The Higher and Lower Standards of Motherhood

The Higher and Lower Standards of Motherhood, by Fr. Andrew
The 3 most important things I emphasize in teaching the Faith are 1) to help us think in the Trinitarian
way, 2) to help us reject the religiosity of politics, 3) to help us to prepare a spirit of martyrdom, being ready
to lose all our money, possessions, freedom, reputation, even losing our lives, if necessary in this demonic
war against us. Rather than being comfortable, our lives are an emergency.
Two weeks ago, some of you thought my sermon about the Feminist equality of male and female was a
reaction to the hyper-advertizing of a Bruce Jenner interview. Actually, I knew nothing about this interview.
The over-glamorization of anti-christianity and ignorance is one of many reasons why I never patronize
CNN, ABC, CBS, the New York Times, etc. But I do like fusing sermons and bulletin essays with news
events. Bishop Gregory encourages all his priests to do this, so I’ll comment on some recent relevant news.
May 1st was Labor Day for many countries of the world. This holiday celebrates the murder of 7 innocent
policemen during labor marches in Chicago in 1886. At the time, Americans didn’t trust labor rights, so our
Labor Day is properly in September. But it may help you to know that all recent rioting & hatred of the police
will change into love and adoration once all police departments are nationalized by the justice department.
Also, the hatred of Christianity will change into love and adoration once all churches are nationalized by a
top agency regulating the Faith. Then, refuting Homosexualism will be deemed racist.
This leads to my sermon today about motherhood and marriage. I stated how all this talk about inequality
and equality is basically a way to lower all spiritual and intellectual standards, equally demeaning everyone.
Instead of raising standards in the Holy Spirit or keeping them at the height of Christ’s ideals, where all of us
equally aspire to and equally benefit from a higher goodness, all cries for equality are defined by the spirit of
degrading life, love, charity, marriage, motherhood and many other things, down to the misery and violence
of envy and self-esteem. Horror places like Detroit, Ferguson and Baltimore are typical fruits of equal-rights
policies and fairness. Indeed, social justice is claimed to be an invisible hand of organized economics, a
theory that wealth can trickle down from nationalized social programs to equally enrich everyone.
And traditional Christianity is targeted. The goal is to nationalize and regulate all churches by an ultracentralized entity. Already, there are judges and leaders in Canada, Europe and other places, defining the
Bible as hate speech because it calls homosexual acts sinful. There are cries in England to legalize humans
marrying their dogs, as well as weddings of humans with dolphins. Now there are powerful sources rejecting
marriage for two persons. Polygamy, bigamy, three-way marriages, etc. have joined Homosexualism’s
demands for two daddies or two mommies raising children. As thousands of years have proved, as well as
thousands of studies, children’s mental and moral skills are seriously deformed when they don’t have one
father and one mother in a traditional family. Again, equality is about forcing everyone to be equally worse,
not equally better. Killing babies in mothers’ wombs is a typical fruit of fighting against inequalities.
Forcing all pastors to do homosexual weddings is one way to end churches’ tax-free status. If heavy fines
for refusing homosexual weddings don’t bankrupt churches, then property taxes will do it, among other
taxes to make pastors conform and/or shut down churches for good. Pastors will be arrested for hate
speech violations. Politically-connected churches getting government-corporate subsidies will thrive and
preach anti-christian messages, while traditional worship will be secretly communed in private homes.
Last week, a new doctrine of equality just came out in the news of England and Australia. It is said to be
unfair for some children to have stable families while others have unstable families. Studies prove that
stable families foster successful children and unstable families foster failing children. So the solution is to
force good parents to stop reading to their children in order to be like bad parents. Instead of encouraging
bad parents to imitate what makes success equal for all of us, good parents are told to imitate broken
families for advancing so-called equality. Tattoos and rap music are the ideal, not libraries and chanting.
Being a mother isn’t what it used to be. The older generation tearfully thinks of mothers as sacred bearers
of life and givers of supreme moral standards. But the younger generation greedily thinks of mothers as
heroes of equal rights and givers of free stuff, the lowest mental standard. Thus, social activists may soon
cause Apostolic motherhood to be culturally abandoned. They always mock Jesus; but so far they haven’t
mocked the Virgin Mary. But once they mock her on a mass scale, the earth will quickly see God’s wrath.