Extra Curricular Activities

Co-Curricular, Extracurricular,
and Elective Brochure
Created by Jennifer Oberc, Language Arts Teacher
Joyce Kilmer Middle School offers a wide range of extracurricular as well as cocurricular activities to compliment the curriculum. Extracurricular activities are activities that
fall outside the realm of the normal curriculum of school. Co-curricular activities refer to
activities, programs, and learning experiences that complement what the students are learning in
There are numerous electives offered at Joyce Kilmer for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.
Electives are optional courses that the students can take for credit. Students should select their
electives based on their interests.
Research has shown a positive correlation between performance in school and
involvement outside the classroom. Participation in extracurricular and co-curricular activities is
a great way to develop interests, meet new friends, and relieve stress and tension in a positive
Prior to joining a club or selecting an elective, students would benefit from speaking to an
advisor and current member. It would be a good idea for students to take part in a meeting for
the club or activity in which they are interested in. It is important that students select the club,
activity, or elective that aligns with their interests so that they stay committed to it and do not
take on more than they can handle.
Table of Contents
Co-Curricular Activities
Beginner Band………………………………………………………………………………………………1
Concert Band………………………………………………………………………………………………..1
Knight Band………………………………………………………………………………………………...1
Extra Curricular Activities
Art Club ……………………………………………………………………………………………………1
Drama Club ………………………………………………………………………………………………...2
Green Team ………………………………………………………………………………………………...2
Homework Club ……………………………………………………………………………………………2
National Junior Honors Society ……………………………………………………………………………3
Peer Pep Talk……………………………………………………………………………………………….3
Peer Tutoring ……………………………………………………………………………………………….3
Rachel’s Challenge ………………………………………………………………………………………...3
Student Council …………………………………………………………………………………………….3
Student to Student…………………………………………………………………………………………..3
Technology Club……………………………………………………………………………………………4
Youth in Government……………………………………………………………………………………….4
6th Grade Choices (4 day):
Intramural Sports……………………………………………………………………………………………4
Study Skills…………………………………………………………………………………………………4
Creative Arts...……………………………………………………………………………………………...4
7th and 8th Grade (2 day)
Career Readiness……………………………………………………………………………………………5
Video Tech………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
7th and 8th Grade (4 day)
Cultural Awareness…………………………………………………………………………………………5
Financial Literacy…………………………………………………………………………………………..5
Co-Curricular Activities
Beginner Band - The instrumental music program is open to all grade levels. For the fall of
2014, with the 4th grade coming back to Joyce Kilmer School, our Beginner Band will be
comprised mostly of the new 4th and 5th graders. However, any student at any grade level is
welcome to begin an instrument and join the Beginner Band.
Concert Band - Our intermediate ensemble, which is for students in their second year of
instrumental study, is named after our school mascot, and called the Knight Band. Next year, this
ensemble will be mostly 6th grade students.
Knight Band - Our most advanced ensemble is the Concert Band for 7th and 8th grades. The 7th
and 8th graders also have the opportunity to play in the JK Jazz Band. In the second half of the
year, the 6th grade students join in the Concert Band to form one large ensemble. All the bands
perform in the Winter and Spring school concerts. The Concert Band also performs assemblies
throughout the year at both Parkview School and Joyce Kilmer School. They also usually
perform at around the town at various events, such as Milltown Day in October and the Tree
Lighting in December. The Concert Band also usually participates in a band festival in the
Extra Curricular Activities
Athletics - The Joyce Kilmer Middle School Athletic Program provides opportunities for
students to participate in activities designed to promote strong minds and bodies. The following
sports are offered:
Boys and Girls Soccer
Boys and Girls Basketball
Boys Basketball
Girls Softball
Art Club - The Joyce Kilmer Visual Arts Department offers six-week mini courses that meet
from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm on Tuesday afternoons. These courses are age specific and alternate
between classes for grades five through eight. Designed for students with a particular interest in
art, projects include sculpture and painting. In order to participate, students should complete and
submit an application during enrollment time.
Lunch Time Art Club - In addition to after school art club, the art room is available to all
students during their lunchtime recess. At that time, students may work on a variety of arts and
crafts projects in an open studio atmosphere.
Chorus - There will be a 4th and 5th grade chorus. These children will do dances along with
their songs. Rehearsal will be before school at 7:45 am and during recess for 10 weeks in the fall
on Tuesdays to prepare for the performance in December. Rehearsals will meet again for 10
weeks before school on Tuesdays and during recess in the early spring for a performance in the
late spring.
There will be a 6th- 8th grade chorus that will meet before school once a week on
Wednesdays for 10 weeks and during recess to prepare for a concert in the fall and the spring.
This chorus will not dance but will perform at various functions in and around the school (Career
Day, National Junior Honors Society) along with band.
Drama Club - Joyce Kilmer School has developed a reputation for high quality musical
productions held each winter in the Joyce Kilmer School All-Purpose Room. The musical
production consists of students in grades 5-8. High quality, age-appropriate Musical Productions
are taken directly from the Broadway Junior! series provided by Music Theater International.
Auditions are held early in the fall with frequent rehearsals and practices on Tuesdays and
Thursdays. An audition and/or meeting with the Musical Directors is necessary in order for any
student to participate in the musical production.
Green Club - If you are interested in learning about the environment then the Green Club is
for you. There is a variety of activities that green club members participate in some include
planting flowers, learning about sustainable energy, and discovering the importance of recycling
and conservation.
Homework Club - Homework Club meets on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:004:00 PM. Students from all grade levels are welcome. Some students come because they need a
quiet place to do their work and study. Students work out their own schedule for homework club
and do not have to commit to everyday attendance. It is a decision that the child and parent
should make together. Students who have projects to work on with other students can come to
homework club and work together. It is not necessary to sign up ahead of time for homework
club, although it is suggested that parents and guardians know that their child will be dismissed
at 4:00 PM (earlier if their work is completed) and their transportation home should be arranged
National Junior Honors Society - The Joyce Kilmer School Chapter of the National Junior
Honor Society meets the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. The NJHS focuses on the 5 pillars.
Specifically, those pillars include:
The criteria for student selection is universal. Nominations are sent out to parents at the end of
May and notification of selection is provided in September. National Junior Honor Society
Ceremony takes place in October.
Peer Pep Talk - Students partner with other students and spend time supporting one another.
This includes but is not limited to friendly discussions, lunch, playing games, etc. Students
decide when they wish to meet and how often. Peer Pep Talk is a flexible and friendly program
and partners with Special Services.
Peer Tutoring - Peer tutoring pairs 8th grade tutors with students in grades 4-8th who need
help academically. Peer tutoring is a great way to brush up on your study skills and prepare for
any upcoming tests or quizzes. Teachers suggest which students join peer tutoring based on their
academic performance. Peer tutoring meets one day per week.
Rachel’s Challenge - Rachel’s Challenge Family meets the 4th Thursday of each month
during 7th/8th grade recess. Students focus on how to perform small acts of kindness. This
would include but not limited to within their school environment, externally assisting
organizations that seek assistance such as Ronald McDonald House, etc. The primary goal of
Rachel’s Challenge Family is to provide support wherever and whenever needed.
Student Council - The primary purpose of the Student Council at Joyce Kilmer School is to
encourage and maintain good citizenship and a cooperative spirit within the student body.
Student Council instills positive leadership and cooperation skills and serves as a liaison between
students and school personnel. Student Council officers plan and perform service projects to
benefit the school and community. Student Activity days such as crazy hat day, sports days, PJ
day and winter in summer day are planned on a regular basis. Student Council also collects
food, sends phone cards and letters to troops overseas as well as distributes mittens to the needy
in our community.
Student to Student - This is an extension program to the National Junior Honor Society.
NJHS students tutor identified students in grades 3 & 4 at Parkview. They meet on Monday’s
and Tuesday’s during the months of February through April.
Technology Club - The Technology Club welcomes all students. This club allows students
free time on the computers to explore and to sharpen their technology skills, while having fun at
the same time. It's also a good time for the students to practice their keyboarding skills. Students
are especially encouraged to attend if they need extra time and/or help doing activities such as
Internet research or completing a project that uses computer software, such as MS Word, Excel,
PowerPoint, and The Print Shop.
Youth In Government - Youth In Government is club only open to 8th graders that
coincides with much of what they learn in Civics. It has a long tradition within the community
and passed generations of family members have been a part of this unique offering from our
school district.
Youth In Government is broken into four sections: Board of Education, Town Council, Fire
Department, and Police Department/Mock Trial. In November, during election time, students put
themselves on a ballot. We have a mock election for various positions within the community.
Those "elected" students take on the role of the real community leader.
The Board of Education group requires students to attend a meeting, participate in training, and
eventually perform an actual Board of Education meeting on their own. The Town Council
section is quite similar; students observe a Council meeting and then learn the necessary skills to
perform one on their own. The Fire Department gives students a tour of Milltown's Firehouse on
Cottage Avenue and students not only explore the fire trucks and equipment used, but they learn
about the rich history of Milltown's Fire Department. Lastly, the "mock trial" allows for students
to put a Joyce Kilmer teacher on "trial" in Milltown's Court. Students are also given the
opportunity to observe a "court night" to be a part of the regular happenings inside of a court
The Board of Education meeting and Town Council meeting that the 8th graders perform are a
requirement for the entire 8th grade student body to come and support their peers by observing
6th Grade Choices (4 day)
Intramural Sports – An opportunity to explore teamwork through a variety of sports
Robotics – Technology integrated science-based group projects emphasizing robotics
Study Skills – Study skills program including simple proven strategies to improve study habits
Creative Arts – Exploring arts and crafts from various cultures
7th and 8th Grade (2 day)
Career Readiness – Preparation of college and career readiness
Passport – Introduction to several languages and cultures, including French and German
STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, hands on partner projects
Video Tech – Experiment with various audio and video equipment and software programs
7th and 8th Grade (4 day)
Cultural Awareness – Develop an appreciation for diversity by exploring various cultures
throughout the world
Financial Literacy – Preparation for financial responsibilities
Geography – Travel to various regions of the world and experience their unique
Geometry – Investigation of geometric problem solving as a preview to high school geometry