Form RP1 PROPOSAL FOR ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE INCLUDING RESTRUCTURING 1. Department/Faculty: 2. Lead Person (Dean or Director): 3. Supporting HR Partner: 4. Date of submission to UPRG: 5. Summary of the proposed change This section should summarise the objective of the change and make reference to the corporate or local strategic priorities that it supports 6. Details of the proposed change Attach an organisation chart (including post titles and grades) of the current structure (Appendix A) and the proposed structure (Appendix B). This section should also list (detailing post titles, grades and numbers) Posts which will change Posts that will be unaffected Posts that will be deleted Any new posts that will be added to the structure Any vacant posts that are available for redeployment within the Division/Faculty regardless of grade This section should also note any duties or tasks which will cease to be undertaken, any reallocation of duties required by the proposal, any new duties and how any new or significantly changed posts will be filled. Any new job descriptions will be written and issued at the earliest possible stage. It should also reflect the consideration that has been given to judging the manageability of workloads of the posts in the new structure. 7. Rationale for the proposed change (tick all that apply) Please provide further details Main drivers for change Relevant background How the proposals contributes to the department’s strategic plan (or University strategy) Form RP1 – June 2014 1 8. Benefits to to students, staff or visitors Reference to data or information used to inform proposals Other options that have been considered and discounted Timescales for implementation When benefits will be realised Financial Implications This section should outline: Known immediate costs of the proposals If specific financial implications are not known, please provide an estimation of minimum and maximum costs (inclusive of all potential staffing costs including any Early Retirement Funding charges) Proposed overall savings and timescales How proposed changes will be funded Potential redundancy costs If there are potential redundancies please tick to confirm that they have been discussed at ERCS Discussed at ERSC 9. Date submitted to ERSC Governance Implications This section should outline any governance implications such as: 10. Timeframe for implementing the change 11. Closure, merger or creation of academic departments Whether any of the posts are mentioned in Statutes or Ordinances Outline the timescales for the proposals Consultaiton timescales Anticipated date for referral back to UPRG for final decisions Risk Evaluation and Impact (tick all that apply) This section should address any risks in implementing the proposal and how they will be mitigated and managed. Include details of any planned equality impact assessment Students Service providers Teaching Research Reputation Other (please state) Other staff Other departments Provide further details Form RP1 – June 2014 2 12. Stakeholder Consultation In scope staff Trade unions Students Other departments Secretariat Other (please state) Please outline details 13. Comments from Dean (Faculties) / Chief Administrative Officer (Professional Services) Form RP1 – June 2014 3 ……………………………………………………………………………………… For official use only: OUTCOME (TO BE COMPLETED BY UPRG) Refer matter to UMAG Yes No Commence Consultation Yes No Consultation process to include: Submit proposals back to UPRG: Defer decision – further information is required as follows: Form RP1 – June 2014 4