
Kerrigan Spaven
October Sky Socratic Seminar
1. Question: Compare Sonny’s experiences in October Sky to a specific event or experience
outside of the book.
Point: When Sonny has to test his rockets many times in the book, it’s like my life when I
work hard on a project.
Prove: “We had flown the little spacecraft beyond its physical capabilities, zipped past
jagged mountains and over the gouges and tears of primordial bombardment, admired
all the moon's craters, its mares and its mountains. Someday, I was convinced, we would
go there. Not just mankind, but us, the boys on that roof. If only we could learn enough
and were brave enough. That's why I decided, up there on that roof, that we would melt
saltpeter and sugar.” (184)
Explain: Sonny makes many mistakes when making his rockets. He goes through trial
and error many times for almost all his high school career. Whenever I work on
something really challenging, I try and try again. I don’t want to give up so I keep going.
2. Question: Using the book and life in general, discuss the characteristics of a good
Point: The characteristics of a good mentor would be hard working, inspirational, and
Prove: “’Miss Riley-‘I realized suddenly that I loved her, that I had never known and
never would know anyone as good as she.”(405)
“All I've done is give you a book. You have to have the courage to learn what's inside it.”
Explain: In the book, Sonny’s mentor is Miss Riley. Miss Riley makes many sacrifices for
Sonny because she wants to see him succeed. She has worked hard to help him and has
inspired him more and more to get where he was in the end of the book.
3. Question: Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of Homer Sr. as a parent and a man,
both in the setting of the book and today in the 21 st century.
Point: Homer Sr. has a weakness of being a parent and supporting his kids equally. He is
a good man though for supporting his family and town.
Prove: “Nobody ever launched a better rocket than you.” (421)
Explain: Homer Sr. really wasn’t there for Sonny in his time of rocket building. He did
help him on some levels; however he never really encouraged him like his mother. And
as a man, he provided the family with the things they needed and he stuck up for his
town in Coalwood.
4. Question: Evaluate the strengths and/or weaknesses of Elsie as a parent and a woman,
both in the setting of the book and today in the 21st century.
Point: Her strengths as a parent is supporting and helping her children. She is a good
woman to the town.
Prove: “I don’t know what all it is, but I’ve got sense enough to know it’s just a matter of
time before the same thing happens here in Coalwood too. You need to do everything
you can to get out of here, starting right now.” (51)
Explain: His mom wants to see the best in her son. She doesn’t want to see him grow up
to be a coal miner; she just wants him to be successful.
5. Question: What is the main conflict in October Sky and how is it important in developing
the theme of the story?
Point: The main conflict is Sonny with wanting to build his rockets. It’s important
because it changes his life forever.
Prove: "A rocket won't fly unless somebody lights the fuse." (419)
Explain: Sonny building his rockets gets him closer to his dreams. In this quote he is
saying that a dream cant be reached until someone has started going towards it.
6. Question: Identify a theme in October Sky and provide textual evidence from the
beginning, middle, and end of the book to show how this theme developed.
Point: The theme in this book is to never give up on your goals or dreams.
Prove: “If you're willing to fight it hard enough, you can make it detour for a while, but
you're still going to end up wherever God wants you to be.” (411)
Explain: Sonny had a dream after the launch of Sputnik that he would make a rocket fly.
Throughout the book you see him get closer to his goal. In the beginning he only had a
little knowledge on making a rocket. As the book goes on, he finds more variables to use
and learns math to do his calculations. He also starts to become popular. By the end he
has won the science fair and has gained the support and pride from his small town.
7. Question: Provide evidence that traces how Sonny “grows up” in the memoir October
Sky and discuss how his “coming of age” is a universal theme.
Point: Sonny knew he needed to lead another life outside of Coalwood.
Prove: “I went back to the telescope and tried to use it to look at Coalwood, but
discovered I couldn't focus it close enough. I thought how ironic it was that Jake's
telescope could see stars a million light-years away, but not the town it was in. Maybe I
was that way myself. I had a clear vision of my future in space, but the life I led in
Coalwood sometimes seemed to blur." (162)
Explain: Sonny knew that he didn’t belong working in Coalwood for his whole life. He
saw himself getting farther in life.
8. Question: Analyze how the setting of October Sky is used to develop its theme.
Point: Most of the people he knows want him to leave Coalwood and follow his dreams.
Prove: "To get out of here, you've got to show your dad you're smarter than he thinks. I
believe you can build a rocket. He doesn't. I want you to show him I'm right and he's
wrong. Is that too much to ask?" (51-52)
Explain: All the people who believe in him want him to leave Coalwood and lead a
successful life somewhere else. They see him chasing his dreams and showing the world
what he can do.