David Smith - University of Puget Sound

David Smith
History Department
Wyatt 132, ext. 3172
Email: dfsmith@pugetsound.edu
Fall 2011
Scholarly and Creative Inquiry Seminar
History 123
Causes, Course and Consequences.
Students will be introduced to the process of scholarly and creative inquiry by their direct
participation as readers of both primary and secondary historical materials that relate to
a focused topic on the causes, course and consequences of Second World War in
Europe. Students will gain an understanding of the creative and scholarly work in the
field of modern European history that will be enhanced by the opportunities provided in
class discussion of the materials. Papers will further advance students understanding of
the seminar topic and aim to promote their intellectual independence. Papers, close
reading and structured discussions will increase their ability to frame and explore
questions, support claims and respond to differing opinions as much of the historical
material is controversial in interpretation.
The course begins with an examination of the causes of the Second World War from the
vantage point of the failure of the Treaty of Versailles, the rise of Fascism and the policy
of appeasement. With the outbreak of war in 1939 the course will examine the fall of
France, the survival of Britain and the extension of the war in Eastern Europe. The
course continues with a discussion of the eventual Allied victory over the Axis powers
using R. Overy’s, Why the Allies Won and the experience of front line soldiers in P.
Fussell’s, The Boys Crusade. The experience of the Holocaust will be examined through
Doris Bergen’s, War and Genocide: A Concise History of the Holocaust. The final
section of the course focuses on the fall of the Axis powers and the great changes that
resulted for Europe in the wake of that defeat as portrayed by William Hitchcock’s The
Bitter Road to Freedom.
Books to be purchased:
Paul Fussell, The Boys Crusade (2003)
Richard Overy, Why the Allies Won (1997)
Doris Bergen, War and Genocide (2009)
John Plowright, The Causes, Course and Outcomes of World War Two (2007)
William I. Hitchcock, The Bitter Road to Freedom (2008)
Website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/britain_wwtwo/
Assignments and Evaluation:
Two short papers. Detailed instructions will be provided. First paper 15%,
Second Paper 15%.
Mid Term examination 10%
Newspaper and website submissions 20%
Final examination 25%
Class preparation and assignments on weekly reading 15%
Class schedule and readings
Week beginning ............................................................................................. August 30
Tony Judt, “What have we learned, if anything?”(Moodle)
BBC website: Gathering Storm
Film: BBC History of World War II: "The Nazis." D743.23 B23 2005 Vol. 1
Plowright, Chapter 1
Week beginning ......................................................................................... September 6
Plowright, Chapters 2 & 3.
Film: BBC History of World War II: "Road to War." D743.23 B23 2005 Vol. 2
Week beginning ....................................................................................... September 13
Plowwright, Chapters, 4 and 5
BBC web site: Blitzkrieg, the Home Front
S. Rose, "Sex, Citizenship, and the Nation in World War II" (Moodle)
BBC website: Britain Alone, Blitzkrieg and the Home Front
Weeks beginning ........................................................ September 20 and September 27
Bergen, War and Genocide, entire book.
Overy, Chapter 9
BBC web site: End Game
Film: Peoples Century "1933 Master Race"
Week beginning ............................................................................................. October 4
Richard Overy, Why the Allies Won, Chapters 1-3
BBC web site: Britain Alone, Allies in Retreat
Week beginning ........................................................................................... October 11
(No class 18 October)
Start reading Paul Fussell, The Boy’s Crusade
Overy, Chapter 4-5
Plowright, Chapter 6
BBC web site: The Tide Turns, Axis in Retreat
Mid term exam Oct. 15
Week beginning ........................................................................................... October 25
Fussell, The Boy’s Crusade
Overy, Chapter 6 and 7, 8
Film: Peoples Century "1939 Total War"
BBC Web site: D Day and Overlord
Hitchcock, Chapter 1.
Week beginning ............................................................. November 8 and November 15
Hitchcock, Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5
Week beginning ........................................................................................ November 29
(No class on November 22 and 24)
Norman Davis "The Misunderstood Victory in Europe" NYRB May 1995 (Xerox)
Film: Peoples Century "1945 Brave New World"
BBC Web site: End Game, Reconstruction and Retribution.
Plowright, Chapters, 11, 12, 13.
Overy, Chapter 10
Hitchcock, Chapters 6,7
Last Class December 6
Final exam.......................... Thursday, December 15, 4:00-6:00 pm
Classroom Emergency Response Guidance
Please review university emergency preparedness and response procedures posted at
www.pugetsound.edu/emergency/. There is a link on the university home
page. Familiarize yourself with hall exit doors and the designated gathering area for
your class and laboratory buildings.
If building evacuation becomes necessary (e.g. earthquake), meet your instructor at
the designated gathering area so she/he can account for your presence. Then wait for
further instructions. Do not return to the building or classroom until advised by a
university emergency response representative.
If confronted by an act of violence, be prepared to make quick decisions to protect
your safety. Flee the area by running away from the source of danger if you can
safely do so. If this is not possible, shelter in place by securing classroom or lab
doors and windows, closing blinds, and turning off room lights. Stay low, away from
doors and windows, and as close to the interior hallway walls as possible. Wait for
further instructions.
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