
Project G10N Top Secret Protocol
These are possible gamification ideas for a real course
on sociolinguistics, but not every idea may be
Humor issues may need to be balanced with social
Sociolinguistics includes LOL Kat
Course Mission
This is an introductory sociolinguistics course focused on describing
different phenomena arising out of the interaction of unconscious
linguistic behavior and conscious psychological or cultural
You encounter sociolinguistics when you…
Identify language differences based on region, class or employment.
Judge a person as "classy" or "trashy" based on their accent.
Debate which languages children should be taught in.
Debate which languages tax forms should come in.
Adopt foreign words to sound chic or local slang to sound down to earth.
Make sure to use "proper speech" in a job or scholarship interview.
Hear your instructor use slang in order to relate to the students.
Gamification Elements
Leaderboards & Non-Academic Rewards
Gaming “Candy”
Presented at Game Day 2012 by Elizabeth J. Pyatt
© The Pennsylvania State University
Project G10N Top Secret Protocol
Professor P has her top secret protocol here
Mission Element: Badges
Possible Game Badge Types
Participation Achievement/Merit
o Extra credit blog entry (+5 part)
o Added relevant anecdote (+3 part, max 3 points per class)
o Notices typo (+1 part)
o Comments on another student’s post (+2 part)
o Added relevant non-English example (+2 to any part achievement)
o Submit Assignment 1-Assignment 10 (+1 part/assignment)
o Attend all classes in one week (+1 part/week)
Skill Badges (Levels)
o Discreet Ethnographer
o Language Archiver
o Social Network Analyst
o Paleo-Sociolinguist (for understanding historic sociolinguistic issues)
Fail (“Oops!”) Badge
o Sleeping & Drooling Badge
o Busted Reading Outside Material in Class
o Foot in Mouth Badge (can also be awarded to instructor)
Candidate for “foot in mouth” badge…for multiple reasons
Presented at Game Day 2012 by Elizabeth J. Pyatt
© The Pennsylvania State University
Project G10N Top Secret Protocol
Mission Element: Quests/Mission/Challenges
Homework is
A set of research reports written for the “Undersecretary of Sociolinguistic
Analysis” in the “Department of Sociolinguistics”
Custom seal generated at
Sample Questions
What verbal behaviors were associated with boys vs girls in high
What is the status standardizing Jamaican Creole as an official
language of Jamaica?
Is Scots a dialect of English or a closely related language?
What is the relationship between AAVE and CRAAVE? CRAAVE and
super-standard English?
Traditional Games
Games could include
Typo – identify discourse elements in a passage
Sample Debates could also be included
Presented at Game Day 2012 by Elizabeth J. Pyatt
© The Pennsylvania State University
Project G10N Top Secret Protocol
Mission Element: Levels
This class is more topic oriented, but students can earn achievement badges
every 2-4 weeks. Examples include
Jargon Specialist
Social Network Analyst
Language Documenter
Discreet Ethnographer (earned after Spring Break observation
What can be Unlocked?
Possibly a relevant, but amusing cartoon or YouTube clip
Presented at Game Day 2012 by Elizabeth J. Pyatt
© The Pennsylvania State University
Project G10N Top Secret Protocol
Mission Element: Leaderboard and Rewards
Low Stakes Rewards
24 points – adds one extra un-excused absence (can be repeated once)
48 points = guaranteed 10 of 10 in participation portion of final grade
48 points – forgiveness for one late homework assignment (can be repeated
144 points – Drop lowest two homework assignments (vs. drop one
Point Scales
Points can be earned by
point per on-time homework submission (includes blog)
point per week of perfect attendance
points for winning best blog of the week
points per posting blog comment
point per typo correction (student to instructor)
points per week for adding relevant example (1 per class)
points for adding extra link in blog to relevant example (1 per entry)
points per extra credit blog assignment (up to 12)
points per non-English example (per week)
Presented at Game Day 2012 by Elizabeth J. Pyatt
© The Pennsylvania State University
Project G10N Top Secret Protocol
Mission Element: Gaming Candy
A successful game may not need every element listed below, but 1-2 can add
interest to the activity.
Gaming Avatars
Intriguing Consequences for Failure
Failing at Sociolinguistic sensitivity can lead to
o Angry Parents
o Angry Politicians (any political party)
o Angry Political activists (any political party)
o Angry Grammarians
o Angry Linguists
o Being fined by the government
o Being sued
o Snarky multilingual graffiti
o Street riots
o Blowing up a TV tower
Quirky Metaphors, Narratives
Professor P reminds you
– Only “chicks” (women)
should ever use the term
“chick flick”.
Policy makers, bureaucracy,
Spelling Wars, Grammar Wars,….
Graphics, Audio, etc
Especially maps, lots and lots of maps
And “realia” (like LOL Kat posters & bilingual signs)
And YouTube videos
Presented at Game Day 2012 by Elizabeth J. Pyatt
© The Pennsylvania State University