Coro 2

Jasmine Coro
Advanced Comp 7
21 November 2013
Roadmap of Culture
Aloha, Вiтаю, gruus got, ni hao, jamnbo, ola, bok, dobrý den, hallo, yo, tere, hyvää
päivää, bonjour, dia duit, góðan dag, merhaba, wai, konnichi ha, adaab, xin chào...hello- nearly
6,500 languages and dialects flow without thought out of people’s mouths everywhere around
the world. Some roll right off the tongue, some melt like vanilla, and others require a bit of
intensity behind them- all and all language allows human interaction in a personable response.If
one has limits to language than there are limits to the world. Language is a roadmap to culture- it
shows progress in which people are going as well as show where they are from.
Speaking English alone will allow one to talk to 251,388,301 people throughout the earth.
There’s at least one person within that 251, 388, 301 can create a connection that could lead to
endless possibilities. Language is a gateway to relationship and opportunity, but it is also a wall.
Currently in the U.S complications have sprung in the midst of dealing with bilingual educationthe rights to provide students of international background or language other than English the
same opportunities for learning and experiences. An immersive bilingual education will allow
students to understand perspective of other cultures as well as reach to a whole new set of people
to speak to. According to Laura Morsch from, employers are willing to pay
bilingual workers up to 20 percent more than the average employee. (Why It Pays to be
Teaching a language from the very beginning of a child’s learning will allow them to
hold a better grasp on the language. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics,
one out of 5 children who are old enough to attend school, 21 percent, speak a language other
than English on their household. That same number of bilingual children is shown to grow over
the upcoming years. (Advantages to Being Bilingual) Teaching a child early on will provide a
not only a strong foundation in a language but it also other communication skills. When a child
learns more than one language they must learn to differentiate, therefore they’re able to have a
better grasp on listening skills, categorizing and decision making.
Coro 2
For as many academic and social beneficial reasons there are to bilingual education there
is a series of debates regarding that regard skepticism. Countries all around the world have
implemented bilingual education systems to create a foundation that can lead them to an
international level. Languages taught such as romance languages can lead to learning more than
two since they have a Latin base. The bilingual education system run by the, NABE, National
Association of Bilingual Education has been utilized in different fashions, in countries all over the world
and for a series of years. It has provided a international platform for students to broaden their
communication and culture skills, it can mean any use of two languages in school by either the
administrators or students or even both. NABE breaks the negative opinions and misconceptions of the
media on bilingual education in total by providing children with quality education. With a focus in
literacy and excelling students are able to succeed because the student is able to understand the language
fully. The problem about bilingual education nowadays is the expectancy for proficiency to be upheld to
standards that are unreasonable. It’s almost like having a monkey, a penguin, a elephant, a fish, a seal, and
a dog- have them all take the same it exam. Test them on climbing a tree, is that fair? Everyone has
different abilities and backgrounds and the education system must form to them to receive the best
outcome. Providing the world with bilingual education only sets a positive base for the future of humanity
as we are willing.