Bylaws Metcalfe County High School Alumni Association Article I

Metcalfe County High School Alumni Association
Article I - Name
The name of this organization shall be the Metcalfe County High School Alumni
Association (hereafter referred to as The Association)
Article II - Mission Statement
The Metcalfe County High School Alumni Association shall develop and enhance
alumni affinity for and connection to Metcalfe County High School through the
establishment of programs, activities, publications and services in conjunction with
the Metcalfe County High School administration. The Association shall endeavor to
foster relationships with alumni, faculty, administration, students and people of
Metcalfe County, and assist in generating financial and other support for the school.
Article III - Membership
Membership shall consist of all persons who received a diploma from Metcalfe
County High School. Here and after, all members shall be referred to as Metcalfe
County High School alumni.
Associate memberships may be made available to both current and former faculty and
staff of Metcalfe County High School who are not themselves alumni.
Article IV – Alumni Council
The Alumni Council shall consist of the Officers of the Alumni Council, 1 ex-officio
(non-voting) member, namely, the MCHS Principal or designee, and a minimum of 4
representatives and such other members, as the Council deems necessary.
The duties of the Alumni Council shall be:
A) To transact necessary business on behalf of the Association;
B) To approve plans of work by the Association’s standing committees;
C) To present a report at the general meeting;
D) To create or dissolve committees as necessary
Meetings of the Alumni Council will normally be held quarterly and as deemed
necessary by the Chair and members of the Alumni Council. Meetings may be held
by electronic or telephonic means, upon approval of the Alumni Council.
Article V – Officers and Duties
The officers of the Council shall be the Chair, the Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer
and Senior Class Representative. Each officer shall be a member of the Alumni
Council. Any member of The Association may be elected to any office by the
members of The Association, but not hold more than one.
The Senior Class Representative shall be selected by the Principal of Metcalfe County
High School. This person should be in good academic standing, expected to
graduate, and be willing to perform the duties listed below.
1. The Chair shall:
A) Preside at all meetings;
B) Appoint Chairs for standing and special committees upon approval of the
Alumni Council;
C) Serve as a member ex-officio of all Alumni Council committees;
D) Provide a list of the standing and special committees and a description of the
E) Set the date and agenda of general meetings with the advice of consent of the
Alumni Council.
2. The Vice-Chair shall:
A) In the absence of the Chair, perform all duties of the Chair
3. The Secretary shall:
A) Produce minutes of all Association meetings;
B) Disseminate minutes of all Association meetings to Alumni Council members
and make them available to any member of The Association;
C) Keep files of the Alumni Council and The Association’s papers;
D) Keep the bylaws current and make them available to any member of The
E) Maintain and update the Alumni Council’s individual contact information.
4. The Treasurer shall:
A) Receive and deposit all funds of The Association;
B) Keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures and disseminate to
Alumni Council members;
C) Pay out funds only as authorized by the Alumni Council, or under $50 if
authorized by the Chair;
D) Make a full financial report at any general meeting.
5. The Senior Class Representative shall:
A) Promote The Association within the current student body;
B) Serve as liaison between alumni and current students.
All officers shall perform the duties outlined in these bylaws and those assigned to them.
Upon the expiration of the term of office or in case of resignation, each officer shall turn
over to his or her successor or the Chair, without delay, all records, books and other
material pertaining to the office.
Article VI – Meetings
The Association will hold a minimum of one (1) general meeting per year. This
meeting may be combined with another school function or activity.
At that time, Council members shall present their annual reports and new council
members will be elected.
Special meetings of the Alumni Council may be called by the Chair, or by the
majority of the Council.
Article VII – Policies
All policies developed and defined by the Alumni Council and these bylaws as
established or amended, shall be consistent with those of the MCHS School
No members of the Alumni Council shall profit financially from any activities
associated with this Association.
Expenditures exceeding $50.00 shall be subject to prior approval of the Alumni
VIII. Article VIII – Alumni Council Elections
At the time of the ratification of these bylaws, all five officers shall be elected, as well
as the other members of the Alumni Council.
The offices of Chair and Secretary will be on the ballot in odd years, with the offices
of Vice-Chair and Treasurer on the ballot in even years. The initial Chair and
Secretary will be elected to a three-year term, after which all officers will serve twoyear terms.
The Senior Class Representative will be chosen annually at the beginning of the fall
If any member on the Alumni Council cannot consistently fulfill his/her obligations,
they may be removed by majority vote of the Alumni Council. The same process
may take place if a member is accused of misfeasance or malfeasance, however that
accusation must be made in writing and the member given 30 days in which to
respond before the Alumni Council may take action.
Article IX – Vacancies
In case a vacancy occurs in the office of the Chair, the Vice-Chair shall assume the
Vacancies in the Alumni Council and/or other offices shall be filled by majority vote
of the remaining members of the Alumni Council.
Article X – Rules of Order
The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the
Association in all cases in which they are applicable and consistent with these bylaws.
A majority of the members of the Alumni Council must be present in order to transact
official business at any Alumni or General Membership Meeting. A majority of the
members of any committee must be present at committee meetings in order to
transact committee business.
The decisions of the Alumni Council shall be made by a simple majority of the
members present, except for Amendments to these Bylaws. A majority of the Council
members shall constitute a quorum.
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those Council members
present at the meeting at which the vote is taken, provided that the proposed
amendment has been presented in writing to the Council at least 30 days prior to the
meeting at which the vote is to be taken.