Supplementary Digital Content 2 Extended Metabolomics Methodology Metabolomic analysis of plasma and urine. All steps were carried out at room temperature, unless otherwise stated. From AbsoluteIDQTM kit vials, lyophilized standards (200 L methanol:water solution, 9:1, v/v) and QC plasma samples (in 200 L water) were prepared. 10 L plasma samples and internal standards were then added to the 96-well plate. Samples were dried under nitrogen for 30 min, then 20 L of phenylisothiocyanate (PITC) reagent (150 L PITC to 2850 L of ethanol/water/pyridine; 1:1:1, v/v/v) was added to each well. The plate was left covered for 20 min then dried under nitrogen (45 min). 300 L of 5 mM ammonium acetate (in methanol) extraction solvent was added to each well, the plate shaken (Ika KS 260 Basic) for 30 min, then centrifuged (2 min, 500 g). Samples were diluted with LC-MS running solvent (prepared in methanol from kit reagents). The sealed plate was shaken (2 min) then placed in the autosampler (10 C). For urine samples, calibration curves were prepared using EZ:Faast TM amino acid kitsupplied standard solutions; for amino acids whose concentrations were higher than those of the highest solution from the kit, or not originally included with the kit (L-kynurenine, xanthuric acid, kynurenic acid, 3-hydroxyanthanilic acid, cysteine, glycine, histidine, serine, lysine, glutamine, alanine; Sigma, St. Louis, MO), new standard solutions of higher concentration were prepared in water (see Supplementary Material I). Urine (100 μL) and the internal standard (norvaline at 200 nmol·mL-1, 100 μL) were combined into glass vials and mixed by vortex. For solid phase extraction, samples were extracted into sorbent-tipped syringes (1.5 mL); washing solution (200 µL) was added to the vial and drawn through the tip. Tips were detached and placed in the corresponding vial, then 200 µL of eluting medium was added to each vial. The same sorbent tips were re-attached to new syringes (0.6 mL) and wetted by drawing eluting medium; eluting medium was ejected back into the vial. Chloroform (50 µL) was added and mixed by vortex, then iso-octane (100 µL) was added and vortexed. The upper organic layer (50–100 µL) was transferred into a new vial by Pasteur pipette. The solvent was evaporated to almost complete dryness under nitrogen (3 min) and amino acid derivatives re-suspended in 100 µL re-dissolution solvent (iso-octane 80%, chloroform 20%). Urinary metabolomics calibration curves. Calibration curve standard solutions were made for glutamine (500 nmol.mL-1), glycine (1500 nmol.mL-1), serine (500 nmol.mL-1), histidine (1500 nmol.mL-1), alanine (500 nmol.mL-1), and lysine (500 nmol.mL-1). Urinary concentrations of metabolites of tryptophan (many not included within the kit) were generally very low. Therefore another calibration stock solution, in water (mix 1) including these amino acids was prepared with kynurenine (50 nmol.mL-1), xanthuric acid (50 nmol.mL-1), 3hydroxyanthranilic acid (50 nmol.mL-1), and L-kynurenine (50 nmol.mL-1). All solutions were stored at 4 C. After the preparation of calibration stocks, calibration solutions were prepared by filling cartridges as described below (1-5), and then following the same preparation procedure as described previously within Materials and Methods. Reagents used were; Reagent 1 (internal standard solution): norvaline (internal standard (Istd)) 0.2 mM, in N-propanol 10%. Reagent 2 (washing solution): N-propanol. Reagent 3A (eluting medium component I): sodium hydroxide. Reagent 3B (eluting medium component II): N-propanol. Reagent 4 (organic solution I): chloroform. Reagent 5 (organic solution II): iso-octane. Reagent 6 (re-dissolution solvent): iso-octane 80 %, chloroform 20 %. Amino acid standard mixtures were; SD1: α-aminoadipic acid, α-aminobutyric acid, allo-isoleucine, alanine, aspartic acid, β-aminoisobutyric acid, cystine, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, 4hydroxyproline, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, ornithine, phenylalanine, proline, sarcosine, serine, threonine, tyrosine and valine. SD2: asparagine, glutamine and tryptophan. SD3 (complementary urine amino acids): α-aminopimelic acid, cystathionine, glycine-proline (dipeptide), hydroxylysine (2 isomers), proline-hydroxyproline (dipeptide) and thiaproline. 1. SD1 (10 µL) + SD2 (10 µL) + SD3 (10 µL) + reagent 1 (norvaline, 100 µL); equivalent to 20 nmol.mL-1 of each amino acid and 200 nmol.mL-1 of norvaline. Mix 1 (10 µL, each metabolite at 5 nmol.mL-1) and cysteine (10 µL, at 20 nmol.mL-1) were added. 2. SD1 (25 µL) + SD2 (25 µL) + SD3 (25 µL) + reagent 1 (norvaline, 100 µL). Equivalent to 50 nmol.mL-1 of each amino acid and 200 nmol.mL-1 of norvaline. Mix 1 (25 µL, each metabolite at 12.5 nmol.mL-1) and cysteine (25 µL, at 50 nmol.mL-1) were added. 3. SD1 (50 µL) + SD2 (50 µL) + SD3 (50 µL) + reagent 1 (norvaline, 100 µL). Equivalent to 100 nmol.mL-1 of each amino acid and 200 nmol.mL-1 of norvaline. Mix 1 (50 µL, each metabolite at 25 nmol.mL-1) and cysteine (50 µL, at 100 nmol.mL-1) were added. 4. SD1 (150 µL) + SD2 (150 µL) + SD3 (150 µL) + reagent 1 (norvaline, 100 µL). Equivalent to 300 nmol.mL-1 of each amino acid and 200 nmol.mL-1 of norvaline. Mix 1 (75 µL, each metabolite at 37.5 nmol.mL-1) and cysteine (150 µL, at 300 nmol.mL-1) were added. 5. Glutamine (100 µL) + glycine (100 µL) + serine (100 µL) + histidine (100 µL) + alanine (100 µL) + lysine (100 µL) + reagent 1 (norvaline, 100 µL). Equivalent to 500 nmol .mL-1 of each amino acid (except glycine and histidine which are 1500 nmol.mL-1) and 200 nmol.mL-1 norvaline. Mix 1 (100 µL); each amino acid at 50 nmol.mL-1. Selected ion monitoring. The list below shows the amino acids analyzed and the ions used for quantification (underlined); other ions listed were also recorded and used as qualifiers if required. Quantification (in nmol.mL-1) was performed using the peak area ratio of each ion obtained in SIM mode, and the norvaline peak area (internal standard). A calibration curve was prepared and injected for each sequence. Amino acid Ions Alanine (Ala) 130, 88 Sarcosine (Sar) 130, 217 Glycine (Gly) 116, 217 -aminobutyric acid (Aba) 144, 102 Valine (Val) 158, 116 -Aminoisobutyric acid (-AiB) 116, 172 Norvaline (Istd) (Norv) 158, 72 Leucine (Leu) 172, 86 allo-Isoleucine (aILe) 172, 130 Isoleucine (ILe) 172, 86 Threonine (Thr) 101, 160 Serine (Ser) 146, 203 Proline (Pro) 156, 243 Asparagine (Asn) 69, 155 Aspartic acid (Asp) 216, 130 Methionine (Met) 203, 277 4-Hydroxyproline (4Hyp) 172, 86 Glutamic acid (Glu) 230, 170 Phenylalanine (Phe) 206, 190 Cysteine (Cys) 248, 162 -Aminoadipic acid (AAA) 244, 98 Glutamine (Gln) 84, 187 Ornithine (Orn) 156, 70 Lysine (Lys) 170, 128 Histidine (His) 282, 168 Tyrosine (Tyr) 206, 107 Tryptophan (Trp) 130 Cystine (C-C) 248, 216 Xanthuric acid (Xa) 247 Thioproline (Tpr) 174, 147 3-Hydroxyproline (Hyp) 172, 259 -Aminopimelic acid (Apa) 198, 258 3-hydroxyanthanilic acid (Haa) 161 Glycyl-proline (Grp) 70, 300 Kynurenic acid (Ka) 145 Hydroxylysine (Hly) 129, 169 L-Kynurenine (L-k) 276 Proline-hydroxyproline (Php) 156, 186 Cystathionine (Cth) 203, 272