Principal`s Messages 11-30-2015

Principal’s Messages
Welcome back Parents, Staff & Friends,
Congratulations Carol Kovatch!
Carol Kovatch will be honored Friday night by the California League of the Middle Schools as the RVMS teacher
of the year! Carol is an innovative teacher and has really embraced the use of technology in her classroom.
Her excitement and love of teaching can be seen in her students each and every day. Carol is also our
Christian Club advisor and a Gold Team Captain for Sport A Rama. She is quite a positive force on campus and
her enthusiasm is always contagious. Our congratulations go out to Carol for being nominated for this
prestigious award!
Three Week Stretch!
We are now entering the final weeks of the first semester. With just three weeks left, I want all our students
to stay focused on their academic goals. The last thing we want is for students to relax academically the last
few weeks and hurt their semester grade. This morning on the AM announcements I talked about the
importance of staying focused on achievement. I pulled out a few quotes from Thomas Jefferson and Babe
Ruth. The paraphrased quote from Thomas Jefferson was “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I
work the more luck I have.” In other words, success is seldom just luck. The Quote from Babe Ruth was “It’s
hard to beat a person who never gives up.” It can be hard on students during the last few weeks of the
semester, since they have their daily homework, but quarter and semester projects are also coming due.
Please check in with your student each week and make sure they aren’t waiting to the last minute to get
things done. Together we can make sure our students are successful as we head into winter vacation. Thank
Canned Food Drive
It time for the annual RVMS canned food drive! This event starts December 1st (Tomorrow) and will last until
December 13th. Leadership students will come by to pick up and tally cans each day. It’s a color team
competition for 8th graders and a 1st period class competition for 7th graders. Let’s do our part to help those in
need during the holiday season. Thanks!
Homework Club next week has been moved from Thursday, December 10th to Wednesday, December 9th.
To accommodate a staffing specialist from Sonoma State University, RVMS is moving our monthly staff
meeting normally scheduled the second Wednesday of each month to Thursday. As a result, we had to adjust
homework club as well. We’re sorry for the inconvenience this may cause our families.
Tragedy Near Miss
Just before Thanksgiving break, a RVMS student was hit by a car while riding his bike to school. The student
was dragged eight feet until the car came to a stop. The driver was pulling out of their driveway and didn’t see
our student. Luckily the student was wearing a helmet and his backpack got caught on the front bumper of
the car so he wasn’t dragged underneath the vehicle (Miracle!). The student was shook up and suffered a
scraped leg. If your child walks or rides to school, please talk with them about the importance of watching
carefully for traffic hazards and to obey all traffic laws. We will be increasing our traffic safety
communications with students this week as well.
Winter Concert is Here!
Our annual Winter Concert will be next Tuesday, December 8th at 7:00 pm in the Café. Mr. Saler’s three bands
always put on a great performance. Please swing by and enjoy 90 minutes of wonderful music from our
talented students. Tickets are $3 for an individual or $10 for a family of four or more. They do take donations
at the door as well if you can’t swing by the band room to purchase tickets ahead of time.
That’s it for today.
Mr. Marshall
Principal RVMS & SRACS