TKS Band Handbook - Elizabethtown Independent Schools Bands

Talton K. Stone Middle School Bands
Band Hand Book
2013 – 2014 School Year
Mark Webster
Director of Bands, Elizabethtown Independent Schools
Mailing Address:
620 North Mulberry Street
Elizabethtown, KY 42701
Phone: 270-769-3381 xt 703
Email: Mark.Webster@Etown.Kyschools.Us
323 Morningside Drive
Elizabethtown, KY 42701
Phone: 270-769-6343 xt 247
Booster Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 234
Elizabethtown, KY 42702
Information Available on-line:
E-town Band Web site: Disregard – Under construction, will be available before
On Twitter: @EtownBand
Via Text Message: Text @TKSSY to 270-505-4054 for Symphonic Band Members,
@TKSCO for Concert Band Members, @TKSBB for Beginning Band Members
TK Stone Middle School Band Mission Statement
The mission of the TK Stone Middle School Band, along with the school community, is
to offer our students chances to mature musically, intellectually, socially, and
emotionally by providing high quality musical experiences.
Elizabethtown Independent Schools Instrumental Music Department Vision
The vision of the Elizabethtown Independent Schools Instrumental Music Department is
to make a positive difference in the lives of its members by providing musical and visual
experiences and performances, and to assist them in achieving their potential as they
develop confidence, cooperation, leadership and responsibility while maintaining the
highest standards of musical and personal excellence.
Mr. Webster’s Expectations
Mr. Webster’s expectations are based on three concepts:
If these expectations are followed regularly, the band experience will be rewarding,
enjoyable, and successful.
1. Read the handbook thoroughly.
2. Follow the TKS Students Code of Conduct
3. Follow the TKS Band Student Code of Conduct
4. You are responsible for setting yourself up to have a personal best every day.
5. Prepare for the future; everyone is responsible for recruitment.
1. Respect yourself, your teammates, and your staff.
2. Be on time.
3. Show good behavior, have self-discipline, keep a positive attitude.
4. No excuses, whining, or complaining.
5. Clean up after yourself and each other.
6. Respect other groups.
7. Respect your equipment and your classmate’s equipment.
8. Respect the uniform.
9. Respect good rehearsal etiquette.
10. Show manners; be polite and respectful to everyone.
Early is on time, on time is late, late is unacceptable
Our students are a representation of our community, of our school, and because of that
the following expectations and code of conduct has been developed.
1. Rehearsals and classes start ON TIME. Have instruments and all necessary
equipment and supplies.
2. Follow all applicable laws, rules and teacher instructions.
3. Store instruments, music, equipment, etc. in the correct place. Lock all lockers.
TKS, The Band Director, or other staff will not be liable if students fail to lock their
lockers and materials/belongings are lost or stolen.
4. Only instrument cases and music are allowed in locker overnight. All other items must
be taken home at the end of the school day.
5. Do not talk during rehearsals unless asked to do so.
6. Do not leave class without permission.
7. Do not deface (write on, etc.) walls, stands, equipment or furniture.
8. Do not use the Band Room as your playground.
9. Do not consume drinks or food or chew gum in the Band Room.
10. Non-Band members are NOT allowed in the Band Room
11. Do not use band hall supplies for personal use.
12. The music library is for directors only.
Additionally we pride ourselves on offering a safe haven for our students. Therefore the
use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or drugs will not be tolerated. Anyone caught using
such items may be dismissed from the band for the remainder of the school year.
Additional penalties will fall under the school alcohol and tobacco policy. No profane
language, gestures, or disrespectful actions will be tolerated. When on trips all school
and bus rules will be observed. Students are expected to behave in a manner that is
courteous and cooperative. Remember that as a member your student is a
representative of our school and community.
Regardless of grade level or playing ability, attendance is something every band
member carries an expectation in. Band is a CO-Curricular obligation and attendance
counts as a part of every band member’s academic grade. Band members are expected
to be at every rehearsal and performance. This includes all after school rehearsals and
performances. An absence excuse form (available outside the band office) must be
filled out and signed by the parent or guardian for all after school absences. This should
be filed in the band office within three (3) days of the absence. Failure to do this will
result in the absence being unexcused. NO ORAL EXCUSES WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Note: It takes the devoted attendance of each member of the band at each session to
make the band successful. I appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we try
to schedule our students for success. Conflicts can be avoided by communication, if
another activity is planned, please notify me immediately.
Only illness, death, or sever emergency in the immediate family, orders of the court,
nonsocial church activities (see note below), or other school activities as approved by
the principal and band director, may be accepted as an excused absence. Students
participating in another school activity should submit a schedule to the director prior to a
rehearsal being missed. Other absences should be discussed at least three (3) days in
advance of the absence for consideration as an excused absence. If a student misses
two rehearsals in succession, yet is in attendance during the school day, a doctor’s
statement will be needed for a student to return to their position in the band with no
If a student receives unexcused absences for twenty (20) percent of more of the after
school rehearsals for a grading period, the student and parents will need to meet with
the director to remain in the performing group. An unexcused absence from a rehearsal
may result in one or more of the following actions being taken:
1. Not being allowed to perform
2. Conference with the director/principal
3. Band Detention
4. Loss of credit for missed work
NOTE: Social church activities (youth group, mission trips, etc) will not be considered
for excused absence credit. Every effort is made to schedule events so that they do not
conflict with church activities, however, it’s impossible to totally avoid conflicts with
every church in the community. Students will be allowed to complete additional
assignments to make up the points missed for these absences. No more than two
make-up assignments will be assigned per semester.
Only extreme illness (with doctors statements) or death/severe emergency in the
immediate family will be accepted as an excused absence. An absence excuse form
(available outside the band room) must be filled out and signed by the parent or
guardian for all after school absences. This should be filed in the band office within
three (3) days of the absence. Failure to do this will result in the absence being
Performances will count as exams during each grading period. An unexcused absence
from a performance may result in one of the following actions being taken:
1. Students not being permitted to make up the missed exams. Two unexcused
absences will cause the student’s overall grade to be lowered by 20%
2. A meeting with parents and the director
3. Dismissal from the band.
Note: Tardiness to rehearsals or performances should not occur. The director will fully
implement the Student Discipline/Attendance Code as adopted by the Elizabethtown
Board of Education:
1. First Tardy: Director reviews the policy with the Band member and an alternate
assignment may be given.
2. Second Tardy: Same as above, but with the addition of Band Detention
3. Third Tardy: Band Members will be assigned a one day detention and receive an
unexcused absence and one for each unexcused tardy thereafter.
Band Detention: Band detention is a punitive policy that will allow students to complete
tasks for the good of the Band such as organization, inventory, cleaning, etc that will
neither degrade nor demean the student but will allow them to fulfill their commitment to
the band program in a positive manner. It shall be used at the discretion of the Director.
1. 40% - Performance Exams: Students will be given a grade based on their
attendance, attitude, preparedness, and participation at all scheduled rehearsals and
2. 30% - Playing Tests and Written Work: Students will be graded periodically on music
and memorization. Written assignments will also be given.
3. 15% - Homework: Worksheets, theory, practice and coordinate exercises.
4. 15% - Daily Grade: Clean horns, pencil, music, other class materials, class
participation, preparedness, etc.
Please make sure that you have the following for each performance. It is unwise to wait
until the night before the performance to tell your parents you need concert attire!
Should students choose not to adhere to the dress code, their grade may be affected
and/or they may not be allowed to participate in the concert.
 GENTLEMEN: ALL BLACK LONGSLEEVED dress shirts, tucked in. Black
dress pants (no jeans), black socks, and black dress shoes. No tennis shoes, short
sleeved t-shirts, polo shirts, etc.
 LADIES: ALL BLACK. Dress blouse, top ALL black, no additional colors
allowed. Black dress slacks, or skirts past the knees. Black/Skin Colored tights
may be worn, black CLOSED TOE shoes.
 Beginning Band –Traditions of Excellence Book 1  Concert Band – Traditions of Excellence Book 2 – available for purchase from
the TK Stone band for a discounted price of $10.00
 A1 inch black binder with 10 clear page protectors to hold the music and
 Notebook paper for taking notes/completing journaling assignments
Students issued school-owned instruments will pay $40.00 per year ($20.00 a
semester).Students will need to get a contract from Mr. Webster during the first week of
school to take home for parents to sign and return with payment. Please make the
check payable to the T.K. Stone Middle School Band. This is a usage fee and DOES
NOT cover ANY damages and repairs to the instrument while under the students care,
this will need to be covered by the student and their family. Note: Students using
school-owned instruments will also purchase their own mouthpiece and other
accessories (valve oil, reeds, etc.) as needed. Due by Friday, August 16th.
Concert and Symphonic Band only: $40.00 per student per year (for purchase of new
mallets, and use of school owned instruments, etc.) – Due by Friday, August 16th.
Parent/Student Acknowledgement Form and Contact Sheet
Due: August 16th, 2013. Please fill out, sign, and return with
your student.
I have read the guidelines in the TK Stone Band Student and Parent handbook and will
follow and help uphold all the rules and expectations set forth by the band directors.
Furthermore, I will do my part in fulfilling my commitment to the band by remaining in
the performing group for the duration of each season. I understand that it is my
responsibility to remain informed of the procedure that will be enforced via this
handbook. I will do my very best to adhere to these expectations and I support the TK
Stone Band and Mr. Webster in these decisions.
Student Name (Printed):__________________________________
Student Signature: _____________________________________
Parent Signature: ______________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________
Student Name: ____________________________________________ Grade: _______________
Student E-Mail __________________________________________________________________
Student Cell Phone Number:_______________________________________________________
Home Address: __________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Names: __________________________________________________________
Parent Cell Phone Number: ________________________________________________________
Parent Cell Phone Number: ________________________________________________________
*Please fill this form out completely! Your information will never be shared, it will only be utilized for me
to keep your student and your family informed about what the TKS Bands are doing and their schedules.
Thanks for your cooperation! – Mr. W