Grade 1 Arts Ed - Music Strand - Supporting-Arts-Ed

Grade 1 Arts Ed - Music Strand
CP1.5 Create music expressions and contribute to decisions about ideas, sounds,
instruments, and order (e.g., loud/soft, fast/slow, high/low).
I can create my own music compositions.
I can experiment with music to show I understand the difference between louds
and softs, highs and lows, fast and slow.
a. Experiment with the voice and
instruments by creating and imitating
b. Contribute to music inquiry questions
and processes (e.g., How many different
sounds can we make with these
instruments? How can we arrange the
sounds in an interesting way?).
c. Play simple pitched and non-pitched
instruments and body percussion.
d. Create a variety of different sounds
from one sound source.
e. Select sounds with purpose, and
organize sounds to convey particular
images or expressive qualities.
f. Use invented notation to represent
sound compositions, and recognize that
sounds/music may be represented
through a variety of notation devices.
Math Connection:
P1.2 Translate repeating patterns from
one form of representation to another.
g. Discuss individual and group problemsolving and decision-making processes
(e.g., How did you know when to play
your part loud and when to play it soft?
Tell me how you worked together to
change the B part to make it sound
different from the A part?).
h. Identify own contributions to
collaborative processes.
Student Friendly “I Can” Statement
I can experiment with my voice to create
sounds and to copy other sounds.
I can experiment with instruments (both real
and virtual) to create sounds and to copy
other sounds.
I can ask good questions about music.
I can play a simple pitched instrument
(both real and virtual).
I can play a simply non-pitched instruction
(both real and virtual).
I can explore body percussion.
I can create different sounds from one
source (both real and virtual).
I can choose different sounds to match
stories and pictures.
I can “write” my own music.
I can describe how I made choices when
creating music.
I can explain how my group worked
I can explain my part in working with a
CP1.6 Demonstrate understanding of patterns and the elements of music including:
same and different patterns, rhythm (e.g., difference between beat and rhythm, sounds
and silence, long and short sounds), dynamics (loud and soft), pitch (high and low
sounds), texture (sounds heard alone or together), tone colours (distinguish between).
I can show my understanding of pattern in music (same and different; beat and
rhythm; sound and silence; long and short sounds).
I can show my understanding of dynamics in music (louds and softs).
I can show my understanding of pitch (highs and lows).
I can show my understanding of texture (sounds heard together, sounds heard
I can show my understanding of tone colours (e.g. violin versus trumpet).
a. Use movement and body
percussion to investigate and
represent music patterns and
b. Make same and different
patterns using found objects,
voice, and percussion instruments.
c. Recognize and perform a
steady beat and various gradeappropriate rhythmic patterns
(e.g., clapping, stepping, and
Math Connection:
P1.1 Demonstrate an
understanding of repeating
patterns (two to four elements)
by …
P1.2 Translate repeating patterns
from one form of representation
to another.
d. Imitate, create, and respond to
simple rhythmic and melodic
patterns (i.e., ostinati).
e. Investigate contrasts between
sounds (e.g., fast/slow, long/short).
f. Identify and respond to loud/soft
and louder/softer sounds
(dynamics) in speech, music, and
the environment.
g. Identify high/low sounds (pitch)
Student Friendly “I Can” Statement
I can use movement and body percussion to
explore music.
I can make music patterns that are different and
that are the same using:
 objects I find
 my voice
 percussion instruments.
I can tell when I hear a steady beat.
I can create a steady beat on my own.
I can copy a simple pattern.
Sample Lesson Plan at
I can explore how sounds can be different.
I can tell when I hear loud and soft sounds
I can explore high and low sounds (pitch).
in speech, music, and the
h. Sing a variety of gradeappropriate music, matching pitch
with some accuracy (e.g., so, mi,
i. Distinguish between sounds
heard alone and sounds heard
together (texture of one instrument
vs. several).
j. Distinguish differences of sound
qualities (tone colour/timbre)
between one sound
object/instrument and another
(e.g., violin vs. trumpet).
k. Use grade-appropriate music
terminology to describe the
elemental characteristics of
sounds (e.g., screechy, rumbling,
high/ low, and soft/loud).
I can sing songs and try to match my pitch.
I can tell if a sound is alone or mixed together with
other sounds.
I can tell the difference between the sounds of
different instruments.
Resource Suggestion:
Instrument Locker Room from New York
Philharmonic Site (see Sun West’s Pinterest site)
I can use different words to describe what I hear.
Online Resources –
Sun West’s Pinterest account has a board called Music for the Classroom. On there, you
will find various links to support your students as they explore virtual instruments.
Apple Apps
Garage Band
Seuss Band
Real Piano
Magic Piano
Grade 1 Arts Ed (Music) Summative Assessment
CP1.5 Create music expressions and contribute to decisions about ideas, sounds, instruments, and order
(e.g., loud/soft, fast/slow, high/low).
I can create my own music compositions.
I can experiment with music to show I understand the difference between louds and softs, highs
and lows, fast and slow.
CP1.6 Demonstrate understanding of patterns and the elements of music including: same and different
patterns, rhythm (e.g., difference between beat and rhythm, sounds and silence, long and short sounds),
dynamics (loud and soft), pitch (high and low sounds), texture (sounds heard alone or together), tone
colours (distinguish between).
I can show my understanding of pattern in music (same and different; beat and rhythm; sound and
silence; long and short sounds).
I can show my understanding of dynamics in music (louds and softs).
I can show my understanding of pitch (highs and lows).
I can show my understanding of texture (sounds heard together, sounds heard alone).
I can show my understanding of tone colours (e.g. violin versus trumpet).
Part 1: Using instruments of your choice (real or virtual), create musical compositions
that include:
a musical pattern
loud and soft parts (dynamics)
high parts and low parts (pitch)
fast and slow parts.
Write the music for the composition. Then play the composition.
(CP 1.5)
Part 2: Listen to the sounds and tell:
a. If you are listening to a beat or a rhythm.
b. If the musical sounds are the same or different.
c. If the sounds are alone, or heard to together. (CP 1.6)