Unit 6 – Cellular Reproduction Meiosis Notes Name: Number: Date: Class Color: Asexual Reproduction: Advantages o It is faster o Large numbers of offspring are produced. o The parent does not have to find a mate. Disadvantages o All of the offspring are exactly alike. o There is no ____________. o The ability to adapt to a changing environment is greatly reduced. Sexual Reproduction: Advantages o All of the offspring are genetically ___________ from each other. Disadvantages o The parent must find a mate. o Fewer offspring will be produced. o It takes longer. Cell Division and Chromosome Number: Homologous chromosomes o Two copies of each chromosome, one coming from the mother and one coming from the father. o Carry the same genes, but they may have different expressions of that gene. Haploid – Diploid – Meiosis occurs in 2 stages: Meiosis I 1. Interphase 2. Prophase I 3. Metaphase I 4. Anaphase I Meiosis II 5. Telophase I 6. Prophase II 7. Metaphase II 8. Anaphase II 9. Telphase II Importance of Meiosis: “Crossing over” is the exchange of _________________ between segments of homologous chromosomes during meiosis. The result is that the offspring will receive ______________ of genetic information. This leads to ________ in the offspring. Meiosis produces _____________ cells that are different. Unit 6 – Cellular Reproduction Meiosis Notes Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis: Mitosis occurs in all cells of the ______ except ________________. Meiosis only occurs in the formation of _______________________. In meiosis, each __________ cell divides _______ to produce a total of _______ cells. In mitosis each _________ cell divides ________ to form _____ cells. In meiosis, each of the four cells contains _______ the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. In mitosis, each new cell contains the _______ number of chromosomes as the original cell. In mitosis, the homologous pairs do not come together to form ___________. In meiosis, the homologous pairs do come together to form __________. While the chromosomes are in tetrads, __________________ may occur. There will be no crossing over in ________________. In meiosis, the four haploid cells contain _______________ combinations of chromosomes from each other. In mitosis, the new cells contain _____________ copies.