A2: Fast to Europe – the project key message 1. The A2 concession motorway section opened to traffic reduces the distance between the two European capitals. Warsaw and Berlin have been brought closer in political, social and infrastructural terms. a. The new A2 section connects Poland to the European motorways network. 2. A2 Motorway enables fast, safe and inexpensive trip to the UE states. a. With the 105.9 km long motorway section from Nowy Tomyśl to Świecko, the time of travel has greatly reduced. From 1st December it will take about 2 hours to drive from Poznań to Berlin. b. A2 enables comfortable and safe transport of persons and goods in the road meeting the highest safety standards. c. The accident ratio in the motorway counts amount the lowest, as confirmed by the latest research carried out by ADAC (March 2011). Statistically, over 30 persons are killed in road accidents in the parallel section of the national road No 92 between Świecko and Nowy Tomyśl. d. Until 20 May 2012 the new A2 section will remain untolled. 3. The road opened to traffic before the deadline exemplifies business reliability while meeting the highest standards: a. The project is opened to traffic prior to the completion date agreed upon with the government (the contractual completion date was set forth in May 2012) b. The Świecko – Nowy Tomyśl section has been the longest motorway section in Poland performed using the modern concrete technology. c. In view of high quality of the materials used and the state-of-the-art concrete technology applied, A2 project shows as a model of road construction in the UE states. d. The new A2 motorway section meets all standards adopted for roads and motorways construction in the EU states. e. As the road is built mainly of concrete, the pavement is more resistant to heavy traffic load and poor weather conditions and costs less to maintain. 4. Connected to the European motorways network, Poland enjoys more economic growth opportunities: a. A2 motorway enables faster and direct access to goods and services offered by the UE states. b. A2 motorway ensures good transport connection in Poland’s strategic transport corridor, leading the traffic to the country’s logistic centre c. Unit cost of transport of persons and goods is reduced. 1 d. The state gains considerable income from lease of land to the motorway, taxes, and, starting from May 2012, high revenues from collected tolls. e. A2 promotes the development of tourism, encouraging foreign visitors to make frequent trips to Poland, thus increasing the country’s revenues. f. The State Treasury does not bear any costs related to the operation and maintenance of the motorway during the concession term. g. All risks related to the due performance of the Agreement are assumed by AWSA II as the Concessionaire. 5. The construction of A2 Motorway Nowy Tomyśl – Świecko is a flag example of effective Public-Private partnership, good co-operation between the state and private business, to the benefit of all Polish people. It has been the largest infrastructural project currently implemented in the PPP system. a. 62% of the project value is financed from the credit granted by the European Investment Bank, an unprecedented and so far largest EIB involvement in an infrastructural project in Poland. b. About 26% of the project value is financed from the credits granted by 11 foreign and Polish commercial banks (that is about EUR 400 mln). c. 12% of total performance costs are covered by the Concessionaire (amounting to EUR 186 million). 6. The performance of the last A2 section meets the highest environmental standards. Currently the largest European ecological project, A2 serves as a good example of modern and responsible infrastructural policy. a. 85% of the route to the German border crosses forest areas, including the Natura 2000 protected sites. b. The construction of the above motorway section has become a model not only in Poland, but also in the EU states. c. In the opinion of EIB, the main creditor of the motorway, the construction has been performed in an exemplary way in observance of the highest environmental protection standards. d. 25% of the construction costs are related to environmental protection, amounting to PLN 1. 3 milliard (every forth zloty was earmarked for ecology). e. Average cost of construction of 1 animal crossing amounts to PLN 20 million, an annual budget of an average size Polish commune (the whole A2 Motorway Świecko – Nowy Tomyśl section includes 35 crossings for large size animals in a form of overbridges and bridges). f. Concrete as the main road construction material is much safer to the environment than bituminous mass (popular asphalt). 7. The motorway opened to traffic for EURO 2012 contributes to creating a favourable image of Poland. a. The Świecko – Nowy Tomyśl section counts among the most modern and longest motorway routes in Poland. b. A2 will form the main transit route for Euro 2012. 8. The motorway operation opens up opportunities for communes and districts close to the motorway to grow and improve life standard. a. Lands close to the motorway have become more attractive and their price went up. b. New workplaces have been set up for local inhabitants. c. The number of registered and operating companies in the above mentioned regions has increased. 2 d. Places of interest in the regions have become more attractive for tourists. e. EURO 2012 traffic flow will constitute an additional opportunity to promote regions. 9. As the Wielkopolska initiative, the A2 project shows high performance quality and timeliness, as the motorway was made available before the planned deadline. a. The motorway was opened to public traffic six months prior to the planned completion date. b. The project origin shows in the regional features characteristic for Wielkopolska and Poznań such as reliability/ credibility, solidity/high quality, thrift and punctuality. c. High quality of the materials used and the state-of-the-art concrete technology have been presented as a model for road construction in the EU states. d. The new A2 motorway section meets all standards adopted for the roads and motorways construction in the EU states. 3