! Advanced Ceramics

Advanced Ceramics
Mrs. Kelley
Art Room Policy
It is everyone’s responsibility to keep the art room in the best condition
•You are required to Clean Up After Yourself. If you do not clean up after
yourself, you may be given a cleaning job or duty. Clay dust is
dangerous! It is very important to keep the ceramic area clean in order
to minimize the risk.
•Return tools and supplies when you are finished using them. Do not
misuse or use supplies excessively. Materials are expensive and should
never be wasted. Take only what you will use right now.
****If are unsure of the correct way to use a tool or material, always ask for assistance.
•The Rules of Respect Respect for Teacher, Respect for Peers, Respect for Supplies
and Equipment, and Respect for Yourself.
Course Objectives
In this advanced year-long class, we will explore ceramic techniques and procedures as we refine
skills learned previously. Historical and contemporary ceramics will be discussed to inspire our work.
Students will develop a “concentration” or body of work in an area of interest as the culmination of this
class. Students may take this class for three years.
Materials and Supplies
Participation in class is required of all students and will be counted as a major portion of your final
grade. Students will receive 2 points per day for working productively all period. You will also be
required to take part in critiques and class discussions about your artwork and the work of your
Class Critiques
During class critiques we will look at all of the work created for a given assignment after the projects
are complete. This will give you a chance to talk about your artwork as well as hear what others think.
Remember that only constructive criticism is acceptable. In other words, if you do not have anything
nice to say, it may be best to not say anything at all.
Rank 2 Assignments
This course can be taken for level 1 or level 2 credits. In addition to all coursework, level 1 students
are required to complete additional assignments as follows:
MP1: “Famous Artists Report”
MP2: “Ceramics Technique Paper & Project”
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MP3: “The History of Ceramics Paper”
Grades will be determined by a number of factors within each
assignment. Although some factors may vary from project to project,
craftsmanship, theme or concept, involvement and investment and
finish will always be included.
Craftsmanship is the skill used to create a desired result. It is
important to take the time necessary to create work that is exactly
what you intend. If you do not have time to do it right, where will you
find time to do it over? Remember fired clay is permanent; be sure
your work is worth the time.
Theme or Concept is the idea that you are attempting to convey.
You should always try to come up with creative solutions to the
projects given.
Involvement and Investment How invested are you in your idea?
How involved are you in the process? Are you spending all of the
allotted time working towards the desired finish?
Finish/Presentation Have you achieved your original goal? You
should make every effort to ensure that the finish of each piece is
the best it can be. Can you speak well about your piece, explain
your work during discussions.
Late and Incomplete Assignments
Points will be deducted for late and incomplete assignments. Due to the nature of the process, your
work must be ready to fire on assigned dates. If you miss a firing it may be weeks before you have a
chance again. You will always be given ample time to complete a given project. Unfired, unglazed
pieces are incomplete.
Late assignments will receive one point off from the class participation grade. The student will
have until the Last Day to Submit for the marking period to hand in artwork to be graded before
becoming a zero.
***After the Last Day to Submit, the artwork will not be accepted and the student will receive a
zero. ****
Unless I am introducing an assignment or you are researching a reference for an assignment,
I-pads or cell phones are not to be out. You are not to use it for any reason other than
reference- no messaging, games, photos, etc.. Devices that are out during class will be taken
for the remainder of the period. If this becomes an ongoing problem, disciplinary measures will
be taken.
On my website, students and parents can find assignment sheets, handouts, examples, and
grade sheets. Students may use this resource to print out necessary sheets, duplicates, and
check on missed work. To access the website: 1. Go to the district website, www.rtmsd.org and
select Penncrest from the top left corner. 2. Once on the homepage, select efaculty, and the
select my name. All assignments will be under Advanced Ceramics.
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