with name of only spaces Error message: category name cannot consist of only spaces pass Create twitter category with name Error message: category name pass ? consist of symbols must consist of only alphanumeric character and spaces, with no space at the start or end Remove twitter category Category and tweets inside it deleted pass Tweets category drag and drop Tweets visible in Category tweets box pass Save and load search results. Tweets storage pass Group tweets into categories. Tweets can be grouped pass Create, modify and remove categories for tweets before, during or after the sorting process Able to do so pass Create subcategories within existing categories Able to do so Pass Sorting of tweets Able to do so pass If a category is removed, the tweets within that category must be retained and be available for resorting Able to do so pass Project files must save the tweets previously harvested using the search facility pass Saved tweets must have identifying metadata, such as user id and user name removed/anonymised. pass Tests about training are done in following aspects: 1. Building classifier on categories 2. Classifying strings after building classifier. 3. Searching tweets after building classifier. Training Tests Results Pass? Building Classifier Unable to build on the root category (i.e. the ‘Sorted’ category) ; Able to build on categories user created Classifying Test String Shows the best fit category pass Classifying String: spaces Shows the best fit category pass Classifying string: Shows the best fit category pass fail symbols(%,<) Searching tweets after building classifier Shows tweets with best match category Pass Search tweets for the second time Unable to do so, tweets showed with the last query fail