The Biome Project Purpose: Identify biomes based on

The Biome Project
Purpose: Identify biomes based on environmental factors and native organisms.
General Guidelines: Each group of students will research biotic (living) and abiotic (nonliving) factors of a chosen biome. The information will be presented
in such a way to create a travel advertisement that will attract visitors to the biome. The presentation may be through PowerPoint, a travel brochure,
video, or a tri-board/poster advertisement which will be presented to the class.
Instructions: Colorful pictures and graphics should be used throughout the project. Creativity and neatness count! Your project must include the following
1. Biome’s place on earth
• Where is it (geographical distribution)?
• What are the abiotic factors that make this biome special?
• What are some of the native plants in your biome? Do the plants have any special adaptations? If so what are they?
• What are some of the native animals in your biome? Do any of the animals have special adaptations? If so, what are they?
• Food web representing your biome.
2. Attractions/Tour Packages
• Advertise your biome’s recreational activities
• Publicize points of interest
• Suggest other biomes nearby for side trips
3. Weather Report (Used to aid tourists in packing their gear)
• What is the average precipitation?
• What is the average temperature?
• Suggest supplies/gear that tourists should bring to make their trip more enjoyable.
4. Warnings
• What are some threats to this biome; include invasive/introduced species?
• Are there any endangered species? If so name them.
• Is there a fear of climate change for this biome?
5. Analysis/Evaluation
• Why is this biome globally important?
Pick a job for each person in your group:
 Ecologist-this person will be an expert on the threats to the biome and importance globally.
 Botanist - this person will be an expert in the plant life of the area
 Zoologist - this person will be an expert in the animal life of the area
 Meteorologist - the weather expert, should also determine the best time of year to vacation in the biome, and what kinds of clothes to bring
 Geographer - map and area expert, will show landmarks, major cities and places a tourist should visit, or activities related to that area (climbing,
biome’s location correctly and clearly
identified (should contain text and
some illustration such as a map)
More than 3 abiotic factors identified
and described in detail
Correctly located; has a visual
Correct location & no visual OR
visual & incorrect location
Incorrectly located and no visual
No biome location
and no visual
3 abiotic factors
2 native plants included and
adaptations provided for both
Has 4 producers and 6
consumers native to biome;
properly labeled and diagramed
2 native animals included;
adaptations described for one or
both animals
Has 3 producers and 5 consumers
native to biome; properly labeled
and diagramed
Points of
Nearby Biome
More than 3 recreational activities
More than 2 points of interest are
represented and described
More than 2 other adjacent/nearby
biomes identified
3 recreational activities listed
2 recreational activities listed
1 abiotic factor listed/described
Or 2 abiotic factors listed but not
1 or 2 plants included but one or
both not native and no adaptations
1 or 2 animals included; but one or
both not native and no adaptations
2 producers and 4 consumers
native to biome; properly labeled
and diagramed or has correct
amount (4 and 6) but not labeled
or diagramed.
1 recreational activity listed
No abiotic factors
More than 2 native plants are included
and adaptations for the plants
More than 3 native animals are
included and adaptations given for all
native animals
Has more than 4 producers and more
than 6 consumers native to biome;
properly labeled and diagramed
2 abiotic factors listed/described
Or 3 abiotic factors listed but no
2 plants native plants given; but
adaptation given for 1 plant
2 points of interest represented
and described
2 other biomes identified that
are adjacent or nearby
1 point of interest noted and
1 other biome identified that is
adjacent or nearby
1 or 2 points of interest noted with
no description
2 other biomes identified but not
average precipitation correctly and
clearly given with details
Average temperature clearly indicated
and details provided
Detailed list given of supplies needed
including, but not limited to: clothing,
gear, food, first aid, etc.
Threats to biome are thoroughly
identified and described including
invasive/introduced species
Average precipitation correctly
average temperature clearly
Detailed list of 3 items needed:
Clothing, gear, & other supplies
Threats to biome are identified
and described including
invasive/introduced species
More than 2 endangered species are
identified with pictures
Impact of possible climate change on
the biome is thoroughly addressed
Works Cited
Global importance of the biome is
explained in detailed
No grammatical errors
More than 3 sources correctly cited in
paper and works cited page (uses APA)
2 endangered species identified;
with pictures
Impact of possible climate
change on the biome is
Explanation is reasonable and
1-2 grammatical errors
3 sources correctly cited in
paper and works cited page
Abiotic factors
Plants and
Animals and
Food Web
Threats to
3 native animals included and
adaptations provided for each
Plants are not native
and no adaptations
Animals are not
native and no
adaptations given
No food web
Incorrect but indicated
No recreational
activities listed
No points of interest
1 other biome
identified but not
No precipitation given
Incorrect, but indicated
No temperature given
Detailed list of 2 items needed
Gives 1 item needed
No suggestions given
Threats to biome are adequately
identified; but little description or
discussion given; includes
invasive/introduced species
1 endangered species identified;
with pictures
Impact is adequately addressed
Identification unsatisfactory; no
description or discussion given; no
invasive species given
Threats not identified
1 or 2 endangered species
identified; no pictures
Impact is minimally addressed
no endangered
species identified
Impact is not
Explanation is reasonable, but not
clearly understood
3-4 grammatical errors
2 sources correctly cited in paper
and works cited page (uses APA)
Explanation is unsatisfactory
Global importance
not explained
More than 6 errors
No works cited
5-6 grammatical errors
1 source correctly cited in paper
and works cited page (uses APA)