Vita_Jeff_Goodman - Appalachian State University

Jeffrey M. Goodman
443 Firefly Drive
Burnsville, NC 28714
Appalachian State University.
M.A. in Educational Media, May, 1993
Harvard College.
B.A., Biology concentration, May, 1986
Professional Experience
Appalachian State University. Boone, N.C. August, 1993- Present.
Practitioner-in-Residence, Department of Curriculum and Instruction.
Undergraduate courses taught have included:
 UCO 1200 Documentary in Photography, Radio and Film
 CI 3543 Methods of Elementary Science Teaching for Scientific Literacy
 GS 4401/ CI 4401 Methods of Elementary School Science
 CI 3531/5531 Advanced Video Production
 CI 2800 Teachers, Schools and Learners
 CI 2300 Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age
 CI 4810/5810 Introduction to Sight and Sound
 CI 3750 Integration Media and Technology into Teaching
 RE/FDN/CI 3850 Literacy Technology and Instruction
 CI 4950/5950 Non-fiction Film and Video
 CI 4740/5740 Beginning Photography and Digital Imaging
 CI 4770/5770 Intermediate Photography
Graduate courses taught have included:
 CI 5921 Communication Theory and Instructional Design
 CI 5636 Digital Production for the Classroom
 CI 5630 Instructional Technology
 CI 5930 Instructional Graphics
2013 Reich College of Education Community of Practice Award
(Shared with Science Education faculty)
2012 Reich College of Education Community of Practice Award
2009 Rennie W. Brantz First Year Seminar Teaching Award
2003 ASU Reich College of Education Adjunct Teacher of the Year
2002 Selected for Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers
1999-2000 Alpha Phi Appalachian State University Teacher of the
1998-1999 Appalachian State University SGA College of Education
Teacher of the Year
1996 Selected for Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers
Mountain Heritage High School. August 2003-May 2004
Taught 10th grade Biology at a small, rural high school in Burnsville, NC.
Consultant, Workshop Leader, Inservice Trainer, and Visiting Artist. 1993-Present.
Lead workshops in experiential science, computer technology, the integration of
technology and science, digital imaging, video production, photography, and media
Science and Technology Education Workshop Leader
 ASU Math Science Education Center. Led numerous workshops, including:
 “Physics and Perception” presentations for elementary, middle, and high
school groups (2005- present)
 NC MSEC “Grades 5-8 Workshop: Energy” (2011),
 NC MSEC “State Initiative on Teaching Excellence (SITE) Biology” (2007),
 NC MSEC “State Initiative on Teaching Excellence (SITE) Grades 3-5(2006),
 “Inquiry Science for Middle Grades” (2005),
 “Weekend Workshops: Integrating Math, Science and Technology” (2000),
 "Science, Misconceptions and Writing,” (1998), and
 “Mathematics and Science Education for Elementary School Teachers (1997).
 Catawba Science Center. Led workshops, including:
 “Marine Biology” (2008),
 “Minds and Machines: Building Cars and Robots That ‘Think.’” (2007),
 “Powered by the Air: Building Vehicles that Run on Air” (2006), and
 “The Physics of Toy Cars” (2001).
 Northwest Regional Educational Service Alliance. Led workshop for middle
grades teachers:
 “Building Vehicles that Move with the Wind” (2006).
 Duke Talent Identification Program.
 Led a two day workshop for gifted teens, Video Production and Film Study
(2004, 2006 and 2007).
 Led a two day workshop for gifted teens, Robotics and Invention (2005).
 Penland School of Crafts. "Science in the Studios" Project: Led workshops on
science and photography for high school students (1999-2000).
 Museum of Life and Science, Durham, NC. Led workshop on building selfpropelled vehicles for their Science Teacher Camp-In (1999).
 Burroughs-Wellcome Women in Science Project at ASU. Co-p.i. for a three-year,
$170,000 grant for training women middle grades teachers and female students in
hands-on science and technology. (1996-99).
Media Production and Creativity Workshop Leader
 Penland School of Crafts. Co-facilitator of a one week instructor retreat for 100
current and previous teachers at Penland (2011).
 Penland School of Crafts. Instructor for intensive two and a half-week
Photography Courses: “From Physics to Photography” (2000) and “Pictures and
Stories” (2005), and “Maps of the Mind” (2010).
 United States Department of Health and Human Services, Center for Medicaid
Services. Led day long creative retreat for personnel in the agency’s creative
services division. (2008)
 Arthur Morgan School. Led workshops in stop-action animation for middle
school student (2005 and 2006).
 Francis W. Parker School. Led a day-long creative retreat for the faculty of this
private school.
 North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching. Led one-week Lights,
Camera, Action: Video Production for Teachers (summers of 2001 and 2002).
 Banner Elk Elementary School visiting artist. Led introductory photography
activities for third graders as a part of their “Our School, Our Town” photography
project (2001).
 NC Teaching Fellows. Lead annual, week-long intensive sessions in photography
and video production (1993- 2001).
 Adult Basic Skills Project at Appalachian State University. Led media literacy
and technology training workshops for Community College personnel and adult
basic skills instructors. (Annually, 1999-present)
Media and Technology Trainer for Public School Personnel
 ASU/Public School Partnership. Led workshops in digital imaging, media
literacy, and video production.
 Yancey County Schools. Trained teachers in video production and the use of
computer technology.
 Asheville City Schools. Worked with teachers to create a documentary videotape
about an Asheville arts magnet school.
 Watauga County Schools. Led video production and media literacy workshops
for teachers and administrators.
 McDowell County Schools. Developed a manual for training teachers in the use
of video in the context of professional teaching portfolios, and trained teachers in
video production.
 TEAM Computer Development Plan. Led technology training workshops for
public school teachers (1993-1996).
Presentations, Publications and Exhibits.
 Wilson, R., Goodman J., Bradbury, L., & Gross, L. (2013). Exploring the Use of
iPads to Investigate Forces and Motion in an Elementary Science Methods
Course. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Science Teacher Education,
Volume 13, Issue 2.
 Association for Science Teacher Education Annual Meeting. Co-wrote and
presented with Lisa Gross, Rachel Wilson and Leslie Bradbury the paper
“Exploring the use of iPads to Investigate Forces and Motion in an Elementary
Science Methods Course.” (January, 2013).
 North Carolina Science Teachers Association Professional Development Institute.
Co- presented with Lisa Gross, Rachel Wilson and Leslie Bradbury the session
“Using iPads to Study Force, Motion, & Energy Transfer” (November, 2012)
 Appalachian State University Math Science Education Center seminar series.
Presented “The Brain as a Meat Machine: Modern Neurobiology, Free Will, and
the Hard Problem of Consciousness. (September, 2012)
 Murphy, J., Goodman, J., Gibbons, D. & Stewart, T. Produced the 35 minute
documentary, “100 Miles for Swisher: A Story of Community and Commitment” . (September, 2012)
 Stewart, T. T. & Goodman, J. (2012). Digital diet: Adolescents investigating the
politics of food and farming through 21st Century storytelling. American Reading
Forum Annual Yearbook [Online], Vol. 32.
 Appalachian State University Scholarly Teaching Academy, Hubbard Program
for Faculty Excellence, 5E’s Learning Cycle. Presentation developed for and
shared with ASU college professors seeking ideas for enhancing student
engagement. (ASU: March 2, 2012).
 Contributed articles “Digital Images,” ”Digital Cameras,” “Digital Storage”
“Carpentry,” and “Toilets” to The Encyclopedia of Mathematics & Society,
Hackensack, NJ: Salem Press, (2012).
 American Reading Forum. Co-wrote “Digital diet: Adolescents investigating the
politics of food and farming through 21st century storytelling” for presentation at
Annual ARF Conference (2011).
 Goodman, J, Upson, L, Gross, L, & Straits, W. (2010). Picture this!. Science and
Children, 48(4), 46-50.
 Turchin Center for the Visual Arts. “Italian Holocaust Survivors Remember”
photography and video exhibit of work documenting survivors of the Holocaust in
Italy. (July-September, 2010)
 National Science Teachers Association regional meeting, Charlotte, NC.
Presented “Wonderful Wikispaces: using collaborative software in the science
classroom” (November 2008).
 Penland School of Crafts. “The Talking Hole” (documentary video) and “Strange
But True” (poetry collection) in the Penland Gallery Show Humor in Art (2008)
 Honoring the Earth Series, Blue Spiral Gallery, Asheville, NC. Produced the
documentary film Ten Bites of Enough which opened the show; the show also
contained the black and white photograph Inside the Mother. (2008)
 Arthur Morgan School. Produced a half hour documentary film Living and
Learning at AMS, on the educational philosophy of the school (2007)
 North Carolina Science Teachers Association, Greensboro, NC. Presented
“Using Kid-Friendly Software to Build a Website for Your Science Classroom,”
November (2007)
 North Carolina Science Teachers Association. Presented “Picture This! Using
Photoessays in the Science Classroom” (2006).
 Appalachian Therapeutic Riding Center. Produced a documentary for fundraising
and information (2006).
 Penland School of Crafts. “Knowledge Bar and Simile Distribution Service”
(installation) in the Penland Gallery show Craft and Social Conscience (2006).
 Appalachian State University Teaching Fellows. Keynote Address, Honors
Awards Ceremony (2006).
 Goodman, Jeff. (2004) A Mirror Looking at Itself in a Mirror: Reflections on a
Year Teaching Tenth Grade Biology. Schools, Fall, 2004.
 National Media Literacy Association Conference. Presented “Experiment and
Control: Science and the Media” (2003).
 Goodman, Jeff. (2001) Don’t Leaf Me Alone: Experimenting with Fall Leaf
Color Change. Exciting Plant Activities for the Elementary Classroom. Chapel
Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Mathematics and Science Education
 NC Department of Public Instruction Coach 2 Coach Conference. Presented
“Video Production for Performance-Based Licensure.” (2001 and 2002).
 Appalachian State University Teaching Fellows. Presented enrichment lectures
on various topics, including Using Creative Role Play in the Classroom, Media
Literacy, and the Use of Technology in the classroom. (Bi-annually, 1996-2002)
 Appalachian State University Humanities Festival: Presented “Technology and
Mediated Experience” (2000).
 Appalachian State University Chancellor’s Technology Showcase: Presented
“Using Technology to Facilitate Connections” (2001)
 Hospice of Mitchell County. Produced a documentary informational video for
use in fundraising activities, volunteer training, and family counseling (1995).
 Clara Couch, sculptor. Produced an hour-long documentary, Enough, about her
work used in conjunction with her 1996 show.
Arthur Morgan School. Burnsville, N.C. August, 1986- July 1991.
Middle School teacher and houseparent. Taught science and math at a small,
private, boarding middle school. Taught electives including photography, radio
production, video production, construction, ceramics and drama. Additional
responsibilities included coordinating the academic faculty, supervising
curriculum reform, and documenting the school's educational philosophy. Served
on the board for the school from 2003-2008.