continuum of care grants program

Mailing Address
City of Durham
Department of Community Development
101 City Hall Plaza
Durham, NC 27701
Office Location
City of Durham
Department of Community Development
807 E. Main Street, Bldg. 2, Suite 200
Durham, North Carolina 27701
Funded by: United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
City of Durham, Continuum of Care Grant Funding Application – 2011
2011 New Grant Application Package
The following information is reprinted from the Department of Housing and Urban
Development’s (HUD) introduction to the Fiscal Year [FY] 2011 CoC Registration Notice.
Applicants are encouraged to review this information, especially items 3, 4, 6, 9, 10c, 10d, and
13, which refer specifically to new projects. The remaining information is offered as
background for those who may be unfamiliar with the CoC grant’s purposes and processes.
Instructions for the application itself begin on page eight, and the application on page nine.
The McKinney-Vento Act, Public Law 100-77, and corresponding appropriations and authorizations
fund a range of services to promote community-wide goals to end homelessness. McKinney-Vento also
promotes access to and effective utilization of mainstream programs and supports projects that quickly
re-house homeless individuals and families while minimizing trauma and dislocation to those persons,
as well as projects that optimize self-sufficiency among individuals and families experiencing
homelessness. Title IV of the Act specifically provides for the funding of the Supportive Housing
Program (SHP), the Shelter Plus Care Program (S+C), and the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation for
Single Room Occupancy Program (SRO). [Note: For specific information about these various programs,
please visit and search for these terms using the box in the upper right portion of the
The Homeless Emergency and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act, Public Law 111-22 amends
Title IV of the McKinney-Vento Act. HUD is in the process of issuing regulations and developing
requirements and parameters for the CoC program’s implementation and administration. This
implementation process includes, but is not limited to, the drafting of regulations outlining
requirements for application eligibility, application review, award selection, grant agreement, eligible
uses of award dollars and related funds, recipient reporting, and compliance monitoring. The
regulations are being issued and implemented in several phases. On April 20, 2010, HUD released the
first phase, which focused on proposed changes to HUD’s definition of “homeless,” “homeless
individual,” “homeless person,” and “homeless individual with a disability.” The proposed rule is
available online at HUD anticipates issuing
the remaining regulations for public comment in calendar year 2011. Until the final regulation for
effect is published, the CoC program, created by the HEARTH Act, will not be implemented.
In FY2011, HUD will continue to competitively allocate annual funding for the SHP, S+C, and SRO
homeless assistance programs under the current CoC planning process.
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The CoC Planning Process. CoCs are encouraged to continue planning for the FY2011 CoC Homeless
Assistance Competition in the same manner as in past years. The CoC Homeless Assistance
Competition is the exclusive vehicle for obtaining HUD funding for renewal and new SHP and S+C
Homeless Assistance projects.
CoCs must continue to develop planning systems using a comprehensive community-based or regionbased approach to ending homelessness. The CoC’s planning process must also continue to address the
specific needs of all homeless subpopulations, including but not limited to veterans and their families;
persons with serious mental illnesses; persons with substance abuse issues; persons with HIV/AIDS;
persons with co-occurring diagnoses (these may include diagnoses of multiple physical disabilities or
multiple mental disabilities or a combination of these two types); victims of domestic violence;
unaccompanied youth; households with dependent children; and those experiencing chronic
An effective CoC planning process includes a full range of community stakeholders, including nonprofit
organizations, state and local government agencies, public housing agencies, community and faithbased organizations, other homeless providers, service providers, housing developers, private health
care associations, law enforcement and corrections agencies, school systems, private funding
providers, and homeless or formerly homeless persons. HUD encourages CoCs to integrate and align
their strategic plans across state and local jurisdictions with the Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and
End Homelessness.
Each CoC application that is submitted to HUD will be evaluated based on the following categories: (1)
CoC Housing, Services, and Structure; (2) Homeless Needs and Data Collection; (3) CoC Strategic
Planning; (4) CoC Performance; and (5) Housing Emphasis.
FY2011 CoC NOFA Highlights
The following list highlights some of the major policies being implemented under the FY2011 CoC
NOFA [Notice Of Funding Availability], as well as requirements that CoCs should consider in
preparation for the implementation of the McKinney-Vento Act, as amended by the HEARTH Act.
1. The HUD form-96010 (Program Outcome Logic Model) [A logic model sets out how an intervention,
e.g. a new project, is understood or intended to produce particular results.] is not required as a part of
the Exhibit 2–project application submission in e-snaps [E-snaps is the application and grants management
system for HUD's Homeless Programs, available at].
2. HUD and its federal partners, HHS [Health & Human Services] and VA [Veterans Affairs], have
reached consensus on standardized data collection and reporting on homeless persons. The use of
HMIS [Homeless Management Information System] by the homeless programs administered by HUD,
HHS, and VA is already impacting HMIS in many CoCs. In addition to increasing the number of service
providers participating in HMIS, the McKinney-Vento Act as amended by the HEARTH Act specifies
performance measures on which CoCs will be required to report. In acknowledgement of the increased
use of HMIS, HUD may include HMIS funding incentives in the FY2011 CoC Homeless Assistance
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Competition. [Durham’s HMIS is the Carolina Homeless Information Network (CHIN)]
HUD encourages each Continuum of Care, in collaboration with the HMIS Lead, to assess the adequacy
of current funding and staffing for the HMIS. This strategic review should include a process for
estimating costs associated with such items as:
(1) Increased participation of service providers in HMIS, either through direct data entry or by
contributing data to the HMIS, including user licenses, software support, training, data quality
analysis, etc.;
(2) Enhancements to current HMIS software;
(3) Compliance with HMIS Data Standards; and
(4) Assessing HMIS software functionality for capacity to generate data for HUD reporting (APR
[Annual Performance/Progress Report], AHAR [Annual Homeless Assessment Report], Pulse,
HPRP [Homeless Prevention & Rapid Rehousing Program], etc.).
3. HUD will allow new SHP projects to request 1 year of funding to facilitate implementation of CoC
strategies to reduce gaps in permanent housing availability, to add to the total number of available
permanent housing beds, and to help increase the number of persons moving into permanent housing.
HUD will continue to limit the grant term for SHP and S+C renewal grants to 1 year of funding.
Requests for multiple year funding will be reduced to 1-year amounts.
4. As in previous competitions, an applicant’s demonstrated ability to timely draw and spend grant
funds will be a factor in evaluating performance of each grant. Any substantial issues, including
significant delays in drawing down funds or in beginning to serve project participants may result in a
project not being funded in the FY2011 Competition and subsequent competitions.
5. HUD will continue the HHN [Hold Harmless Need] Reallocation process. CoCs in HHN status, and
those CoCs that used the Hold Harmless Merger process, will be able to reduce and eliminate funds
requested for SHP renewal projects in favor of new projects. CoCs that are in HHN status may seek to
use the reallocation process to create new dedicated HMIS projects and new permanent housing
projects. On the CoC’s FY2011 SHP GIW [Grants Inventory Worksheet], CoC applicants should identify
all renewal SHP projects being reduced or eliminated through the HHN Reallocation process.
6. Project applicants selected for funding under the FY2011 CoC NOFA will be subject to reporting
requirements of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (FFATA) (Public Law
109-282). The FY2011 CoC NOFA will include the specific reporting requirements related to FFATA.
Additional information related to FFATA is available online at The reporting
requirements are contained in Section III.C.5.t. of the General Section.
7. HUD has determined that geographic diversity is an appropriate consideration in selecting homeless
assistance projects in the competition. HUD believes that geographic diversity can be achieved best by
awarding grants to as many CoCs as possible. To this end, in FY2011, HUD will give selection priority to
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projects located in 100 percent rural areas. A list of counties defined as rural will be included in the
FY2011 CoC NOFA. HUD may award up to $10 million to projects in qualified areas in order achieve
greater geographic diversity.
8. HUD will make a greater effort to target CoCs serving extremely high need communities as defined
in the NOFA, in order to meet its national strategic goals on ending homelessness.
9. There will be a Permanent Housing Bonus. The bonus amount will be 15 percent of a CoC’s PPRN or
$6 million, whichever is less. CoCs will be able to use funds for projects that serve homeless and
disabled families, or chronically homeless individuals and families.
10. As in the FY2010 competition, HUD will require education assurances as part of the FY2011 CoC
a. The CoC will be required to demonstrate that it is collaborating with local education agencies
to assist in the identification of homeless families as well as informing these homeless families
and youth of their eligibility for McKinney-Vento education services;
b. The CoC will be required to demonstrate that it is considering the educational needs of
children when families are placed in emergency or transitional shelter and is, to the maximum
extent practicable, placing families with children as close as possible to their school of origin so
as not to disrupt the children’s education;
c. Project applicants must demonstrate that their programs are establishing policies and
practices that are consistent with, and do not restrict the exercise of rights provided by the
education subtitle of the McKinney-Vento Act, and other laws relating to the provision of
educational and related services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness; and,
d. Project applicants must demonstrate that programs that provide housing or services to
families are designating a staff person to ensure that children are enrolled in school and
connected to the appropriate services within the community, including early childhood
programs such as Head Start, Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and
McKinney-Vento education services.
11. CoCs are required to submit their 2011 Housing Inventory Data and Point-in-Time Data directly into
the HUD Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX) website. The FY2011 submission deadline was May 31,
12. As in the FY2010 competition, CoCs will not rank renewal projects in e-snaps. CoCs will only be
required to accept or reject a renewal project. All new project applications must be ranked or rejected
by the CoC. HUD will not review any project that is rejected by the CoC.
13. As in recent competitions, housing emphasis and leveraging will be calculated on eligible new
projects only. HUD encourages all projects to utilize the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP),
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HUD-VASH [HUD-VA Supportive Housing program], and any HUD-managed American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act (ARRA) programs, i.e., Community Development Block Grant-Recovery (CBDG-R), Tax
Credit Assistance Program (TCAP), Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP),
NSP2, etc., as a source of leveraging. CoCs that demonstrate coordination with NSP and any HUDmanaged ARRA programs may receive extra points during the CoC application review process.
14. There will be a two-part selection and announcement process. Eligible SHP and S+C renewal
projects will be awarded as quickly as possible. New projects will be awarded separately, after the
project threshold review of the new project submissions and the scoring of the CoC application have
been completed.
15. As part of the FY2011 CoC application, CoCs will be required to address how they are coordinating
with the HPRP recipients’ substantial amendment to the Consolidated Plan 2008 Action Plan.
16. The McKinney-Vento Act, as amended by the HEARTH Act, requires that all communities have an
HMIS that has the capacity to collect unduplicated counts of individuals and families experiencing
homelessness and provide information to project sponsors and applicants for needs analyses and
funding priorities. Additionally, all Emergency Solutions Grant recipients must participate in the local
HMIS. For many communities this will mean an increase in users that the HMIS must be able to
accommodate. The HMIS lead should begin to consider any unique needs that the HMIS may be
required to develop to accommodate these emergency shelter, street outreach, and homeless
prevention programs.
17. The McKinney-Vento Act, as amended by the HEARTH Act, has a focus on performance and
outcomes, including measures that have not been reviewed by HUD under the current McKinneyVento programs. HUD encourages CoCs to review the performance measures and begin to strategize
about how the outcomes will be collected at the local level. HUD strongly encourages communities to
consider HMIS capacity in collecting the information necessary to report on the defined selection
criteria that will be applied in future competitions.
Getting Information and Assistance
A. HUD HRE Website. Prospective CoC applicants are advised to review the resources available
online at, to help successfully complete the registration process and
prepare for application submission. All Federal Register publications, user guides, and other resources
related to the registration process, the FY2011 competition, and the CoC programs may be obtained
from the HUD HRE website. HUD will also post on this website responses to frequently asked questions
regarding the registration process. CoC applicants are advised to reference this site and its resources to
all persons that will be working on the registration process or completing the CoC application.
B. HUD Homeless Assistance Listserv. Notification regarding the availability of the FY2011 CoC NOFA
and reminders about registration and applications deadlines will be released via the HUD Homeless
Assistance email-based mailing list. To join the mailing list, refer to the following web-site:
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Additional questions may be directed to:
Lloyd Schmeidler, Project Manager
City of Durham
Department of Community Development
807 E. Main Street, Bldg. 2, Suite 200
Durham, North Carolina 27701
(919) 560-4570 x22267
(919) 560-4090 (FAX)
Applications must be received in the Department of Community Development
no later than 3:00 PM on Friday, September 2, 2011. If planning to mail the
application, please plan to put the application in the mail several days before the
deadline. The Department of Community Development will not be responsible for
applications delivered late. Late applications will NOT be considered.
Applications must include a CD-ROM with an electronic version of the
application in MS Word or pdf format, and one original and two (2) copies
of the application itself (3 hard copies total), including all attachments.
(Pages 1-8 need NOT be included.)
Mailing Address
City of Durham
Department of Community Development
ATTN: Lloyd Schmeidler
101 City Hall Plaza
Durham, NC 27701
Office Location
City of Durham
Department of Community Development
ATTN: Lloyd Schmeidler
807 E. Main Street, Bldg. 2, Suite 200
Durham, North Carolina 27701
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City of Durham, Continuum of Care Grant Funding Application – 2011
Application Review & Recommendation Process
Once the City receives applications, they will be reviewed by the Department of Community
Development and the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC). Recommendations are made to the
Homeless Services Advisory Committee (HSAC) based on available funding. The HSAC then makes a
recommendation to the City Council. The City Council then approves a final list of one or more
recommended project(s).
Submission to HUD
All recommended project(s) must submit their project(s) to HUD via esnaps
( All applicants are strongly encouraged to enter their
projects into esnaps in the month of September, so that there will be adequate time for final review of
the application in HUD’s online grants management system. Most of the information requested in the
application is taken directly from the esnaps application form. Technical support for esnaps will be
provided to organizations that do not have an “Authorized Representative” set up in this system.
All renewing projects will submit the renewal application directly into esnaps.
Evaluation Criteria
All applications for new projects will be scored and ranked based on seven factors: 1) Organizational
Capacity, 2) Correctness of the Application, 3) Budget & Leveraging, 4) HUD Priorities, 5) Scope of
Services, 6) Annual Performance Data, 7) Participation in the Durham CoC. A copy of the Scoring
Criteria can be downloaded from the Department of Community Development’s website Note that new projects, especially but not exclusively
first time applicants, may be asked to provide additional information in order to satisfy requirements of
the 2011 Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) and to fairly evaluate their application.
Important Information
1. This is a competitive application process for limited funding. Applicants are not guaranteed an
2. Successful applications may be funded for less than the amount requested.
3. Agencies that are currently receiving other funds, e.g. CDBG, HOME, ESG, from the City who
are applying for these funds, must be in compliance with all terms of their current agreement
and must not have any outstanding audit findings, monitoring findings or concerns as
determined by the City or HUD.
4. Nonprofit organizations must have an active Board of Directors documented by submitting an
attendance list of board members at meetings for the previous twelve (12) months and a board
membership list.
5. Handwritten applications will not be considered for funding.
6. All applications must be bound in a 1 inch 3-ring binder with dividers separating the copies.
7. Each applicant must submit one original and two copies of the application, including copies of
the attachments. Original copies must contain original signatures in blue ink and not
duplications. Each application must be accompanied by an electronic copy on a CD-ROM. It is
understood that the CD-ROM may not contain some of the necessary attachments.
8. For additional information, please contact Lloyd Schmeidler, Program Manager, at 919-5604570 x22267 or via email to
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Project Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Project Address: _________________________________________________________________
Legal Name of Project Sponsor: _____________________________________________________
Sponsor’s Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________
Sponsor Contact Person: ___________________________________________________________
Sponsor Phone Number: ____________________Sponsor Email: __________________________
Sponsor Website: ___________________________________
Project Partners: (A partnering agency has a financial stake in the project or will be developing the
project. These are the Agencies who must be "at your table" to make the project work for HUD.)
Fed I.D. #: _____________________ DUNS # ___________________________
Name of Executive Director: _________________________________________
Tel: ______________________________ Fax: _________________________
Email: ___________________________
Cell: _________________________
Name of Board Chairperson: ________________________________________
Tel: _____________________________ Fax: __________________________
Email: ___________________________ Cell: __________________________
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A. Approval By the Governing Board
This Project Application for Durham Continuum of Care funding has been reviewed and approved by
the applicant governing board or by a duly appointed board committee.
Typed Name of Governing Board Chairperson
Date Approved (Month/Day/Year)
*If signed by anyone other than board chairperson, please attach a resolution of the applicant
organization’s board authorizing the signatory.
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B. Certification of Serving Homeless People and Non-discrimination
I, __________________________________, Chairperson of the Governing Board, of
(Name of Sponsoring Organization)
acknowledge that funds available under the 2011 Continuum of Care will be used to serve individuals
and families who meet the definition of “homeless” used in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance
I further certify that:
No person shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex, be excluded from
participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program
or activity funded in whole or in part with funds made available under the Continuum of Care
Program. Any prohibition against discrimination on the basis of age under the Age
Discrimination Act of 1975 or with respect to an otherwise qualified handicapped individual as
provided in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 24 CFR Part 100 of the Fair Housing
Act, the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1978-Section 3, and Executive orders 11063,
11246, 11625, 12432, and 12138 shall also apply. Procedures will be instituted to ensure that
this policy and available services and facilities are made known to all.
*If signed by anyone other than board chairperson, please attach a resolution of the applicant
organization’s board authorizing the signatory.
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C. Certification of Religious Non-Discrimination
I, __________________________________________, Chairperson of the Governing Board of
(Name of Applicant Organization)
which (mark one) ____ is _____ is not a primarily religious organization, certify that:
1. All eligible activities under the Continuum of Care Program conducted by
(Name of Applicant Organization)
during the 2011 COC grant period will be provided in a manner that is free from religious influence and
in accordance with the following principles, the organization named above:
a. Will not discriminate against a person currently receiving its shelter and/or services or any
person applying for housing or any of the eligible activities under the Continuum of Care
Program on the basis of religion and will not limit such housing or other eligible activities or give
preference to persons on the basis of religion; and
b. Will not engage in inherently religious activities, such as worship, religious instruction or
proselytizing as part of the programs or services funded, in whole or part, with Continuum of
Care Program funding. If an organization conducts such activities, the activities must be offered
separately, in time or location, from the programs or services funded with COC funding.
c. Will not require clients to attend religious services and/or receive any religious instruction as a
condition of their receiving shelter and/or services provided by the organization.
2. A client or resident who declines to attend religious services or receive religious instruction offered
in the facility will suffer no reprisals including withdrawal of privileges, termination of residence in
the facility or withdrawal of essential services heretofore provided.
*If signed by anyone other than board chairperson, please attach a resolution of the applicant
organization’s board authorizing the signatory.
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Section 1402(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act (HCDA) of 1992 amends Section 415
of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act and states:
"If an individual or family who receives assistance from a recipient violates program
requirements, the recipient may terminate assistance in accordance with a formal
process established by the recipient that recognizes the rights of individuals affected,
which may include a hearing."
THIS PAGE. This policy should be approved by the organization’s governing body and must clearly
outline the procedure available to program clients/residents to file grievances regarding program
services or appeal their suspension or termination from program services including facility residency.
An acceptable termination of assistance policy must include
1) the name of the person/persons with whom the grievance or appeal should be filed,
2) the person/persons who will review the grievance or appeal,
3) the method of review to be used, i.e. formal hearing, staff/client interviews, etc.,
4) the time requirements on the client for filing the grievance or appeal; and,
5) the time requirements on the organization for review of the grievance or appeal and rendering of
a final decision.
Clients should be allowed to file grievances and/or appeals orally if needed. Staff making decisions to
suspend or terminate services to the client or who are the subjects of a client grievance may not have
the authority to decide the validity of a client grievance or appeal or be involved in the final disposition
of the grievance or appeal.
I, ___________________________________________________, Chairperson of the
Governing Board of _________________________________________________________
certify that a termination of assistance policy has been established by the governing board in
accordance with the requirements of Section 1402(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act
(HDCA) of 1992 that amends Section 415 of the Stewart B. McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act,
as evidenced by the termination of assistance policy that is attached.
_______________________________________________ ________________________
* If signed by anyone other than board chairperson, please attach a resolution of the applicant
organization’s board authorizing the signatory.
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In order to satisfactorily complete periodic Performance Reports, all 2011 COC Sub-recipients must
collect the following statistical information on the persons served and services provided during the grant
period and enter this information in Durham’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), the
Carolina Homeless Information Network (CHIN).
Average daily occupancy of the facility during the grant period.
Number of unduplicated persons served by the program during the grant period reported by total
number and in the following categories:
-Number of Single Individuals NOT in families
- Adults: Ages 18 +
- Children: Ages 0 - 17
-Number of Persons in Families
-Adults: Ages 18 +
-Children: Ages 0 - 17
Number of Families Served during the grant period
Primary Reason for Homelessness Experienced by Persons Served (Report number of persons
served in each category listed below):
 Chronic alcoholism
 Chronic drug abuse
 Dual Diagnosis (both severe mental illness and chronic alcohol or other drug abuse)
 Domestic Violence
 Eviction
 Unemployment
 Underemployment
 Mental Illness
 Natural Disaster
 Parent/Child Conflict (Runaway)
 Child Abuse and Neglect
 Release from Prison
 Transient/Relocation
 Health Related Disability
 Other
Number of Single Female Individuals and Single Male Individuals served in following age groups:
17 & under
18 - 30
31 – 54
55 & over
Number of Male Adults and Female Adults in Families Served in following age groups:
18 - 30
31 - 54
55 and over
Number of Male Children and Female Children in Families Served in following age groups:
under 1
6 – 12
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13 - 17
Veteran Status of Male and Female Persons Served
Number of Persons Served in Racial Categories Below:
Asian/Pacific Islander
Native American/Alaskan Native
* Housing Location Prior to Program Entry
*The Stability of the Housing Prior to Program Entry
*The Zip Code of the Last Permanent Address
* Income amount and Sources of Income and Entry and at Program Exit
* Financial expenditures and/or obligations
I, ___________________________________________________, Chairperson of the
governing board of _____________________________________, certify that the statistical information
noted above will be collected for reporting in the Quarterly and Annual Performance Reports required
by the Durham Continuum of Care when the project accepts tenants and as long as the project
continues to receive Durham CoC funding.
Signature of Governing Board Chairperson*
* If signed by anyone other than board chairperson, please attach a resolution of the applicant
organization’s board authorizing the signatory.
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A. Program Component Type: (Check only one)
Supportive Housing Program
Transitional Housing Program
Permanent Supportive Housing
HMIS Supportive Services Only
Other Supportive Services Only
Safe Havens
Innovative Supportive Housing
Shelter Plus Care (S+C)
Single Room Occupancy
B. What population will your program serve?
___ Families with Children ___ Single Adults
____ Both
C. Does your program plan to serve the following subpopulations?
___ Chronically Homeless Individuals ____ Chronically Homeless Families ____ Veterans
D. Brief Program Description: Describe your project. The description must identify the target
population and address the specific service and housing activities, including any housing
development activities. Please also include the number of persons expected to be served annually
and over the grant period.
E. Relationship of Project to Gaps in the Continuum of Care: Describe how this project will fill in a
gap in the community’s Continuum of Care system.
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F. Mainstream Resources: Describe how your organization used the following other mainstream
resources: MEDICAID, State Children’s Health Insurance Program, Workforce Investment Act,
Veterans Health Care, Social Security Insurance, TANF, Food Stamps, to assist the homeless in
the Continuum of Care System. Please be specific to your current strategies, policies and
G. Describe how participants will be assisted to obtain and remain in permanent housing.
H. Describe specifically how participants will be assisted both to increase their employment
and/or income and to maximize their ability to live independently.
I. For projects serving families, does the applicant/sponsor have policies and practices that are
consistent with, and do not restrict the exercise of rights provided by the education subtitle
of the McKinney-Vento Act, and other laws relating to the provision of educational and
related services to individuals and families experiencing homelessness?
J. For projects serving families, does the applicant/sponsor have a designated staff person
responsible for ensuring that children are enrolled in school and connected to the
appropriate services within the community, including early childhood education programs
such as Head Start, Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and McKinneyVento education services?
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K. Will the project use Energy Star appliances? Yes ___ No ___
L. Describe the experience of the project applicant, sponsor, and partners, as it relates to
providing supportive services and housing for homeless persons, and carrying-out the
activities of the project. Describe experience of project partners related to providing activities
and working with homeless persons.
M. Describe applicable experience relating to the construction or rehabilitation of housing.
N. Are there any unresolved monitoring or audit findings on HUD McKinney-Vento
Act grants, excluding ESG? (If so, please explain.)
Instructions: The Applicant must establish performance measurement goals for this project. All
applicants are required to set a housing stability goal and to select at least one other performance
measure on which the grantee will report performance in the Annual Performance Report (APR), if the
project is funded. The “Universe” column specifies the total number of persons about whom the
measure is expected to be reported. In the “Target (#)” column, applicants should specify the number of
applicable clients (e.g., the number of persons for whom the goal is relevant) who are expected to
achieve the measure within the operating year. In the “Target (%) column, applicants should specify
the percentage of the total number of clients who are expected to achieve the measure within the
operating year. For example, if 80 out of 100 clients are expected to remain in the permanent housing
program or exit to other permanent housing, the target % should be “80%.”
1. Specify the universe and target numbers for the following performance measure(s).
Housing Measure
a. Persons remaining in permanent housing as
of the end of the operating year
b. Persons exiting to permanent housing
(subsidized or unsubsidized) during the
operating year.
Universe (#)
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Target (#)
Target (%)
City of Durham, Continuum of Care Grant Funding Application – 2011
2. Choose one income-related performance measure from the two below, and specify the
universe and target numbers for the goal.
Housing Measure
a. Persons age 18 and older who maintained or
increased their total income (from all sources)
as of the end of the operating year or program
exit. OR
b. Persons age 18 through 61 who maintained or
increased their earned income as of the end of
the operating year or program exit.
Universe (#)
Target (#)
Target (%)
3. Additional Performance Measures: Specify up to three additional measures on which the
project will report performance in the Annual Performance Report (APR).
NUMBER of YEARS (one, two or three): ____
(This is an exact amount! Have you included the Administrative Cost of 5 %?)
A. Project Budget includes funding for (check all that apply):
___ Acquisition
____ Rehabilitation
___ New Construction
___ Leasing
____ Supportive Services
___ Operations
___ HMIS
____ Rental Assistance (S+C only)
___ Administration
B. Project Leveraging: Complete the Project Leveraging Chart below for your agency. Take special
note of the Type of Contribution. Identify the type of contribution being leveraged, that is, committed
to the proposed project. Types of contributions could include all federal, state, local and private cash,
buildings, equipment, materials or services, volunteer hours ($10/hr), and remember to multiply times
the number of years proposed for the project. ***Also, note that these are contributions for which you
have a written commitment at the time of application!
Project Leveraging Chart
HUD homeless program funding is limited and can provide only a portion of the resources needed to
successfully address the needs of homeless families and individuals. HUD encourages applicants to
use supplemental resources, including state and local appropriated funds, to address homeless needs.
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Please be aware that undocumented leveraging claims may result in a re-scoring of your
application and possible withdrawal of your conditional award(s). .
Type of
Source of
Example: Child
Identify Source as:
(G) Government*
or (P) Private
Date of Written
Value of
*Government sources are appropriated dollars.
Your Agency Fiscal Year begins on ________________ and ends on ________________.
Will the applicant organization receive funding from other State or Federal funding sources during the
period of July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012?
____ Yes
_____ No
Identify the type and quantify (cash and in-kind) the value of the mainstream recourse categories
below, as applicable to their use by your organization (not limited to projects being proposed) in the
Continuum of Care system. Please be specific as to how resources are used (e.g. acquisition, job
training, leasing of rental units) and the name of the project(s) involved. To be counted, the
mainstream resource has to have been utilized to serve only the literally homeless (not for prevention of
homelessness) during the past two years through any of the components in the Continuum of Care
(outreach, emergency shelter, transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, and supportive
Type of Resources
Name of Project/Activity
How Used
__________________________________ _________________
$ _______
____________________ $_______
Housing Choice _________________________________ ___________________ $ _______
Public Housing
_________________________________ __________________ $ _______
Welfare-to-Work _________________________________ ___________________ $ _______
Social Services Block Grant ________________________ ___________________
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Substance Abuse Block Grant_______________________ ____________________ $_______
Mental Health Block Grant ________________________________ _______________ $_______
Other Federal Grant (specify) ___________________________ _________________ $_______
State Government
______________________________ _________________ $_______
Local Government
______________________________ ________________ $ ________
Please indicate below the additional sources from which the applicant organization is expected to
receive funding during the period of July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2012 and the estimated cash funding to be
_____ Private Foundations
_____ Churches
_____ Donations (Individual and/or Business)
_____ Organization Owned/Operated Enterprises
_____ Fundraising Events
_____ Local Government (City/County Funding)
_____ Client Rent/Boarding Fees
_____ Client Program Service Fees
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A list of current Board of Directors.
An attendance list for Board meetings of the previous 12 months documenting Directors in
attendance, those excused, and those absent
A copy of the Mission Statement of the Organization
(If a nonprofit) A copy of the Internal Revenue Service letter confirming the organization’s 501
(c)(3) status
A copy of a certificate from the NC Secretary of State’s office, confirming that the applicant is
registered to conduct business in North Carolina. (
A copy of the applicant’s current City of Durham business license
A copy of the most recent audit of the agency, including any management letter, if applicable
A copy of the agency’s budget for the current fiscal year
A copy of the agency’s written financial management procedures, including staff responsibilities
A copy of the form that will be used to verify the homelessness of clients. If the form in Appendix
B is not selected for use by the applicant organization, the applicant organization should attach
a copy of the verification of homelessness form they intend to use during the term of the
contract. Any form designed by the applicant organization must be approved by the Department
of Community Development prior to use
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In accordance with the McKinney Act Programs, the following situations (listed below) constitute
a homeless situation. They are not all inclusive but are the most typical types of homeless situations. If
there are other situations that are not described here, contact the HUD Field Office for clarification.
Each situation listed below must have some “documentation” to support that claim. Required types of
documentation are listed. To further stress this very important requirement, you will find a number in
parentheses directly after each situation. That number is the reference to the specific type of
documentation listed immediately after the categories of homeless show below. It is imperative that
you have the proper supporting documentation to demonstrate that a person or family is “homeless”.
A person is considered homeless only when he/she resides in one of the places described below:
 In places not meant for human habitation, such as cars, parks, sidewalks, abandoned buildings (on
the street). (1 or 2)
In an emergency shelter. (3)
In transitional or supportive housing for homeless persons who originally came from the streets or
emergency shelters (make sure you have evidence that the person came from the streets or
emergency shelter situation). (4)
In any of the above places but is spending a short time (up to 30 consecutive days) in a hospital or
other institution. (5)
Is being evicted within a week (7 days) from a private dwelling unit and no subsequent residence
has been identified and the person lacks the resources and support networks needed to obtain
housing. (6)
Is being discharged within a week (7 days) from an institution, such as a mental health or substance
abuse treatment facility in which the person has been a resident for more than 30 consecutive days
and no subsequent residence has been identified and the person lacks the resources and support
networks needed to obtain housing. (7)
Is being released from prison/jail with no subsequent residence identified and the person lacks the
resources and support networks needed to obtain housing. (8)
Is fleeing a domestic violence housing situation, no subsequent residence has been identified and
the person lacks the resources and support networks needed to obtain housing. (9)
Is living in substandard housing that has been condemned. (10)
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Please use the checklist below to make sure that the type of supporting documentation is maintained in
the participant’s or other appropriate file:
__1__ (Places Not Meant for Human Habitation) Certification form signed by the outreach worker or
service worker verifying that the person or family is homeless. This could include a letter or certification
form signed by an outreach worker or service worker from another organization that can verify that the
person or family was, in fact, homeless as described in the above definition, or
__2__ Written statement prepared by the participant about the participant’s previous living place (if
unable to verify by outreach worker or service worker). Have the participant sign and date.
__3__ (Shelter) Referral agency certification that the participant has been residing on the street or at
the emergency shelter (on agency letterhead, signed and dated).
__4__ Transitional housing certification (on agency letterhead, signed and dated) if the participant is
residing at the transitional housing facility as well as written verification that the participant was living on
the streets or an emergency shelter prior to living in the transitional housing facility (see above for
required documentation).
__5__ Short-term institution (up to 30 consecutive days) certification from institution’s staff verifying
that the participant has been residing in the institution for 30 days or less. There should also be written
verification that the participant was residing on the street or in an emergency shelter prior to the shortterm stay in the institution.
__6__ Private dwelling eviction statement describing the reason for eviction (signed and dated by
person evicting). No formal eviction is required. If unable to obtain an eviction statement, you must
obtain a written statement signed and dated by the participant describing the situation. Outreach
worker or service worker must document their efforts by providing a verification form documenting that
they have made every effort to confirm that the circumstances are true and have written verification
describing the efforts and attesting to their validity. The verification form should be signed and dated.
You must also have information on the income of the participant to verify that they lack the financial
resources and support networks needed to obtain housing.
__7__ Institution discharge (over 30 days) certification completed by institution staff stating that the
participant was being discharged within the week before receiving program assistance. You must also
have information on the income of the participant to verify that they lack the financial resources and
support networks needed to obtain housing and that without the program assistance, the participant
would be living on the street or in an emergency shelter.
__8__ Prison/jail release certification by staff stating that the person was released from prison with no
residence identified and that the person lacks the resources and support networks needed to obtain
__9__ Domestic violence statement from the participant that he/she is fleeing a domestic violence
situation. If participant is unable to prepare a written statement, staff should prepare the statement
about the participant’s previous living situation and have the participant sign and date it. You must
document that you have verified the income of the participant and certify that they lack the financial
resources and support networks needed to obtain housing and that without the assistance, the
participant would be living on the street or in an emergency shelter.
__10__ Substandard housing that has been condemned requires an official condemnation notice.
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Each homeless person’s file should contain the required evidence of homelessness listed in 1-10
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(Name of organization here)
Verification of Homelessness
NOTE TO STAFF: See Homeless Eligibility Certification Guide for detailed explanation of
documentation which must be attached to this form.
Program Applicant Name: ________________________________________________
Interviewed by Program Staff Member: ______________________________________
Referred By: ___________________________________________________________
Date of Interview: ___________________
1. As of today, do you have some place in this area that you consider to be a permanent place where
you live? A permanent place would be a house that you rent or own, an apartment that you rent, a
room (other than a hotel room) that you rent, or a living arrangement with a relative or a friend to
sleep in their place on a regular basis (5 or more days a week)?
 No (If No, Continue)
Program Staff: An individual who is living in substandard housing that has been condemned as unfit for
human habitation could be considered homeless under HUD’s definition of homelessness although not
stated in specific program regulations.
2. If you do not have a permanent residence, where have you been living for the last 7 days?
 Homeless Shelter
Shelter Name and Location: ______________________________________________
Transitional Housing Facility (designed for homeless persons)
Facility Name and Location: _____________________________________________
 In a car, van, truck, or other vehicle
 Anywhere outside (on the streets, in parks, in campgrounds)
 In a migrant worker camp
 In an Abandoned Building
 Other (Specify :________________________________________________________)
Program Staff: Letter of verification from director of homeless shelter or transitional housing facility
must be attached to this form if one of these two options is checked. If other options are checked,
document in writing the indicated living situation with law enforcement reports/referrals, social service
agency referral, staff verification, etc. and attach.
3. Have you recently been evicted from a house that you rented or owned, an apartment you rented,
or a room (other than a hotel room) you rented?
 No
Program Staff: Attach copy of eviction notice or letter from landlord indicating his intent to begin eviction
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4. Were you recently asked or forced to leave a living situation by a family member or friend?
 Yes
If yes, why were you asked/forced to leave? (Check all that apply)
 Overcrowded
 Family Dispute
 Substance Abuse
 Failure to contribute to household income
 Domestic Violence
 Other (Specify): _____________________
Program Staff: If domestic violence is indicated attach statement signed by client attesting that
he/she is fleeing domestic violence. If other options are checked, attach statement from family
member or friend attesting to client situation. If not possible to obtain such a statement, attach
documentation of staff efforts to secure such a statement.
5. What is your current income? ______________ per _________
Do you feel you have the financial means to obtain and maintain a permanent place to stay?
 Yes
I, __________________________________________, do hereby certify that the answers I (Printed
Name of Program Applicant) have given to the preceding question are true and accurate.
(Signature of Program Applicant)
Persons served by this facility should be homeless according to the following definition used
by the Continuum of Care (COC) Program.
A person is homeless if he/she is “an individual who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime
residence, or an individual who has a primary nighttime residence that is: (a) a supervised publicly or
privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations (including welfare
hotels, congregate shelters, and/or transitional housing for the mentally ill); (b) a public or private place
that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized; or (c) a public or
private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, regular sleeping accommodations for human
Based on the responses to the preceding questions given by the above program applicant,
I, _____________________________________________________, a staff member
(Printed Staff Member Name)
(Organization/Facility Name)
find that, ____________________________,  is
(Name of Program Applicant)
 is not homeless according to the definition of
homelessness stated above.
(Signature of Staff Member)
This completed form, along with all necessary attachments, must be filed in the program applicant’s file.
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