GEOG 1 Essays (15 marks)

GEOG 1 Essays (15 marks)
Exam date
Describe and explain the development
of meanders.
June 09
Describe and explain the formation of
landforms resulting from
Jan 10
Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of hard engineering as
a flood
management strategy
June 10
Compare and comment on the
economic and social effects of
flooding in two contrasting areas of
the world.
Channel characteristics such as cross
profile, wetted perimeter, hydraulic
radius, roughness and efficiency
change downstream.
Describe and explain how channel
characteristics change downstream.
‘Soft engineering is a better river flood
management strategy than hard
Discuss this view.
Jan 11
Jun 11
With reference to one or more case
study of coastal management,
discuss whether the benefits
outweigh the costs.
With specific reference to a case
study of coastal erosion, assess the
relative importance of its physical
and socio-economic consequences.
Explain the causes of sea level
change and the formation of
resultant coastal landforms.
Discuss issues relating to a coastal
area where soft engineering
management strategies have been
Using a case study, assess the causes
and consequences of coastal
Hard engineering has been used to
protect some coasts.
With reference to a case study,
explain how hard engineering can
protect the coast and comment on
its effectiveness.
With reference to a named country,
evaluate attempts to manage population
Name of country:
Outline and comment on the economic
and political consequences of population
Discuss how the United Kingdom’s
changing population structure is likely to
affect employment in the health and care
services over the next 25 years or so.
Describe and suggest reasons for regional
variations in morbidity in the UK.
For any two of the following types of area,
summarise the contrasts between them
and explain the implications of these
contrasts for social welfare:
 inner city
 suburban
rural–urban fringe
rural settlement.
Chosen areas:
Comment on the impact of different
population structures on the balance
between population and resources.
Discuss the impact of obesity on people’s
health and the strategies adopted to care
for people with obesity
“For better and for worse?” Discuss how
population change can affect the
character of rural and urban areas.
Discuss issues associated with
pharmaceutical transnational corporations
regarding research, production and
distribution of drugs.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of
the demographic transition model.
Discuss the impacts of one noncommunicable disease.
With reference to a local case study, assess
the relative importance of age, gender and
wealth for the provision of health care.
GEOG 1 Mark schemes (15 marks)
Exam date
Describe and explain the development of meanders.
Description should relate to the development of riffles and pools at equal
intervals along a stretch of river (pools occur 5-6 times the width of the
bed). There should be information relating to what these are – alternating
areas of shallow and deep water
where energy increases within a pool area due to less friction/greater
efficiency and is then lost as the water flows over the shallower riffle
where friction is greater. Flow over
these becomes uneven and results in the maximum flow being toward one
side downstream. The pools become placed on the main curve of the
meanders. The inside and outside bends of the meander are very
different with shallow water, slow flow,
deposition, and the build up of a slip off slope characterising the inner
bend whilst deep water, fast flow, lateral erosion (especially abrasion and
hydraulic action) and a river cliff characterise the outside bend. Thus, the
meanders have a distinct asymmetrical profile.
The spacing between the pools and the contrasts between the two bends
relate to corkscrew like movement of the water as it spirals downstream
from bank to bank –helicoidal flow. Thus, the material that is eroded from
an outside meander bend is subsequently deposited on the inside bend of
the next meander downstream.
Sections in italics above relate to explanation.
With reference to one or more case study of coastal management,
discuss whether the benefits outweigh the costs.
Content will depend on case study/studies used.
Costs likely to relate to –
Economic – cost of protection and differences between different aspects’
funding of scheme and sources.
Environmental – appearance and knock-on effect of certain strategies.
Benefits likely to relate to –
Economic – saving of areas of land, housing, transport routes, industry,
Social – maintaining people’s homes, communities.
Environmental – depending on scheme – natural look of coast, preserving
Level 1 (1-5 marks)
Describes the formation of
Will refer to basic processes
such as erosion and
Likely to focus on contrasts
between inside and outside
Partial description and
sequence not identified.
Level 2. (6-10 marks)
Clear description of the
formation of meanders.
Will refer to specific processes
e.g. abrasion, helicoidal flow.
Begins to identify sequence of
formation e.g. begins with
riffles and pools.
Explanation will be present
Level 3 (11-15 marks)
Clear description of the
formation of meanders.
Will refer to specific processes
e.g. abrasion, helicoidal flow
with clear evidence of
Identifies sequence of
formation e.g. begins with
riffles and pools.
Explanation will be clear in a
more balanced answer.
Describes the case study.
Will refer to what has been
Identifies costs and/or
benefits – may be clear
Some reference to case study,
facts in support.
Level 3 Clear identification of
costs and benefits – a
balanced response.
There is specific and detailed
reference to case study in
Clear explicit comment which
reflects earlier content.
June 09
With reference to a named country, evaluate attempts to manage
population change.
Name of country:
The content will depend on the case study chosen.
Discuss how the United Kingdom’s changing population structure is
likely to affect employment in the health and care services over the next
25 years or so.
Since the 1960s the UK BR has been declining - though not always
steadily, whilst the DR has been declining fairly steadily. This led to a static
population in the 1990s, although it has been countered by increase
immigration from South Asia, Africa, and East Europe in particular.
A declining population causes issues of a shrinking work force and a
declining tax base to pay for the services that are needed.
An ageing population causes issues linked to health care and support for
the aged and also issues linked with changing economic patterns and the
increasing value of the ‘grey pound’. Linked to this are issues connected
with falling school roles and decreasing need for child-centred health and
care services. This latter is partly counter-balanced by an increase in the
need for childcare as women make up an increasing proportion of
workforce, encouraged by the government who wish to counter the
falling work force.
All these issues can be linked to precise examples from the candidates’
Describe and explain the formation of landforms resulting from
A definition of rejuvenation is likely to form part of the answer – a
renewal of the river’s energy as a result of a relative fall in base level.
This will lead to a return to vertical erosion. It may be a result of a fall in
sea level-eustatic change or an increase in the relative height of the land
Description of development
plans is basic with isolated
facts not linked into a
coherent account.
Any attempt to assess the
level of success is purely
descriptive and not justified
or backed up by facts or
A basic answer with simple,
unconnected points. The
answer makes assertions but
these are not justified with
the use of evidence from case
Level 1 (1-6 marks)
Describes at least one
landform, two at the top end
in general terms - may be
definition - like.
Begins to explain - will refer
Description is clear and
Clear links are made between
the needs of the people and
the developments that have
been planned or are taking
An attempt is made to assess
the degree of success and to
justify this assessment.
A clear answer in which the
changes are described and
linked to the issues, although
the links may be quite
Discussion is limited, and one
part of an argument or theme
may be over-developed at the
expense of the alternatives.
There is some reference to
case study material.
Description is thorough.
Assessment is clear and
detailed with statements
supported by clearly
organised evidence.
Level 2 (7-12 marks)
Description of at least two
landforms is more specific
and precise.
Response is more balanced.
Explanation is more focussed
Level 3 (13-15 marks)
Clear, purposeful description
that links to the process - a
recognition of
the different types of
terraces, meanders.
A detailed and balanced
answer. The population
structure is described and
there is clear, detailed
discussion of the effects of
the changing structure.
One or more case studies are
used to support the
The answer is balanced,
although this does not
necessarily mean that a
neutral point of view is
June 09
in relation to the sea - due to isostatic uplift (the ‘rebound’ following the
end of glaciation) or due to tectonic activity.
Landforms - knick point relates to the extent to which the river has
created a newly graded profile to adjust to the new base level. It is
identified by a break in slope and is usually marked by a waterfall and
reflects the process of headward erosion as well as vertical erosion due to
the renewed ability to erode vertically.
River terraces - are the remains of the former flood plain – now
abandoned as the river has eroded too deeply to access it; these may be
paired - i.e. at the same level on either side of the channel. This is
indicative of rapid down cutting. If it is slower as a result of more gradual
uplift, the terraces will be present on different sides of the channel at
different levels - unpaired terraces as the river has time to erode laterally.
Incised meanders - there are two types - entrenched when the cross
section is symmetrical and ingrown where the cross profile is
asymmetrical. Both result from an increase in the rates of vertical erosion
- this is more rapid with entrenched meanders or can be the result of the
presence of more resistant rock. With ingrown meanders, vertical erosion
is less rapid, allowing some lateral erosion also.
Reference to specific examples is not a requirement, but would be one
way of enhancing the answer.
With specific reference to a case study of coastal erosion, assess the
relative importance of its physical and socio-economic consequences.
Case study is required here and content will vary depending upon that
selected. Expect to see Holderness, North Norfolk, but could be one
beyond UK.
Physical consequences - involve the undercutting of cliffs leading to
collapse; mass movement processes of slumping, sliding and falls are also
significant. Loss of land is an end result, causing coastal retreat.
Socio-economic consequences - relate to the knock-on effects of loss of
land. This is only significant in this context where there are people present
or major installations - farmland not viewed as significant. Thus, loss of
buildings - and even significant parts of settlements; issue of insurance;
deaths/injuries; impact of the threat of and ultimate loss of
home/livelihood; debate regarding coastal protection and cost of this and
strategy adopted.
to basic processes - vertical
Answer may be imbalanced may clearly emphasise one
Some use of appropriate
terminology present at the
higher end.
Generic waterfalls (hard and
soft layers of rock).
and there is a link between
erosion and rejuvenation.
Appropriate geographical
terminology is used.
Explanation is clearly linked
the impact of rejuvenation
on base level and vertical
Describes some
May focus on limited range may be one-sided.
Points made are simple and
No reference to a case study –
generic answer.
Case study of coastal
management that seeks to
link to question; not linked to
Description is more specific
and precise.
Begins to target content to
purpose - considers
consequences in an organised
Some reference to both
categories, although there
may be imbalance.
Coastal management clearly
linked to socio-economic
Points are supported by case
study in places.
Tentative/implicit assessment
Clear, purposeful description
of consequences.
Both categories are addressed
in a balanced account.
An organised account that is
purposeful in responding to
the question.
Case study is used to support
Clear, explicit assessment of
relative importance
June 09
June 09
Outline and comment on the economic and political consequences of
population change
Population change can be viewed as either an increase or a decline.
It may result from natural or migration change.
Change can also be viewed with regard to structure.
Similarly, the impacts can be seen either positively or negatively.
Actual responses will depend on exemplars considered and will be
Population increase - economic
Unemployment; pressure on resources - food, housing, health, schools
may be considered. There may be reference to the need to provide for an
ageing or a young dependent population.
Conversely, an increase in population may stimulate economic growth
and lead to jobs being filled - possibly unwanted jobs or those demanding
certain skills; more paid in taxes; rise in public spending.
Population decrease - economic
Stagnation of economy - loss of young migrants, less paid in taxes, loss of
skills but some money sent back.
Population increase – political
Need to allocate resources – drain on these – may refer to need to
increase food production, increase taxation to fund health care of elderly;
need to introduce population policies regarding reducing birth rate or
migration to compensate for an ageing population.
Population decrease - political
Policies to encourage natural increase, immigration; to stem outflow of
population, to develop resources - seek aid.
Comment likely to refer to relative importance of economic and political
impacts; whether effects are negative or positive or severity of one
particular aspect; or perceived knock-on effects. A view will be expressed
that can be supported by the evidence.
Describe and suggest reasons for regional variations in morbidity in the
Description – should consider the location of relatively high levels of illhealth, average and low. May relate to different causes of ill-health and
contrasts. Variation should be clear and regions/places should be noted.
Describes economic and/or
political consequences.
There are not separated.
Points made are simple and
Describes the location of
some areas of varying levels
of illness – listed
in no particular way.
Small scale (e.g. urban) only.
of relative importance.
Description is more specific
and precise.
Economic and political are
both referred to, although an
imbalance is permissible.
Points are supported in
Tentative/implicit comment.
Begins to develop points and
sequence them.
Begins to consider
Has focus on different parts of
Clear, purposeful description.
Economic and political are
both referred to - and type
clearly stated.
An organised account that is
purposeful in responding to
the question.
Detailed response e.g.
exemplification is used to
support answers.
Clear, explicit comment.
Clear, purposeful, sequential
and linked description.
Clear regional coverage.
A balanced answer – with
explanation clearly present.
Jan 10
Explanation – should consider reasons such as nature of areas –
conurbation, small town, village, etc., and the implications of this for
Living standards, income levels will be important.
Education and adoption of preventive strategies.
Age structure of population – retirement areas likely to have higher rates
of illness.
Access to health care and regional contrasts that exist – postcode lottery.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hard engineering as a flood
management strategy
A definition of hard engineering is likely to form part of the answer.
This is where structures are added so that the river channel is directly
interfered with so that speed of flow is altered or level of storage is
changed. There is often no concern for the environment and the element
of control is strong. Specification refers to dams, straightening, building
up levées and diversion spillways so reference to some of these is to be
Dams e.g. Three Gorges Dam.
Advantages – effective at regulating the flow and controlling flooding.
Can have an impact on the entire river – depending on size.
Disadvantages – schemes are costly; interfere with river processes –
deposition encouraged in calm waters behind dam and Clearwater
erosion after the dam. Reduction in abrasion conversely. Much less
discharge downstream. Impact on habitats. Displacement of potentially
very large numbers of people.
Straightening e.g. Severn.
Advantages – as resulting route is shorter it will remove water from area
faster; cheaper than dams and quicker to implement.
Disadvantages – can cause problems downstream and exacerbate the
flood risk there; can interfere with river processes – faster flow increasing
erosion; impact on meander development and can damage habitats.
Levées e.g. Mississippi.
Advantages – can increase the capacity of river significantly and so
effectively reduce flooding in certain areas.
Disadvantages – can result in more severe flooding if levees are breached;
water cannot return to river channel prolonging flood event, flood plain
Limited support.
Probably one-sided – with
description or explanation
only. Explanation is likely to
be generic.
Some precision in response
e.g. names of areas; specific
Response is precise,
elaborated and targeted to
the task.
Defines hard engineering.
Describes how floods may be
managed using hard
Information likely to be
generic – Basic
Some use of appropriate
terminology present at the
higher end.
Describes hard engineering
Description of how floods
may be managed using hard
engineering is
more specific and precise.
Clear link to advantages
and/or disadvantages. (may
be general references to
advantages of dams).
Probable imbalance to
May relate to case studies.
Appropriate geographical
terminology is used.
Begins to discuss.
Precise description of
strategies linked to both
advantages and
disadvantages. (Greater
balance) Focus on flooding.
Case studies likely to be used
in support.
Specific terminology is used
Purposeful discussion.
Jan 10
Jan 10
cannot develop.
Diversion spillways e.g. Jubilee River, Maidenhead / Windsor area on
Advantages – increases the capacity of the river by providing an
alternative additional channel, especially during times of high flow; if
done appropriately can be sympathetic to the environment and enhance
Disadvantages – significant cost needed for major schemes; can lead to
problems downstream and increase the flood risk.
Explain the causes of sea level change and the formation of resultant
coastal landforms.
Sea level change is the result of either eustatic or isostatic change.
Eustatic change is a global change in sea level relative to the land.
These can be a fall in sea level – as occurred during glaciations or a rise in
sea level as is the current situation. This is the result of water being added
following temperatures warming, glaciers melting and thermal expansion
as oceans warm. Current concern regarding global warming would come
into this category.
Isostatic change occurs on a local level. Again, relative change may be
positive or negative. This is the result of ice melting on land masses and
the loss of the additional weight causing land masses to readjust and
‘bounce up’. Similarly, plate movement at subduction zones may cause
the land to rise relative to the sea. Conversely, with additional weight e.g.
where there are deltas being created of substantial size, the land will sink
due to the additional weight.
Landforms resulting from sea level increase/land sinking – fjords,
rias are likely landforms; estuaries, (submerged forest) are also creditable.
Landforms resulting from sea level decrease/land rising – raised beaches
and fossil cliff lines are likely responses. Explanation should be given.
Reference to impact of sea level change on coral reefs is valid.
For any two of the following types of area, summarise the contrasts
between them
and explain the implications of these contrasts for social welfare:
 inner city
 suburban
rural–urban fringe
Explains a cause of sea level
change and/or a landform.
May focus on limited range –
may be one-sided – either
cause or
Causes and landforms
Points made are simple and
responding to the question.
Explains cause(s) and
Explanation of causes is more
specific and precise.
Begins to target content to
purpose – considers
causes/landforms in an
organised way.
Will begin to link cause to
Explanation of landforms is
partial in sequence.
Some reference to both
aspects, although there may
be imbalance.
Clear, purposeful explanation
of causes.
Causes are linked to resulting
Explanation of landforms is
sequential and detailed.
Both categories are addressed
in a balanced account.
An organised account that is
purposeful in
Describes the characteristics
and/or social welfare of the
two areas.
These are separate.
General statements –
applicable to any area.
Description is more specific
and precise.
Contrasts are drawn between
the two areas (maybe
implicit) and the summary is
Clear, explicit purposeful
summary of contrasts (maybe
An organised account that is
purposeful in responding to
the question.
Jan 10
rural settlement.
Chosen areas:
Content will depend on two areas selected. Whatever the areas,
contrasts should be expected on the following aspects – housing –
characteristics, quality; ethnicity – origin of population; age structure of
population; services present; wealth of population and type of jobs
people do/level of employment. These aspects are given in specification,
but other alternatives are permissible if appropriate and may be
substitutes – spec uses term ‘such as’.
The final aspect considers the implications for social welfare. This may
also be integrated or candidates may choose to do this section separately.
Here, there should be reference to how people’s well-being
is affected by where they live and the general health/well-being of the
community should be considered. Thus, links between location, quality
of housing and health could be considered; quality of education and
achievement – number of GCSE A* - C, extent to which the area is
safe, extent to which there is access to appropriate services – shops,
schools, medical centres, sports facilities, meeting places, etc.
The response should summarise the contrasts – these should be integral
and clearly drawn out.
Discuss the impact of obesity on people’s health and the strategies
adopted to care for people with obesity
Too much food results in overweight and at its extreme, obesity, where
the relationship between height to weight is commonly used as a measure
– Body Mass Index – WHO have 25 and 30 as indicators of overweight and
obesity. Impact here is likely to relate to onset of other
illnesses relating to being overweight/obese – heart disease, strokes, type
2 diabetes, certain cancers, impact on hips, osteoarthritis.
Strategies to care:
Obesity – increased education regarding health, diets and lifestyles;
encouraging access to sports centres and exercise – walking/biking to
school/work; responsibility taken by marketing strategies/retailers to
offer healthy options/labelling food; schools dinners initiatives; health
care offer preventative checks, warnings rather than dealing with results
– changing role of GPs; role of media.
Points made are simple and
Points are supported in
Begins to make links to social
welfare at top end.
Exemplification is used to
support answers – case
studies are effectively used.
Clear, explicit links to social
welfare and contrasts
between areas.
Describes the effects of
obesity on people’s health
and/or strategies in no
particular order.
Limited support.
Begins to develop points of
effects with reference to
Begins to consider strategies
to care for people and links to
Support is present – reference
to relevant areas/strategies.
Begins to discuss.
Clear, purposeful description
of effects of obesity on
people’s health.
A balanced answer –
considers strategies to care
and links clearly to impact.
Response is precise,
elaborated – support is
present and targeted to
the task – discursive
June 10
June 10
Compare and comment on the economic and social effects of flooding in
two contrasting areas of the world.
Content will depend on case studies used. Flooding may be defined within
the answer. There should be clear reference to both economic (those
relating to monetary issues – in its broadest sense) and social (those
relating to people – their well-being, health). Examples likely to refer to
UK, Bangladesh.
Economic likely to refer to costs to homeowners, insurance payments,
impact on businesses, crops, costs of organising help – to council,
government, aid agencies, those involved.
Social likely to refer to deaths, homelessness – people displaced and
provision for them, impact on state of mind, access to clean water, living
Command is to compare and comment on – so there should be an
integral account with similarities/differences drawn out and statement
noting scale of similarities/differences, numbers affected, ability to cope,
length of time to respond, etc.
Discuss issues relating to a coastal area where soft engineering
management strategies have been adopted.
The content will depend on case study used.
There is likely to be a definition of soft engineering – where people are
seen to work with the natural environment rather than against it – so
natural features will be used such as beaches, sand dunes, salt marshes
and these may be enhanced as with beach nourishment. The specification
refers specially to this and sand dune regeneration, marsh creation, land
use / activity management.
Beach nourishment involves material being put on the beach to replace
that shifted by longshore drift. This often needs doing annually but
ensures the beach – the natural coastal defence – remains intact.
Encouraging a dune environment is another means of protecting the coast
– stabilising them by building simple fences will encourage their
colonisation by vegetation and therefore ensure that they remain,
protecting areas further inland. Allowing the development of salt marsh
(perhaps by removing protection) will ensure development of a natural
Preventing building within certain distances of the coast will ensure losses
Describes the social and/or
economic effects of flooding.
Information likely to be
generic – case study named
Some similarities/differences
apparent at top end.
Separate accounts.
Description of effects of
floods is more specific and
precise – begins to distinguish
between social and economic
or this is implicit.
Information relates to case
studies – ‘rings true’ – some
Begins to comment – may be
May be imbalanced to one
area and/or category.
Similarities/differences are
similarities/differences of
effects of flooding –
distinguishes between social
and economic effect explicitly.
A balanced account – of areas
and categories.
Case studies are used in
support – reference to
Comment is explicit and
Describes one/two soft
engineering management
May describe costs and
Generic information –
location mentioned only.
Points made are simple and
Description is more specific
and precise.
Begins to target content to
purpose – probably considers
costs and
benefits in an organised way.
Some reference to coastal
Begins to discuss – tentative
reference to issues.
Tentative/implicit comment.
Clear, purposeful description
of strategies.
An organised account that is
purposeful in responding to
the question.
Specific reference to coastal
June 10
are reduced should flooding/erosion occur. Ensuring activities present do
not require large sums of capital investment will also reduce losses.
Issues likely to relate to the idea of managed retreat where it is felt
appropriate to allow the sea to gain some land that will then act as a
barrier rather than hold the line may be seen as contentious as property
and homes are lost – without the payment of compensation? There are
clearly economic issues here. The relatively lower cost of soft engineering
may be discussed. There are also social issues regarding stress on
communities and who should take responsibility and pressure put on
Environmental considerations – the need to ensure habitats for wildlife,
especially salt marsh areas. The impact caused in areas of the coast that
are not protected by hard engineering where the situation is made worse.
Issues may relate to debate whether hard engineering better option than
soft engineering.
Comment on the impact of different population structures on the
balance between population and resources.
Content will depend on areas selected. Likely to relate to contrasting
countries (rich and poor), a country changing over time or different areas
within a country or a combination of these. Whatever the areas,
contrasts are likely to relate to an area where an ageing population is
present and an area where a youthful population is present or an area
that has seen change over time reflecting this (of DTM for UK) Internal
contrasts are likely to draw out similar features. The importance of the
independent groups may also form a valid response. These two
contrasting population structures should then be discussed with regard to
the demands placed by the population on limited resources – and how
needs are met – and extent to which they are met.
In areas with ageing population, reference to the need for healthcare –
hospital beds – cost of hip replacements, dementia – looking after
people in the community; the role of charitable organisations may be
explored as may private healthcare, role of family; the need to provide –
and the burden of state pension, the need for private pensions, equity in
housing; the need to raise retirement age; increase taxes; the need for
housing – residential homes for the elderly, sheltered accommodation,
building of small houses on retirement parks.
Describes the impacts of a
young and/or old population.
Describes balance between
population and resources.
These are separate.
General statements –
applicable to any area.
Points made are simple and
Description of impacts is more
specific and precise.
Impacts of eg young and old
population structures are
Points are supported in
Begins to make links between
population structure and the
balance between population
and resources.
Some comment.
Clear, purposeful summary of
An organised account that is
purposeful in responding to
the question.
Exemplification is used to
support answers – case
studies are effectively used.
Clear, explicit links between
population structure and
balance of population and
June 10
In areas with a youthful population, reference to the need for healthcare
for the young and antenatal care to reduce mortality, the need to
provide education for a young population, the need for housing of
appropriate quality for a growing population; the need for employment –
adequate jobs for people; implications for future may be considered with
growing numbers of elderly.
There may be reference to areas with a large independent population
that will act as a boost for areas in terms of investment, developing
reserves or conversely may place a drain on them.
It is possible to consider the concept of overpopulation with the
expanding, young population in poorer areas. The ideas of Malthus,
Boserup are potentially relevant as are population policies and migration.
Clear, explicit, pertinent comment
With reference to a local case study, assess the relative importance of
age, gender and wealth for the provision of health care.
The responses will vary dependent on the case study selected.
Whatever the local area, the items specifically mentioned in the question
should be addressed – namely age, gender and wealth.
A diverse range of responses is likely.
Age may relate to provision for children and need for vaccines/
immunisation programmes to provision for elderly and flu jabs, care for
those with dementia.
Gender may relate to contrasts in incidence of certain diseases, clusters of
certain types in certain areas – old industrial areas and lung diseases for
example, or need to counsel young females regarding contraception.
Wealth has clear links – to socio-economic status and attitude to health
and taking care – there are links to smoking and alcohol but this is not as
clear cut for latter.
Wealth has indirect links to access to facilities and a willingness to use
them is important – provision of leisure centres by councils versus
private companies and gyms and pools and cost of these; access to
doctors surgeries, dentists with an appropriate range of services,
peoples’ willingness to use them and take part in preventative early
diagnostic aspects, arguably a postcode lottery can be referred to here
if appropriate, attitude to food and ability to be able to afford a range of
Describes a local case study
relating to health care.
Describes at least one factor
affecting health care.
Points made are simple and in
a random sequence.
Inappropriate scale.
Begins to target information
to purpose in an ordered
Begins to consider links
between factors (at least 2)
and health care.
Tentative/implicit reference
to relative importance.
Intermittent support.
Clear, purposeful summary of
factors (all three, but not
necessarily balanced) and
impact on health care.
Relative importance forms
part of a discursive answer.
Clear, explicit comment
regarding relative importance.
Support is given throughout.
Jan 11
Many of these aspects are interrelated.
The question is not demanding description of the different factors but
there is a need to emphasise how these impact on the provision of health
care in the study area. The candidate should engage in discussion,
considering the impact of the factors and their relative importance.
Channel characteristics such as cross profile, wetted perimeter,
hydraulic radius, roughness and efficiency change downstream.
Describe and explain how channel characteristics change downstream.
Description should refer to channel characteristics such as cross profile,
wetted perimeter, hydraulic radius, roughness and efficiency. There are
links between some of these and to velocity, discharge and vertical
erosion, lateral erosion and deposition processes. These will form the
basis of explanation.
Description should identify the changing width, depth and shape of the
cross section, the increasing wetted perimeter (but note the impact of
boulders near the source), the increasing HR, decreasing roughness and
increased efficiency.
Examples of content include the following:
Cross-profile – this refers to the width and the relative depth across the
width. The relationship between these two will have a significant impact
on the wetted perimeter – the length of the bed and banks in contact
with the water. Near the source, this is likely to be small as the river is
narrow and shallow, but will increase as the volume of water increases
downstream. The relationship between these two characteristics is
identified in the hydraulic radius (HR). This divides the cross-sectional area
(determined by width × average depth) by the wetted perimeter.
This is partly a measure of efficiency as the higher the HR the less water
relatively there is in contact with the bed and banks in proportion to that
away from them. Thus, there is less friction, greater velocity and greater
energy left for erosion, transportation. The roughness of the channel –
the extent to which there are large boulders or coarse material along the
bed – affects the cross-sectional area, wetted perimeter and hydraulic
radius. An increase in roughness will reduce velocity as a result of the
need to overcome the increased contact and friction and so the river will
be less efficient.
Explanation should relate to velocity and discharge and how these change
Describes channel
characteristics and how they
change downstream.
Description is of individual
Description is partial –
explanation likely to be
absent – one-sided.
Some use of appropriate
terminology present at the
higher end.
Description is more complete
– begins to see links.
Sequence is clear.
Explanation begins to be
addressed – with reference to
process, energy, velocity,
Appropriate geographical
terminology is used.
Precise description of changes
in channel characteristics.
Links are sequential and/or
Explanation is integrated
relating to velocity, discharge,
energy, process.
Appropriate terminology is
used throughout.
Jan 11
Jan 11
downstream. There may be reference to potential and kinetic
energy and the importance of different processes such as vertical erosion
near the source, the increasing prevalence of lateral erosion and the
dominance of deposition in lower course.
Using a case study, assess the causes and consequences of coastal
A case study is required so responses will be determined partly by the
case study used – textbooks for the specification refer to Towyn floods in
1990, 1953 storm surge and Hurricane Katrina. Myanmar/Burma is also a
likely example, as is the Boxing Day/Indian Ocean tsunami.
Case study identified can be of varying scales as indicated above.
Physical causes – likely to refer to storm surges, linked to passage of deep
depressions, high tides and high levels of runoff; tropical revolving storms
(hurricanes/cyclones); tsunamis; climate change.
Human causes – likely to focus on rising sea levels due to global warming
and people's role in this. The decisions made to build in vulnerable areas –
such as London, New Orleans would also be valid and level of
protection/preparation given.
Physical consequences – actual flooding of the land, impact on farmland –
salt water contamination of the soil, breaching of levees.
Human consequences – are likely to be to the fore, given the hazardous
nature of the event – and number of deaths, injuries, homes lost, people
evacuated, insurance claims etc. are likely to be present.
Assessment likely to relate to relative importance of physical/human
causes; physical/human consequences; causes verses consequences;
physical cause versus human consequences.
If more than one case study is used, select the best for case study strand
of mark scheme. Content of 2nd/3rd case studies should be considered
with regard to cause and consequences.
“For better and for worse?” Discuss how population change can affect
the character of rural and urban areas.
Response will depend on content covered and whether population
increase or decrease is main focus as will links to migration. Question
demands that positive and negative effects of change be considered in the
two areas – countryside and cities. This should give the answer a
structure. It is likely that content will be influenced by the two settlement
Level 1 (1-6 marks)
Describes one/two causes.
Describes one/two
Likely to focus on one aspect.
Sections are seen separately.
Points made are simple and
Some reference to both
causes and consequences.
May split into physical and
Begins to target content to
Likely to be imbalance.
Case study is present and
information will be
Tentative/implicit assessment
of causes and consequences.
Clear detailed causes and
consequences. May identify
physical and human – clear,
purposeful structure.
Clear and purposeful in
discussing causes and
Case study is specific and
Clear and supported/explicit
assessment of causes and
Level 1 (1-6 marks)
Describes the character of
areas that are increasing or
May focus on either urban or
Better or worse may be
Links the changing character
of areas to either changes for
the better and/or worse.
Some discussion, debate.
May be imbalance, but urban
and rural are both considered
at the top end.
Response is purposeful in
linking changes in the
character of areas that
are increasing or decreasing
to whether changes are for
the better or worse.
Discussion, debate is present.
case studies that have been undertaken, a diverse range of responses is
likely – relating to migration, squatter settlements etc.
Increase – rural – likely to refer to rural-urban fringe locations and
changes in suburbanised villages regarding age structure, socioeconomic
groups, income, car ownership; changes in housing and house prices,
services, community and possible conflict between newcomers and
original inhabitants. Response needs to make clear what represents
change for the better such as more varied, high order services and those
that are for the worse, such as the loss of basic, specialised food services
such as butchers and greengrocers as incoming population are more
Decrease – rural – likely to refer to loss of services, including basic ones
such as post offices, general stores as population falls, the loss of young
population due to migration, leaving older behind, the importance of
second home ownership and the implications of this, the need for
diversification in farming, areas falling into disrepair. Likely changes here
will focus on change for the worse – should be clear from response.
Increase – urban leads to rapid growth – urban sprawl on edges –
large areas of housing of varying quality; increase in demand for
services – in CBD, in new retail areas throughout city, increasing social
and economic problems, increase in ethnic mix leading to multicultural
societies, increase in inner city and CBD edge due to redevelopment,
gentrification. Changes could be viewed as for better and/or worse
depending on those included.
Jan 11
Decrease – urban – leads to areas becoming rundown and neglected,
leaves behind deprived areas of society – poorest, elderly, single parent
families, reduces service base, leads to downward spiral that makes
investment unlikely. Likely to relate to parts of city – inner area rather
than city as a whole.
The response expected are in the context of the UK, but content from
other areas is equally valid as long as question is targeted.
Discuss issues associated with pharmaceutical transnational
corporations regarding research, production and distribution of drugs.
It is likely that candidates will have considered examples of
pharmaceutical transnationals and so answer is likely to refer to these.
General simple statements.
Some developed, illustrated
Both urban and rural are
considered in a more
balanced account.
Developed, illustrated
Describes pharmaceutical
TNCs and their research
and/or production
and/or distribution.
Begins to develop points with
reference to role of TNCs in
producing or distributing
Clear, purposeful awareness
of role of TNCs in at least two
aspects –
but need not be entirely
Jun 11
GlaxoSmithKline is the largest UK based pharmaceutical TNC and
other possibilities are Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis and others.
The response will depend on content they have considered – which
could be diverse given all that is available on the internet using specific
Research – this is a critical sphere as it is this that is responsible for
finding drugs that act as cures/offset symptoms of diseases. Thus,
drugs to offset impact of HIV/Aids have evolved. Most research is into
diseases of affluence so CHD and cancer, high blood pressure that
affect many people in richer areas of the world attract a lot of
investment for research and drug development. Diseases that affect
many in poorer areas such as malaria receive less. However, GSK do
tackle this and HIV/Aids and TB – and there is clearly a need for this,
given numbers affected, its debilitating impact and rates of spread.
Production – many drugs are sold under different names – those sold
by major pharmaceutical companies directly (the designer label
versions) are more expensive than the copies – that perform the same
function – at affordable prices. WHO provides a list of such drugs –
under their actual technical name, rather than that used to market them
by big brand name companies. This has led to court action having
been taken in the US – so answers may relate to the purpose of
production – to improve health of population or for profit.
Distribution – many companies target doctors with regard to selling
their products rather than the patients – and they are sold principally for
profit. Often symptoms are treated rather than the cause – as this is
more lucrative – so iron tablets are manufactured rather than changing
the diet of sufferers and ensuring they eat green vegetables. The
presence of drugs that are made but are not available to poorer
countries is an issue – as HIV/Aids sufferers in poorer countries cannot
access treatment. GSK provided 206 million tablets at special prices to
poorer countries, including 120 million of these generically made.
Comment may refer to relative numbers affected; relative wealth and
investment; the global availability of drugs and research on an equal
footing; determined by disease or by those who can pay or exert most
‘Soft engineering is a better river flood management strategy than hard
Limited support.
Points may be random.
Generic TNCs
drugs – Notes issues for top of
Support is present – reference
to companies/strategies.
Tentative, implicit discussion
Response is precise,
elaborated – and focussed on
Clear, explicit comment.
Identifies soft and/or hard
Describes strategies and
Clear, purposeful discussion
Jun 11
engineering.’ Discuss this view.
There is a need to make clear why soft engineering strategies are
preferred to hard engineering or vice versa. This is the likely route so
there should be reference to the advantages of soft engineering and
possibly also the disadvantages of hard engineering. There will probably
be some description of the relevant strategies that may be adopted.
Alternatively, candidates may disagree with the statement and provide
advantages of hard engineering and disadvantages of soft engineering.
The final option is to perceive the complementary nature of the two
approaches and discuss this aspect.
Advantages of soft engineering are likely to refer to its greater
sustainability, its limited interference with a natural system, the ability to
improve the environment at times and to work with natural systems so
that wetlands and habitats may be restored/created, the relative
Disadvantages of hard engineering relate to the extent to which there is
change to the natural system and questions over its sustainability – the
large scale of building dams and their environmental impact, as well as
economic and social costs. Similarly, channelisation means that the flood
risk may be increased downstream and habitats destroyed. Advantages of
hard engineering may relate to their effectiveness, especially in the short
term, associated schemes for HEP, irrigation which give other advantages.
Disadvantages of soft engineering relate to ineffectiveness in already
built-up areas, the fact that flood warnings allow preparation but are not
preventing damage from flooding. They will be seen as reducing the scale
of risk rather than preventing flooding.
The actual content will depend on the specific strategies considered and
whether there is exclusive discussion of soft engineering strategies only.
There may be reference to case studies – such as River Quaggy, London,
Lincolnshire, Oxfordshire (Cherwell), Ouse, Jubilee River Channel, Carlisle,
Three Gorges Dam, Colorado etc.
Hard engineering has been used to protect some coasts. With reference
to a case study, explain how hard engineering can protect the coast and
comment on its effectiveness.
A case study is required so responses will be determined partly by the
case study used – textbooks for the specification refer to Lyme Regis,
engineering strategies.
Refers to simple reasons why
soft engineering is better.
Some use of appropriate
terminology present at the
higher end.
Coastal flooding response – if
relevant, generic aspects.
advantages and / or
disadvantages of soft and / or
hard engineering.
Begins to discuss why soft
engineering strategies are
better (or an alternative
Uses strategies to illustrate
points – will illustrate one
aspect only or with
imbalance e.g. advantages of
soft engineering may be
discussed with no reference
to hard engineering.
Case study material may be
included in a descriptive way.
Appropriate geographical
terminology is used.
that seeks to put a case
for/against soft engineering
or is aware of the
complementary nature of the
Advantages and
disadvantages of soft and
hard engineering are
Strategies are effectively used
to illustrate concepts.
Case studies are used to make
Specific terminology is used
Describes one/two hard
engineering methods and/or
effectiveness/ success.
Possible reference to case
study material.
Begins explanation.
Refer to both hard
engineering methods and
their effectiveness – may be
clear imbalance.
Clear, purposeful response
relating to the explanation
thrust of the question.
Awareness of links between
the two components
Jun 11
Dorset (but must select hard engineering aspects) and the Isle of Wight.
Other areas such as Holderness, Devon and Norfolk are likely to feature
Explanation should refer to the specific methods adopted for the selected
case study. There should be reference to locations linked to strategies,
e.g. the presence of sea walls and groynes at Bridlington, Hornea and
Withernsea, the latter two also having rock armour. Mappleton has rock
armour and two rock groynes and there is a revetment at Easington.
Elsewhere, the coast is unprotected. The response should make clear how
the strategies work.
Effectiveness can refer to the extent to which they stop erosion where
they are present, their impact elsewhere; the views of different interest
groups – or people living in different parts of the area; the environmental
impact; their economic viability; sustainability; social impact. The
comment needs to be case study specific.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the demographic transition
Strengths likely to relate to the fact that all countries will fit model –
exemplification likely with reference to specific countries at specific
stages. The model shows change over time and can be seen as a
predictor, with the expectation that each country will progress through
the stages of the model. It is a good basis to compare countries to and
offers reasons for progression through stages. The flexibility of the time
element is a positive, increasing the degree of ‘fit’. Some countries such as
those in north western Europe clearly fit the model and it explains the
changes that occurred there.
Weaknesses likely to relate to the evidence base being north European
and so fitting western Europe and North America better than elsewhere;
the links to industrialisation and progression make application in poorer
countries more difficult; the time scales for stage 2 and 3 in poorer areas
of the world raise the question about progression through the stages; the
cause of the change from stage 2 to 3 is also different – the role of
population policies or continuing high levels of births for longer; the
original absence of a fifth stage to take into account zero and negative
growth; migration is not taken directly into account nor are areas with
high rates of disease such as HIV/AIDS that causes a new impact on
Points made are simple and
Case study is present and
information will be
Begins to consider links
between the two
Tentative/implicit comment
of the effectiveness/success
of the methods.
Points are clear and
Case study is specific and
Clear/explicit comment of the
effectiveness/success of the
Describes the demographic
transition model.
Refers to either strengths or
General, simple statements
Clearly knows the
demographic transition
Uses this knowledge to
exemplify strengths and
There is likely to be imbalance
between the two
Begins to discuss.
Occasional developed,
illustrated statements
Response is purposeful in
linking the demographic
transition model to strengths
and weaknesses.
Account will be more
balanced between the two
components – but still
emphasis on weaknesses
Discussion, debate is present.
Some developed, illustrated
statements using
country/countries studied.
Jun 11
Discuss the impacts of one non-communicable disease.
The response will depend on the non-communicable disease selected.
This is likely to be coronary heart disease (CHD) or type 2 diabetes, but
any non communicable disease is permissible – such as strokes, cancer.
The content will vary, depending on the disease chosen.
The mark scheme is written using CHD – but there are generic points that
indicate universal application.
Consequences are likely to relate to impact on health, economic
development and lifestyle as prescribed in the specification. Thus, the
impact on life expectancy, quality of life, and the reduced ability to live a
‘normal’ life as walking becomes difficult etc. Reference may be made to
impact on families and their lives – as carers for example with reference
to lifestyle. There may be reference to linked risks – such as obesity,
smoking. Economic consequences are likely to be to the fore. People may
be unable to work and the cost of treatment and its impact on other
budgets such as education, infrastructure may be discussed. There may be
discussion of costs linked to trying to reduce the risks regarding
education, advertising campaigns regarding healthy lifestyles or policies to
reduce the incidence such as banning smoking in public places
Describes impacts – may drift
into cause.
Ideas generic with limited
reference to specific disease.
Limited support.
Points may be random.
Begins to develop points with
regard to impacts.
Support is present – clear
reference to selected disease
– likely to focus on economic
There are aspects of
debate/discussion with some
review of relative importance
of aspects of impacts
Clear, purposeful analysis of
Response is precise,
elaborated with detailed
reference to selected disease
– a broader view of impacts is
present, although focus will
remain economic.
discussion/debate with
recognition of relative
importance of difficult types
of consequences.