Budget Proposal Checklist - Washington College Computer Club

Spring 2015 Budget Proposal
Club Name: Computer Club
Club Account Number: 25-954875
Amount fundraised last year for philanthropy: $800.00
Amount fundraised last semester for club use: $49.00
Community Service hours last semester: 16 hours (not including
planned events)
Number of club members: 12
*Please attach an updated member list
Total Amount Requested $950.85
President’s Signature __________________________
Treasurer’s Signature _________________________
Advisor’s Signature ___________________________
By signing above, you are stating that this document contains only accurate and
truthful information and that you have abided by the Washington College Honor
Code during the completion of this budget proposal.
Fall Semester Report:
In reflecting upon the activity of the Computer Club for the 2013-2014
academic year, the executive members of the club agree that our inaugural year was
a success. However, as the 2014-2015 academic year progresses, we are realizing a
number of new challenges. Perhaps the greatest challenge that we faced this
semester was the rearrangement of our executive board – although our President
and Vice President remained the same, our Community Service Coordinator was
elected as treasurer, as our previous treasurer is currently studying abroad. Thomas
Fish, a member of the club in 2013-2014, thereby assumed the position of
Community Service Coordinator. Although each individual on the executive board is
talented and effective, we have certainly struggled to effectively delegate tasks
amongst ourselves. Moreover, members of the club do not seem as excited and
interested about club activities as in previous semesters, and so we have found it
difficult to generate interest in club projects and events. We have also encountered
difficulties maintaining our server through OIT over the past semester; these
difficulties have consumed much of the executive board’s time and energy, and have
made it nearly impossible for us to focus our efforts on planning community
outreach or club activities. Fortunately, our club advisor (Shaun Ramsey) was able
to coordinate a club field trip to the Applied Physics Lab in Howard County, MD for
our members interested in electronics and cyber security. Over the next semester,
we would like to continue to foster these interests by inviting faculty members to
speak at our biweekly meetings – which are currently held on Thursdays at 6:00 p.m.
We would also like to continue our community outreach by revisiting Heron Point
and the Radcliffe School’s Makerspace, and we are currently in the early stages of
planning several on and off campus events to further cultivate interests in computer
science and information technologies. Additionally, we are planning to have our
members sign in at meetings and club activities so that we can keep a more up-todate record of our active members; this practice will also make it easier for us to
increase member attendance at these events. It is our hope that these amendments
to our current mode of operation will make the Computer Club a stronger, more
sustainable organization capable of surviving for many years to come.
Contact Information
Name: Ian Egland
Email: iegland2@washcoll.edu
Name: Bonnie Douglas
Email: bdouglas2@washcoll.edu
Name: Shaun Ramsey
Email: sramsey2@washcoll.edu
Event Proposal Breakdown
Event Name: LAN Party (2)
Event Date: February 14th, 2014
April 7th, 2014
Location: TBA*
*We have previously held this event in the Hodson Hall Student Lounge and in the
McClain Atrium. Although the LAN Party in Hodson Hall was more successful, we
are considering alternative locations that will draw more attention and increase
Synopsis of event: We will hold 2 LAN Parties throughout the spring semester. At
each of these events, students will bring their laptops and connect to a local area
network (LAN) in order to play PC-enabled video games with other participants.
Although it is possible to facilitate a number of games, we have previously provided
games like Minecraft, Left 4 Dead 2, and Civilization V.
These events will not be for profit.
Itemized List of Costs:
This section of costs budgets for incidentals. Although we may not need to buy a
new extension cord or power strip for each party, we have had to purchase these
items in the past and have outlined these items accordingly.
Extension Cords:
1 cords ($25.00 per cord) = $25.00 x 2 LAN Parties = $50.00
Power Strips:
1 strips ($11.25 per strip) = $11.25 x 2 LAN Parties = $22.50
Switches = $0**
TOTAL = $72.50
**OIT has previously provided switches for these events at no cost to us. If we are
unable to use these switches in the future, we will need to allocate a portion of the
budget to renting one or multiple switches.
20 attendees ($4.00 per attendee) = $80 x 2 LAN Parties = $160.00
TOTAL = $160.00
Cost of Printing:
100 fliers ($0.08 per flier) = $8.00 x 2 LAN Parties = $16.00
TOTAL = $16.00
EVENT TOTAL = $248.50
Event name: Faculty Talks (6)
Event duration: Bi-monthly (1st and 3rd Thursday in February, March and April)
Location: Dunning-Decker N106
Synopsis of Event: Twice every month, the Computer Club will arrange for a
member of the Computer Science and Mathematics Department to give a talk to
club members about their area of expertise. We would like to hold 6 of these events
during the spring semester, although we may adjust this number as we continue to
contact professors.
These events will not be for profit.
Itemized List of Costs: N/A
Event name: Mathematics and Computer Science Research Conference
Event date: February 6th, 2014
Location: McClain Atrium
Synopsis of event: Math and computer science professors, as well as math and
computer science majors who have participated in research or a relevant summer
experience, will discuss their experiences with club members and other guests. We
will not require formal posters or presentations; this conference is designed to
introduce individuals interested in these fields to summer internship and career
opportunities. We will be collaborating with the Math Club for this event
(confirmation pending).
Itemized List of Costs:
35 attendees ($4.00 per attendee) = $140.00
*We are considering hiring Dining Services to cater this event. If we decide to hire
Dining Services, we will need to allocate more money to this portion of our budget.
TOTAL = $140.00
Cost of Printing:
100 fliers ($0.08 per flier) = $8.00
TOTAL = $8.00
EVENT TOTAL = $148.00
Event name: Heron Point IT Activity* (2)
*Community Service Activity
Event date: February 28th, 2014
March 28th, 2014
Location: Heron Point Assisted Living Community
Synopsis of event: Computer Club members will drive to Heron Point and assist
residents with any technology-related problems. In the past, this event has lasted 2
hours and has been relatively successful in that time-frame.
Itemized List of Costs:
1 dozen donuts ($10.00 per dozen) = $10.00 x 2 Activities = $20.00
1 box of coffee ($16.00 per box) = $16.00 x 2 = $32.00
**We have not had a minimum of 20 people attend this event in the past, and as this
is event is held in a moderately sized room at Heron Point it would not be
appropriate to bring 20 or more people with us for this service activity. Moreover,
we have budgeted according to the price of food items and not according to the
number of attendees.
TOTAL = $52.00
1.4 miles ($0.42 per mile) (2 cars) = $1.18 x 2 Activities = $2.35
TOTAL = $2.35
EVENT TOTAL = $54.35
Event name: Radcliffe Creek School Makerspace Visits, Philanthropy
Event date: TBA
Location: Radcliffe Creek School
Synopsis of event: The Computer Club will continue its collaboration with the
Radcliffe Creek School in designing and building a Makerspace for community use.
We have not yet determined the dates that we will be visiting this program, but we
do plan to visit intermittently throughout the semester. Although these visits will not
require club funds as Radcliffe Creek School is within walking distance, we are
allocating a portion of our budget for philanthropy towards this program. This
program aligns with the Computer Club’s goal of encouraging community interest
and participation in computer science and technology-related projects.
Itemized List of Cost:
Donation to Radcliffe Creek School Makerspace = $500.00
TOTAL = $500.00
Budget Synopsis
February 5th, 2014 – 1st Faculty Talk
February 6th, 2014 – Mathematics and Computer Science Research Conference
February 14th, 2014 – 1st LAN Party
February 19th, 2014 = 2nd Faculty Talk
February 28th, 2014 – 1st Heron Point IT Activity (Community Service)
March 5th, 2014 – 3rd Faculty Talk
March 19th, 2014 – 4th Faculty Talk
March 28th, 2014 – 2nd Heron Point IT Activity (Community Service)
April 7th, 2014 – 2nd LAN Party
April 2th, 2014 – 5th Faculty Talk
April 16th, 2014 – 6th Faculty Talk
TBA – Radcliffe Creek Makerspace Visits
BUDGETED TOTAL = $500.00 (Philanthropy)
Active Member List
1. Nicholas Glazewski
2. Andrew Beardmore
3. Steven Aucott
4. Alex Roberts
5. Jesse Wolcott
6. Elija McGuire-Berk
7. Prateek Kejriwal
8. Alex Seller
9. Ian Egland
10. Brian Gicking
11. Bonnie Douglas
12. Thomas Fish
Budget Proposal Checklist
First and foremost, please may sure you turn in your budget ON TIME. Budgets are
due November 15th by 5pm in the box in the SGA office.
Your budget must include the following:
______ All signatures needed
______ Collaborative Event
______ All events planned (using or not using SGA funds)
______ Active Member list attached
______ Budget Synopsis Sheet
Furthermore, you will need to make sure all community service hours are logged on
the SGA Website in order to receive funding for the following semester.
Any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the Financial Controller,
Katherine Young at kyoung2@washcoll.edu