Cambridge Department of Human Service Programs FY2015 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program Proposal for Funding - Cover Sheet PROPOSAL SUMMARY Agency Name Project Name Project Address Agency Address Telephone Number Executive Director Name Organization DUNS number Tax ID or EIN Project Contact Name & Title Contact Telephone Number Contact Email Address Total program cost per year (include all current funding sources) $ Total ESG funding request $ Funding request per category Amount Street Outreach Emergency Shelter HMIS Name and title of person authorized to submit application I acknowledge that if funded, the proposed project must comply with the requirements and program guidelines detailed in the ESG Program Interim Rule (24 CFR Part 576). Name: Signature: Title: Date: 1 FY2015 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program Proposal for Funding PROPOSAL NARRATIVE To be considered for FY2015 ESG funding, please submit a narrative description of the project that addresses each of the following topics. Please respond to each section completely and concisely, and limit the total response to Questions 1-3 to a 1500 word maximum. 1. Describe the purpose, need and goals of the proposed project. a. Specifically address how the project will help further the Cambridge CoC’s progress toward meeting Federal Strategic Plan goals, and local priorities to focus on chronically homeless individuals and families, particularly long-term stayers and high utilizers of emergency services (police, ambulance, ER visits, etc.). 2. Describe the design of the project and its activities. a. Describe the specific activities to be conducted by project staff to help clients identify and meet their service and housing goals. b. Identify the unduplicated number of persons to be served during FY2015. Include a description of specific subpopulations that the project anticipates serving. c. Describe the outreach plan to identify, assess and bring eligible clients into the project. Include a description of current intake procedures. d. Describe how the project will coordinate with other resources in the CoC, including participation in the Homeless Services Planning Committee (HSPC) and other subcommittees and groups. Please include the name of the staff person who will represent the project on the CoC’s Coordinated Intake Working Group. 3. Describe the experience of the project applicant as it relates to carrying out the activities of the project. a. Identify the person(s) responsible for program and financial management of the project, including the name of the staff person(s) responsible for HMIS data entry. b. Describe whether or not the agency involves at least one homeless or formerly homeless person in a policy-making function within the agency. c. Describe what mechanisms and procedures the project has in place to ensure quarterly billing and HMIS compliance. 2