Family Heritage Project Name:________________________ Fourth graders study the history of New Mexico and the people who make up our state, including our ancestors and our present day family. It’s more interesting to learn about history by looking at primary sources (first hand sources), so that is the purpose of this project. Your assignment is to learn about your family by using primary sources. Primary sources may include (but do not have to include): Photographs Journals, diaries Letters, postcards Artifacts Newspaper articles Copies of Old Legal documents (birth, death, marriage, religious certificates …) Military documents Citizenship documents Education documents (report cards, diplomas…) Interviews Family tree Personal timeline Special recipes The project is open-ended to fit each student’s family situation (1 side of the family or both sides). The project also is one to be creative! It’s a time when parents and child need to work together to come up with a family heritage document that will be treasured for years to come. Hopefully as life goes on, your child will add to the project. Here are a few suggestions: Use a 3 ring binder The plastic page holders work well for holding documents/photos Make a divider for the 3 sections (see next page) Please scan or make copies of important documents, newspapers and photos to keep the originals safe. Label photos or documents so you remember the information Set up a schedule. Don’t wait until the last minute. Start talking with family members so they can try to find treasures in their attics, drawers or photo albums. If your family lives far away, set up a Skype date! Family Heritage Project The project has 4 parts. Make dividers for the 3 sections. 1. Cover or inside first page Name, date, fourth grade Title: My Family Heritage Book Picture or design 2. My Ancestors (section 1) Family tree with names, dates (use a template or be creative) Info sheets on parents and grandparents (templates) Photographs of ancestors labeled Paper documents of ancestors (see cover page for types) Flags & maps of your heritage (Use template or create it on the computer) 3. The Interview (section 2) Try to find the oldest or most interesting relative you can Use the interview questions to find out information. Have your parents take notes for you as you ask the person questions, or tape record the session or better yet, videotape the session. Turn the questions into a mini-biography essay of the person and include this in the project (may be typed or handwritten). Include photos and other documents about the person. 4. All about Me (section 3) My Beginning page (template) Origin of your name page (template) My Favorite Things page (template) My Special Page (template) Timeline- at least 1 event for every year of life. Be creative! Rubric Section Cover Family Tree Info Sheet Ancestor Photographs Ancestor Documents Flag and Country Maps Possible Points 5 5 20 5 Points Earned Interview Biography Photo Interviewee Interview Documents My Beginning Page My Name Page My Favorite Things Page My Special Page Timeline—At least one event for each year of life Neatness Total Score 20 20 15 10 100 My Father Name: ____________________ Date of birth: _______________ Place of birth: _______________ His father’s name: ___________________________ His mother’s name: ___________________________ Photo Here Whom he was named after: ________________________________________________ Occupation and place of employment: ________________________________________________ Color of Eyes: _____________ Color of Hair:____________ Hobbies: ________________________________________________ Interesting facts about him: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ My Mother Name: ____________________ Date of birth: _______________ Place of birth: _______________ Her father’s name: ___________________________ Her mother’s name: ___________________________ Photo Here Whom she was named after: ________________________________________________ Occupation and place of employment: ________________________________________________ Color of Eyes: _____________ Color of Hair:____________ Hobbies: _______________________________________________ Interesting facts about her: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ My Maternal Grandfather Name: _____________________ Date of birth: _______________ Place of birth: _______________ His father’s name: ___________________________ His mother’s name: ___________________________ Photo Here Whom he was named after: ________________________________________________ Occupation and place of employment: ________________________________________________ Color of Eyes: _____________ Color of Hair:____________ Hobbies: ________________________________________________ Interesting facts about him: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ My Maternal Grandmother Name: ____________________ Date of birth: _______________ Place of birth: _______________ Her father’s name: ___________________________ Her mother’s name: ___________________________ Photo Here Whom she was named after: ________________________________________________ Occupation and place of employment: ________________________________________________ Color of Eyes: _____________ Color of Hair:____________ Hobbies: ________________________________________________ Interesting facts about her: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ My Paternal Grandfather Name: _____________________ Date of birth: _______________ Place of birth: _______________ His father’s name: ___________________________ His mother’s name: ___________________________ Photo Here Whom he was named after: ________________________________________________ Occupation and place of employment: ________________________________________________ Color of Eyes: _____________ Color of Hair:____________ Hobbies: ________________________________________________ Interesting facts about him: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ My Paternal Grandmother Name: _____________________ Date of birth: _______________ Place of birth: _______________ Her father’s name: ___________________________ Her mother’s name: ___________________________ Photo Here Whom she was named after: ________________________________________________ Occupation and place of employment: ________________________________________________ Color of Eyes: _____________ Color of Hair:____________ Hobbies: ________________________________________________ Interesting facts about her: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ My Heritage Nationality I am part (nationality)_________________ Flag Map (highlight the country your family is from INTERVIEW QUESTIONS - Introduction Include the following information on your interviewee in your introductory paragraph of your biography. Interviewee:_____________________________________ Relationship to you:_____________________ age:______ Birthdate:_______________________________________ Birthplace:_______________________________________ Location of interview:______________________________ Date of interview:_________________________________ INTERVIEW QUESTIONS — paragraph (section) 2 Your second paragraph (section) should be about your person’s childhood. Ask the following questions, write your answers below, and include the information in your second paragraph. 1. What was your childhood home like? 2. Did you have to do chores around your house? If so, what were they? 3. What was elementary school like? 4. What did you do in your free time? 5. What clubs or athletic groups did you belong to? 6. What jobs did your parents have? INTERVIEW QUESTIONS — paragraph (section) 3 Your third paragraph (section) should be about your person’s life as a young adult. Ask the following questions, write your answers below, and include the information in your third paragraph. 1. Did you get any education after high school? Explain. 2. What was your job? 3. How did you meet your spouse? 4. Did you, your spouse, or your siblings join the military? Tell more. INTERVIEW QUESTIONS — paragraph (section) 4 Your fourth paragraph (section) should be about your person’s memories over the years. Ask the following questions, write your answers below, and include the information in your fourth paragraph. 1. Tell me about the day your remember best in history. 2. What is your favorite invention and why? 3. Who was your role model? Why? 4. What was your favorite holiday? Describe it. INTERVIEW QUESTIONS — paragraph 5 Your fifth paragraph should be about memories your person has with you. Ask the following questions, write your answers below, and include the information in your fifth paragraph (section). 1. What is the best time we’ve spent together? 2. What words of wisdom do you have for me? INTERVIEW QUESTIONS — paragraph 6 Come up with two or three interview questions of your own to include in the final paragraph of your biography. 1. 2. 3. My Beginning Date of birth: _____________ Time of birth:__________ Place of birth Name of hospital: _________________________________ City, State, & Zip: _________________________________ Weight at birth: __________ Length at birth: __________ Whom I was named after:__________________________ Paste a picture of yourself as a baby here: My Name Page My full name is ______________________ . My first name means ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________. and my parents picked my name because ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________. I got my middle name because ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________. My last name is___________________________________ and it’s nationality is______________________________ . These are some of the nationalities of my ancestors: ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________. My Favorite Things Write about, draw, or paste in photos of toys, pets, books, stories, movies, sports, hobbies, clubs, and activities. My Special Pages Attach newspaper articles and photos of yourself and your family. Note dates, names and events.