4 5 13 meeting minutes - Department of Anthropology

Faulty Meeting Minutes
April 5, 2013
Present: M. Anderson (Grad rep), Baxter, Biersack, Dueppen, Dutton, Frost,
Gallagher, Karim, Morgen, O’Nell, Scher, Silverman, Stephen, Sterner, Sugiyama,
Ting, White
1. Stephen Wooten received a 2013 UO Summer Stipend for Humanities and
Creative Arts Faculty of $5000 for “Celebrating Ciwara: New Global
Constituencies for Bamana Expressive Culture.”
2. Rory Walsh was awarded an NSF East Asia and Pacific Program Grant for her
fieldwork in Korea during summer 2013. Her project is "Ancient State Formation
in Korea: Ceramic Production Consumption and Exchange in the Baekje
Kingdom." It includes a stipend of $5000 and a travel/living allowance.
3. Samantha King received a CSWS research grant ($2500) for her project "The
Ethics of Organic: Gender, Sustainability, and the Agrarian Economy in the
Commonwealth of Dominica, Eastern Caribbean."
4. Colloquium, April 12, 4 PM, 204 Condon, “Herding Ducks: Ko-Kwell
Anthropology,” Assoc. Prof. Anthropology and UO Graduate, Jason
Younker (Coquille), Rochester Institute of Technology, Asst. to the Provost for
Native American Relations; Director, Native American Future Stewards Program.
5. April 16, 3:30-5 PM, CAS celebration of grad student awards, Gerlinger Lounge.
6. April 17, 4 PM, African Studies Lecture Series: Primatologist Joshua Linder.
"Bushmeat and Palm Oil: Eating Away African Biodiversity, Food Security, and
Livelihoods," Knight Browsing Room. Nelson Ting is arranging events.
7. Colloquium, May 24, 4 PM, 204 Condon, Romani (Gypsy) Women and Activism:
Challenges and Opportunities, Prof. Angela Kocze, Visiting Fulbright Fellow,
Wake Forest University, sponsored by Anthropology, OHC, Russian and East
European Studies, European Studies, and Women and Gender Studies.
8. William Ayres has filed for retirement.
1. Approval of the Minutes of March 8, 2013: 8 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstain.
2. Colloquia spring term (Ting). Departmental panel (Stephen).
Ting reviewed the Spring 2013 colloquium schedule with faculty and asked for
suggestions to fill vacancies. Faculty discussed the possibility of adding graduate
student panels in those vacancies. Ting will update at the next meeting.
3. Silverman announced there is a need for faculty to volunteer to be a Marshall for
UO graduation at 9 AM June 17. Please volunteer!
4. New hire in Classics: Alex Walthall, classical archaeologist of Roman civilization
(Silverman). Silverman announced the new hire in Classics, Alex Walthall, will
be a interdisciplinary ally given his strong anthropological methodologies.
5. Salary increase update (Silverman). Silverman informed faculty the Union did not
accept the offer regarding a salary increase. Rather, the Union is interested in
addressing a merit/equity increase percentage for multiple years. The actual
timing of any increase is still unknown and Silverman will update as information
becomes available.
6. Clark Honor’s College Dean finalist is Pacific archaeologist Terry Hunt, Univ. of
Hawaii Honor’s College Director. On Thursday April 11 he will spend time with
us: 11-11:50 meetings with faculty; 12:00-12:45 Lunch with CHC and
Anthropology Faculty (Chapman 123); 2:30 meeting with Silverman; 4-5:00
Scholarly Lecture (Johnson Hall Conference Room); 5-6 PM Reception, Johnson
Hall Lobby).
7. Off-campus faculty gathering to discuss best graduate advising practices is Friday
June 7, 7-9 PM. Location TBA.
8. Donor update: Bob Kiste. (Silverman)
Silverman reported she made contact with Bob Kiste recently by phone. Kiste is
a potential donor and anthropology graduate. Snodgrass, Ayres and Fitzpatrick
are all meeting with Kiste and his spouse in Honolulu this evening to discuss the
activities in the department. Faculty discussed possible talks/presentations,
panels, etc., or other events that we could invite Kiste to attend.
9. DGS report: SYLFF selection and brainstorming on graduate recruitment (Frost).
Frost provided an update on the status of graduate student acceptances and
those who have declined. Faculty discussed the prospective incoming class
of graduate students and the idea of a “banking” system where subfields
could bank graduate student slots until a future year. Faculty discussed
recruitment possibilities, perhaps diverting some summer session funds to
assist with funding graduate students. One scenario included hiring graduate
students to work on an hourly basis throughout the summer, possibly in an
administrative or teaching assistant position. Faculty will continue to discuss
creative ways to extend our recruiting efforts and enhance funding packages.
10. DUS report (White).
White encouraged faculty to have sections for any courses with more than 60
students in upper division courses. She reminded faculty to plan ahead now
for Spring 2014 or later since curriculum changes take nearly an academic
year to take effect.
11. Feedback on light installation (Silverman).
Silverman asked faculty to provide any feedback they had on the recent
lighting upgrade in Condon Hall.
12. Tenured faculty members discussed Ting’s contract renewal.