Student Introduction Mad Libs

Activity #1: Let’s Practice Our Parts of
1. Choose a celebrity name (proper noun): ________________________________
2. Choose a profession (noun): ____________________________________________
3. Choose a school subject (noun): _______________________________________
4. Choose an adjective: __________________________________________________
5. Choose another adjective: _____________________________________________
6. Choose a verb: ________________________________________________________
7. Choose another verb: __________________________________________________
8. Choose an adverb: ____________________________________________________
9. Choose an adjective: __________________________________________________
10. Choose another celebrity name (proper noun): _________________________
11. Choose a place in the world (proper noun): _____________________________
Now let’s see what we’re going to do
with this…
Activity #2: your mad lib
Fill in the numbered blanks in the paragraph below with the numbered
part of speech that corresponds with the number inside the blank space.
Plug in your 11 parts of speech (one in each of the 11 blank spaces) and
then read your mad lib introduction! Meet the new and improved you!
 Share your mad lib introduction with a partner, and prepare to laugh!
Hello, my name is _________________(1)_________________, the rich,
powerful and adored. Now, I have a secret to share with you. I must confess
that although I make millions of dollars a minute, I am tired of living so lavishly
in the public eye. To be honest, I think that I would much rather be a
___________(2)____________ instead. Unfortunately, I might have to go back to
school in order to fulfill this dream! Oh no! School makes me nervous, and it is
so much work! That would also mean that I will have to take my most hated
subject again, and that is definitely __________(3)__________. Yuck! It is so
__________(4)__________ and it makes me feel absolutely ________(5)________
whenever I think about it! I would rather be __________(6)__________ than
going back to school. After all, you can always find me _________(7)_________
rather than reading for fun ! If someone were to ask me how I feel about
reading, I would __________(8)__________declare, “Reading books is
__________(9)__________!” Now that I think of it, I would much rather fall in love
with __________(10)__________, get married, and move to
________(11)_________! Forget about school; I will stay a celebrity. It’s just
easier that way!
Activity #3: your REAL
introduction…Who are you?
Using a different paragraph model, please fill in the blanks with serious and
honest information that accurately reflects who you actually are, and
how you truly feel about the world around you.
 Share this paragraph with the same partner that you shared the mad lib
introduction with. Introduce yourselves and listen to one another. It’s time
to get real!
Hello, my name is ____________________________. First, the most important thing
for you to know about me is ______________________________________________.
I am a ____________________student who loves ________________________ but
absolutely hates __________________________! Two adjectives that would best
describe my personality would be __________________ and __________________.
My personal philosophy or a strong belief that I have that guides me through
my life is _________________________________________________________________.
In my spare time I like to ____________________________, and I would rather be
___________________________than here. I would have to say that my best
talent is _____________________________, and I am most proud of myself when
___________________________________________. I am most true to myself and
sincere when ______________________________, I am the saddest when
_____________________________________, and I am the happiest when
_____________________________________. I think that __________________________
is the funniest thing/person in the whole world. My favourite year of my life so
far was when I was ______ because _______________________________________.
I have many goals for my future, but one is ________________________________.
I know that I will achieve this goal because _______________________________.
One last thing you should know about me is _______________________________.