Name ___________KEY_______________ Date _____________________ Period __________ Test on: Fri. 5/29 Review: Weathering, Erosion, Deposition, Succession and Water Test Terms to know: (not a word bank) Pioneer species climax community primary succession secondary succession (**Know the difference between primary and secondary succession.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. After a fire strikes an area, what type of succession occurs? _SECONDARY____ 2. What type of succession occurs when a new community grows on existing soil ? _SECONDARY_ 3. Provide an example of a stable community? _OLD GROWTH FOREST/ CLIMAX COMMUNITY 4. How does secondary succession help restore equilibrium (balance) to a region destroyed by flood? ___INCREASES NUMBER & TYPES OF SPECIES__________________ 5. What types of changes occur in the number of species over time as an ecosystem in secondary succession becomes a climax community? _INCREASES___________________________ 6. What kinds of plants would MOST LIKELY be some of the first plants found growing in a pasture after a fire? __GRASSES_____________________ 7. A storm knocked down many trees in a forest. Small plants are now growing where the trees once stood. This is an example of _SECONDARY SUCCESSION________. 8. Provide examples of causes leading to Secondary succession: _FIRE, FLOOD, HURRICANE, TORNADO 9. Where might you be able to witness primary succession? _VOLCANO, GLACIER_____ 10. Lichens are examples of _PIONEER___ species. 11. Draw typical stages of primary succession in a hardwood forest. (Include 6 stages) 12. Breakdown of rock is called _WEATHERING_________________________. 13. The movement or transporting of sediments is called ___EROSION___________________. 14. The dropping of sediments by any agent of erosion is called _DEPOSITION_______________. 15. Physical breaking down of rock to form fragments that have the same characteristics as the original rock is _MECHANICAL_______ weathering. 16. Breaking down of rock that dissolves the mineral content and chemically changes the rock is _CHEMICAL________________ weathering. 17. Agents/causes of mechanical weathering: (7) 1. WIND 2. 5. PRESSURE WATER 3. PLANTS 6. TEMP CHANGE 4. ANIMALS 7.ICE/FROST WEDGING You should be able to recognize if an example is chemical or mechanical not really list them (for test) 18. Agents/Causes of chemical weathering: (4) 1. WATER 2. OXYGEN 19. Things that effect rate of weathering (3) 1. CLIMATE 2. TYPE OF ROCK 3. PLANT ACIDS 4.OTHER ACIDS Do not focus on “type of rock”— questions will be like 11, and 12 (below) 3. SURFACE AREA (A) 15g rock broken into smaller pieces (B) a 15g rock (C) a 15 g rock broken in half 20. Which of the samples above would weather fastest? __A_ Why? _MORE SURFACE AREA____ 21. Which types of climates affect the rate of the two types of weathering? (Examples below) a. Which type of weathering is more common in tropical (warm, wet) climates? _CHEMICAL________ b. Which type of weathering is more rapid in polar regions? _MECHANICAL_________ c. Which type of weathering is more rapid in deserts? _MECHANICAL_____________________. Why? _DRY / TEMP CHANGE / WIND & SAND_____________________ d. Which agent of erosion is most common in a desert region? __WIND ___________________ Why? 22. How and why does frost or ice wedging occur? _H2O FLOWS IN CRACKS, FREEZES & EXPANDS & MAKES CRACK BIGGER 23. Agents of Erosion: (4) WIND, WATER, GRAVITY, GLACIERS 24. What do weathering, erosion, and deposition work together to accomplish? CHANGES EARTH’S SURFACES 25. Human activities that cause or effect soil erosion or loss: (2 main categories) 1. CONSTRUCTION 2. FARMING / AGRICULTURE 26. What is runoff? _WATER THAT FLOWS ON THE SURFACE ABOVE GROUND___ 27. In which situation will soil erosion occur more often or at a greater rate? Put a check! a._____ area with lots of plants b.___X__ area with little vegetation c._____ a gradual flatter slope d.___X__ a steeper slope e.__X___ areas with a lot of runoff* (*water that does not soak in f._____ areas with less runoff but flows over the surface) 28. Where does greater erosion occur---along a fast-moving river or a slow-moving river? __________FAST____________________ 29. What are some negative effects of soil erosion? POLLUTION, LOSS OF TOPSOIL, LOSS OF HABITAT 30. What are some ways people can reduce soil erosion at construction sites? SEDIMENT FENCES THAT MESH THAT GRASS ROOTS GROW INTO 31. What are some ways farmers can reduce soil erosion? MINIMUM TILLAGE, TERRACING, WIND BREAKS (PLANT TREES ALONG EDGES OF FIELDS) 32. In Texas we don’t have big cliffs by our beaches, this makes coastal areas vulnerable to severe erosion from what type of storms? HURRICANES What part of those storms causes the most erosion? STORM SURGE (BIG WAVES) 33. Over thousands of years, carbonic acid has chemically weathered limestone, creating _CAVES_. 34. On what type of landform (hill, valley, plain, etc) is erosion more common? ___________ Why? ____STEEP SLOPE MEANS FASTER WATER, MORE GRAVITY_______ 35. Describe how the rocks were weathered below (what caused it?) A B C A. __ICE WEDGING_______ B. __ANIMAL BURROWS____ C. _CARBONIC ACID FROM FLOWING WATER UNDERGROUND__________________ 36. We’ve got a lot of bayous that run through Cinco Ranch. Over the last 10 years there has been a tremendous amount of building of new homes & stores in the area. Describe how that has affected the flow of water in the bayous. _LESS PERCOLATION – MORE IMPERMEABLE SURFACE MEANS MORE SURFACE RUNOFF & BAYOUS FILL UP FASTER_______ 37. Why has the farmer made terraces on his fields on this hill? PREVENT RUNOFF/EROSION – HOLD WATER 38. What is the feature to the left and where would you find one? DELTA – AT THE MOUTH OF A RIVER WHERE IT RUNS INTO OCEAN 39. Why is the use of fertilizers and pesticides carefully monitored? What negative effects can these have on an ecosystem? SURFACE RUNOFF CARRIES THEM INTO LAKES & STREAMS & POLLUTES THEM – CAUSING RAPID ALGAE GROWTH, DECREASING OXYGEN, CHOKING AQUATIC LIFE 40. What is an aquifer? UNDERGROUND WATER STORAGE 41. What could be a reason a well has gone dry? OVERPUMPING HAS EXCEEDED RAIN WATER REPLENISHMENT 42. What could be a consequence of excess removal of water from an aquifer? WELLS RUN DRY, PEOPLE RUN OUT OF WATER