ABIS & ROOSEVELT SCHOOL PTAs World Tour 2015 International Night January 30, 2015 Hello! Czesc! Hola! Ciao! Guten Tag! Oi! Zdravstvuyte! Hei! Ahoj! Opa! Bonjour! Nei Ho! Parev! Ola! Sälem! ABIS PTA in collaboration with Roosevelt PTA is looking for participants to join our World Tour 2015 International Night. On January 30, 2015 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the ABIS gym, we are welcoming ABIS and Roosevelt families to join us to learn and enjoy all the wonders of having different cultures in our schools and town right at our fingertips. From art, dress, music, and dance to an International Food “Café” featuring homemade samples from around the world, ABIS & Roosevelt families will discover more about the world we live in. YES! We would like to participate and represent our country/heritage! Name: Phone # / Email: Child’s Name: Child’s Grade/Teacher: Country we will represent: We will provide food samples from our country/heritage to share We will provide artifacts/customs from our country/heritage to share We have contacts and will arrange a dance or musical performance We would like to share a cultural craft with Roosevelt families We would like to participate in another way (please list here) Deadline to host a country / heritage is January 23rd. Please return the filled out form to ABIS PTA or Roosevelt PTA. Any questions, please contact ABISpta@gmail.com or Rooseveltpta410@gmail.com.