Facilitator`s Guide: Using Protocols with Students

Session 2: New to NTI
Facilitator’s Guide: Using Protocols
Sequence of Sessions
Targets for this Session
I can effectively use protocols and the other collaborative classroom structures in the 3-8 Modules to develop students’
speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
I can identify contexts and purposes for specific protocols.
High-Level Purpose of this Session
To build participants’ understanding of and capacity to implement the protocols in the 3-8 ELA Curriculum Modules and how
protocols enable students to have purposeful academic conversations, deepen their understanding of texts, prepare for
writing, and meet the Common Core Standards for Speaking and Listening.
Related Learning Experiences
All others in this NTI
Key Points
Protocols enable students to have purposeful academic conversations and meet the Common Core Standards for Speaking
and Listening.
Protocols deepen students’ understanding of text and help them build knowledge that leads to effective writing.
Session Outcomes
What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of
this session?
1. I can effectively use protocols and the other collaborative
classroom structures in the 3-8 Modules to develop
students’ speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
2. I can identify contexts and purposes for specific protocols.
How will we know that they are able to do this?
Participants will share their knowledge and ideas about
protocols in a “Becoming a Protocol Expert” (Jigsaw) activity
with colleagues.
Participants will observe protocol videos and then capture
and share their own thinking about additional contexts for
each protocol.
Session Overview
and Group
10 min
Participants will journal
in response to quote
Prepared Resources
Participant’s Notebook
Zweirs’ quote
Review facilitation
about academic
conversation. They are
introduced to session
Participants complete
an evidence collection
notecatcher as they
observe videos of
protocols in action.
Protocols in
29 min
Expertise in
47 min
Participants work in
teams of 5 to jigsaw
understandings about
specific protocols and
their purpose.
4 min
Participant’s Notebook
about effective protocol
Facilitator’s Guide
guide and PowerPoint.
Familiarize yourself
with all of the protocols
Concentric (Debrief) Circle:
and techniques from
https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/students-reflect- Appendix 1.
Watch all of the
 Interactive Word Walls: http://vimeo.com/84900192 protocol videos and
 Quiz-Quiz-Trade: http://vimeo.com/76172830
review the “Protocols
in Action” notecatcher.
 Protocols in Action_2N_NTI714
 EL Appendix Protocols and Resources
Session Roadmap
Section 1: Greetings and Group Grounding
Time: 11:00-11:10am
[10 minutes] In this section, you will prepare participants for the
session and create a culture of achievement.
Materials used include:
Participant’s Notebook
Facilitator’s Guide
Slide #/Pic of Slide
1 min
PPT Slide # 2
3 min
PPT Slide # 3
5 min
PPT Slide # 4
1 min
PPT Slide # 5
Script/Activity directions
 Ask a participant to read aloud the following quote:
“Talking with others is a powerful way to learn--and is a
vital life skill. In academic conversations, students
explore ideas and negotiate meanings to deepen
understandings and connections.” (Zweirs, 2010)
Ask participants to journal in their Participant’s
Notebook about this quote: “How can conversations
about text deepen students’ understanding and help
prepare them for writing? How do you support
meaningful academic conversations? What are the
challenges to doing so effectively?”
Participants introduce themselves to their tablemate,
sharing one thought from their quick-write. (A sentence,
not a paragraph.)
Facilitator introduces the learning targets for the
Section 2: Observing and Reflecting on Protocols
Time: 11:10-11:39am
Whole Group
in Action
[29 minutes] In this section, you will have the opportunity to
observe three protocols in use in classrooms, and be invited to
reflect upon how you could use or adapt the protocols for use
with your own students.
Materials used include:
Slide #/Pic of Slide
3 min
PPT Slides # 6-7
Concentric (Debrief) Circle:
Interactive Word Walls: http://vimeo.com/84900192
Quiz-Quiz-Trade: http://vimeo.com/76172830
Script/Activity directions
Introduce the concept of protocols with Slide 6 by saying
something like, “Protocols are discussion ‘rules’ that provide
structured, engaging, consistently used forums for students
to discuss their learning. They can be used to introduce,
clarify, support, and reinforce both learning content and
process. The consistent use of a select set of discussion
protocols establishes an efficient classroom learning
community in which ideas and opinions are shared
frequently and in an orderly, timely manner.”
Transition participants into their role for this portion of the
session by telling them that they now get to learn more
about protocols by being a classroom observer.
Instruct participants to turn and talk about one of the ways
video can be beneficial in developing understanding of a
topic or idea.
Introduce the Protocols in Action Notecatcher.
Check for understanding and invite clarifying questions from
participants regarding video observation task.
Play each of the three Protocol videos. After each video,
3 min
PPT Slide # 8
17 min
PPT Slides # 9-14
6 min
PPT Slide # 15
instruct participants to complete the row of the chart on their
Task Card for that protocol.
Invite participants to share out in large group in response to
the prompt: How can the use of these protocols support
students as they develop speaking, listening, reading, and
writing skills?
Section 3: Building Expertise in Protocol Use & Time: 11:39am-12:26pm
[47 minutes] In this section, you will build expertise in the
logistics and pedagogical purposes for five key
conversational protocols from the modules.
Slide #/Pic of Slide
4 min
PPT Slide # 16
Materials used include:
EL Appendix Protocols and Resources
Using Protocols_2N_NTI714.pdf
Script/Activity directions
 Have participants locate the EL Appendix Protocols
and Resources document
Tell participants that they are going to choose two protocols
to become an expert on, take notes in their Participant’s
Notebook, and then engage in a protocol to share that
knowledge with their fellow participants.
Split Table
 Briefly go over the instructions: 15 minutes of reading and
note-taking, followed by 10 minutes of the Go-Go-Mo Protocol.
Inform participants that their job as an Expert in the protocol will
be to:
Describe the protocol
Talk about its purpose (how will it deepen learning, in
which contexts?)
Share ideas for logistical & instructional supports
(such as anchor charts, picture cues, etc.)
[Facilitator’s Note: Remind participants that they will
eventually be giving each of their cards to another
participant so they should be sure to write legibly].
4 min
PPT Slide # 16 (again)
15 min
PPT Slide # 17
20 min
Direct participants to the EL Appendix Protocols and Resources
Ask them to briefly skim the document and pick 2 protocols or
assessment techniques from the list of available ones. They
should choose protocols that they a): don’t know well, and b):
think have the potential to deepen students’ understandings and
Participants read silently and take notes for fifteen minutes
(Facilitators- if necessary, remind the group that many people
need silence to read and digest information and ask them to
support their colleagues in this.)
During and after reading, participants take notes about the
protocol on the Using Protocols Purposefully Notecatcher
card. Remind participants that somebody else will eventually be
reading their card so legibility is important.
PPT Slide # 18
Introduce participants to the GoGoM0 (Give One, Get One,
Move On) Protocol. Following the protocol, participants will
share out about their protocols to another participant (not
someone from their table). Remind them to share not just the
Split Table
4 min
PPT Slide # 19
directions, but also their thoughts on how to best support the
protocols, and what contexts they are productive for. (4
minutes per person, 8 minutes per pair)
 Upon returning to their tables, ask participants to share some of
their thinking with the larger group. “What insights or ideas
emerged for you from your discussion about protocols?” and
“How did using GoGoMo support your own conversations?”
 Facilitator’s Note: reinforce that EL conducts PD this way (using
protocols with adult learners) not only to model what is done
with kids, but to model the best way for adults to learn as well.
Section 4: Reflection and Closing
Time: 12:26-12:30pm
[4 minutes] Participants synthesize learning about effective
protocol use and identify next steps for implementation.
Materials Used Include:
Slide #/Pic of Slide
4 min
PPT Slide # 20
Turnkey Materials Provided
Facilitator’s Guide and PowerPoint
Participants’ Notebook
Script/Activity directions
Direct participants back to their original quick-write from the
session. Ask them to add their current thinking. Ask, “How
do protocols enable students to meet the Common Core
Standards for Speaking and Listening? What tips do you
want to remember to ensure that you implement protocols
effectively? What will be important to communicate to your
teaching colleagues about the use of protocols?”
Appendix 1 (Protocols & Assessment Techniques) from the ELA Modules
Using Protocols_2N_NTI714.pdf
Links to protocol videos:
o Concentric (Debrief) Circle: https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/students-reflect-on-learning-exl
o Interactive Word Walls: http://vimeo.com/84900192
o Quiz-Quiz-Trade: http://vimeo.com/76172830