BETHEL PARK WASTE/RECYCLING COLLECTION GARBAGE COLLECITON: The following is general information/guidelines about the Municipal waste/recycling program. For more specific information regarding collection days/specific dates on recycling & special recycling events, please refer to Republic’s 2015 Waste & Recycling Newsletter. If your home is missed or you have a concern about service, please call the local Republic Services office at 412429-2600 or email or contact the Municipality at 412-8316800, ext. 130 if you need further assistance. Garbage/Recycling Collection: Weekly curbside collection is provided to all single-family residential homes in Bethel Park. Recycling takes place every other week on your scheduled trash day. Garbage/recycling should be placed curbside for collection on the designated collection day no earlier than 6:00 p.m. the evening proceeding the garbage collection day and no later than 7:00 a.m. on the collection day. Please separate trash and recycling, but not behind each other. Place all containers curbside. Placing garbage and recyclables out earlier than the permitted time (including furniture, appliances, etc.) may result in a $100 per day fine. Holiday Schedule: Observed holidays in 2015 are New Years Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. After a holiday falling on a Monday through Friday, pickup for the rest of the week will be one day later than the usual day, which is extended to include Saturday. While most household disposables are accepted, the following is a list of items that will not be collected: Ammunition Auto Parts & Tires Construction Materials Dead Animals Fluorescent Bulbs CFL Bulbs Flammable Materials Furnaces Glass/Windows/Mirrors Hazardous Materials Petroleum Products or Residue Plumbing Materials Propone Tanks Sale or Display Items Soil/Sod/Stones/Rocks Needles & Syringes Desktop and Laptop Computers, Computer Monitors, Televisions, and their Peripherals Collection Preparation: Secure household garbage in containers up to 40 gallon that weigh no more than 50 lbs. Overloading, loose garbage, and bungee cords are a hazardous safety issue for the Republic personnel and will not be picked up. Do not place garbage in boxes. Other Items Requiring Special Preparation: Appliances will be collected. Refrigerators must have the doors (for safety) and Freon removed and a “Freon Removal” certification sticker must be placed on the item. Carpets should be tied and bundled in lengths not to exceed 48 inches & 18 inches in diameter so that one man can lift. Padding must be tack-free and protected from the weather. Grass clippings can be bagged and placed with your regular trash which would be a part of the 15 bag weekly limit of trash. It can also be placed out for recycling during the new “Yard Waste Recycling” option which is the third Saturday of each month from April through September. Recycling of yard waste must be in the brown paper recycling bags available in local stores. Yard waste consisting of leaves, garden residues, shrubbery and tree trimmings, not to exceed 4 feet in length & 4 inches in diameter must be secured. This can be part of your weekly trash as noted above or it can be placed out on the third Saturday of each month from April through September for recycling. Recycling of yard waste must be in the brown paper recycling bags available in local stores. (Shrubbery & tree trimmings must be secured if bundled.) Empty paint cans and/or dried paint cans may be placed curbside. Paint cans be airdried or soaked up with newspaper or kitty litter. The contractor will not accept paint cans with lids on. Toilets will be collected curbside, however, the bowl and lid must be separated. GARBAGE, RUBBISH NOT TO EXCEED 15 BAGS OR EQUIVLENT NUMBER OF CONTAINERS. NO MORE THAN 2 BULK ITEMS CAN BE PLACED CURBSIDE EACH WEEK. In accordance with the “Covered Device Recycling Act” 108 of 2010, which requires the recycling of certain electronic devices, fluorescent and CFL bulbs; please be advised that these items will no longer be permitted to be set out curbside. The ban applies to desktop and laptop computers, computer monitors, televisions and their peripherals. Residents will have the option of taking advantage of e-cycling programs offered by numerous retail stores and other recycling organizations that collect electronic devices and appliances. To find additional information, visit DEP’s website at or contact DEP Recycling Hotline at 1-800-346-4242. You may also call the Allegheny County Recycling Coordinator at 412-578-8390. RECYCLING: Please refer to the 2015 Waste/Recycling Collection Schedule to determine your recycling weeks. Separate trash from recycling, but not behind each other. Metal: Aluminum, steel, tin, & bi-metal cans as well as aluminum foil & foil products. Plastic: Household containers numbered 1-7. Glass: Household clear, brown, & amber glass containers. Paper: Paperboard boxes, copier paper, magazines, newspaper, catalogs, junk mail, and telephone books. Corrugated cardboard boxes must be flattened, bundled, and no larger than 14 x 14 inches. RECYCLING OF LEAF WASTE: Full bags of leaf waste will be picked up the same day as regular weekly trash for curbside collection during the following fall event leaf recycling weeks: October 12-16 November 9-13 October 19-23 November 16-20 October 26-30 November 2-6 Leaves must be placed in paper bags or brown paper leaf bags available in local stores or in containers or boxes clearly marked “LEAVES” that can be easily dumped. The use of plastic bags as a receptacle for recycling of leaves is prohibited and will not be collected. RECYLING OF YARD WASTE: The third Saturday of each month, April through September, residents may place yard waste, leaves, and grass clippings at the curb in paper yard waste bags. (Shrubbery & tree trimmings must be secured if bundled.) Commercial and Institutional Establishments in the Municipality are required to implement recycling programs pursuant to the requirements of Section 150 © of the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (Act 101). All multi-family residences not covered under the Municipal waste contract are also required to implement a recycling program. You are required to report your 2014 results on the data collection form.