高二聽力測驗第八回 -Unit 8 (一) Name:_________Class

高二聽力測驗第八回 -Unit 8 (一)
Part 1. 請聽四段對話,並選出最適合的答案。(12%)
Take a look at the picture of the floor plan for ABC Drugstore. Listen to the four dialogues based on that picture, and choose
the best answer for each question.
1. M: How may I help you today?
W: I think I’m a little sick.
M: Well, what are your symptoms?
W: I’ve been coughing, sneezing, and my nose has been
running nonstop. I had back pain all day yesterday, but this
morning it went away.
M: Hmm. It sounds like you have the common cold. Here
is some cold medicine. Take it three times a day and you
will start to feel better in a few days.
W: Thank you.
Q: Put a check next to each one of the customer’s current symptoms.
Headache Coughing
Runny nose Back pain Itchy skin
Sneezing Joint pain Rash
2. (A) W: Hello. I’m making a first aid kit with my son, but I’m not sure what we should put in it.
M: I recommend that you buy some gauze, ointment, medical tape, cotton swabs, and some
W: Do you happen to have any of those?
M: Sure. Let me show you where they are.
W: Thank you.
M: No problem.
Q: What does the customer want to do?
A. She wants to buy contents for a first aid kit.
B. She wants to get a prescription filled.
C. She wants to buy some cosmetics.
D. She wants the pharmacist to recommend some headache medicine.
3. (C) M: Hello. What can I do for you today?
W: Hi. I feel terrible. I think I might be running a fever. I took my temperature and it’s 39.4°C.
M: Yes, you have a very high temperature. Ma’am, you should go to the doctor immediately. Let
me refer one for you.
W: OK. Thank you.
Q: What will the pharmacist do for the customer?
A. He will give her some medicine. B. He will take her temperature.
C. He will refer her to a doctor.
D. He will clean her wound.
4. (B) M: Hi. How are you today?
W: I’m not feeling too well. I have a bad headache and my nose is running. Also, I ran out of
diapers for my daughter this morning, and I need to buy some more.
M: I see. Well, go over to the medicine section and get some pain relievers and cold medicine.
Then, head on over to the baby products section to get the diapers.
W: OK. Thank you.
Q: Where must the customer go to buy everything she needs?
A. The baby products section and the hair products section
B. The medicine section and the baby products section
C. The baby products section and the cosmetics section
D. The medicine section and the cosmetics section
Part 2. 請聽對話,並在下列空格填入提示的正確字詞。(12%)
A. going around
B. symptoms
C. get check D. stuffy
Anne walks into a drugstore, sniffling into a tissue. She walks to the counter where the pharmacist is
P: Pharmacist A: Ann
P: Hello there. Is there something I can do for you?
A: Yes, please. I’m having ah . . . ah . . . achoo!
P: Ah, yes. You’ve got the cold that’s __5__ . The best thing for you is rest and plenty of liquids. (Picks
up a box of medicine) You can take this for your __6__ nose and body aches.
A: Actually, I don’t have a cold. I’m helping out a friend ah . . . ah . . . achoo!
P: Bless you.
A: Thanks. He just got back from Mexico, and he . . . he . . . he . . . achoo!
P: Mexico?! Oh dear! You need to go to a doctor right now and __7__ for swine flu. How long have you
had these __8__ ?
A: Oh, no. He doesn’t have swine flu. I don’t either. Like I was saying, I’m helping him out . . . by . . .
ah . . . achoo!
5. (A)
6. (D)
7. (C)
8. (B)
Part 3. 請聽此則廣播,並填寫答案。(6%)
Listen to the announcement.
What is the main ideal of the announcement?
→ The main ideal is that there is a sale going on at Fashion Mart.
10. What skill or skills do you use to identify the central concept?
→ He repeats this at the end of the announcement.
高二聽力測驗第八回- Unit 8 (二)
Part 1: Picture Questions (12%)
Look at each picture and choose the best answer.
(B) 11. What is true about the woman?
(A) She is under the weather.
(B) She is annoyed with the man.
(C) She is purchasing some supplies.
(D) She is setting out for a trip.
(D) 12. What are these monkeys doing?
(A) They are playing in the trench.
(B) One is trying to annoy the other.
(C) They are sneezing and coughing.
(D) They are scratching each other’s back.
(C) 13. What is true about the two men?
(A) They are at a department store.
(B) They are wearing face masks.
(C) One of them is a pharmacist.
(D) Both of them need cold medicine.
Part 2: Best Response Questions (16%)
Listen to the statement or question and choose the best response.
(D) 14. Jennifer is allergic to anything made with milk.
(A) Yes. It makes her gain weight.
(B) Yeah. That’s all she will eat.
(C) I know. She doesn’t like the taste.
(D) Right. She’ll get sick if she eats it.
(A) 15. Eddie looked so embarrassed when I saw him this morning.
(A) He hates when his mom kisses goodbye.
(B) Oh. I heard he did great on his test.
(C) I think he may have a really bad cold.
(D) It’s because he ran to school today.
(B) 16. I need to go to the drugstore later today.
(A) Did you study enough?
(B) Oh, do you need medicine?
(C) OK, I’m pretty hungry too.
(D) Also get me a cup of coffee.
(C) 17. One of the symptoms of a cold is having a sore throat.
(A) Right. It indicates you’re getting better.
(B) I know. They are not related.
(C) Correct. It is one of the signs.
(D) Yes. It is the most effective medicine.
Part 3: Conversation Questions (12%)
Listen to each conversation and answer the question.
(C) 18. M:
What was that noise?
It was Sam. The poor kid has been sneezing the whole morning.
Can we do anything to help?
I've already given him some medicine.
What kind of problem does Sam probably have?
He is bleeding.
He hurts his back.
He has a cold.
He has a headache.
(C) 19. F:
Are you coming to the beach this weekend?
No, I don’t think so.
Why not? It’ll be fun.
I’m feeling under the weather.
Why isn’t the man going to the beach?
He doesn’t think the weather is good.
He doesn’t want to be under the sun.
He does not feel well enough to go.
He will be busy during the weekend.
(D) 20. F:
I see you eat papayas every day.
Yes. You should eat them too.
Why do you say that?
Think of all the vitamins you get.
What does the man say about papayas?
They can be found everywhere.
They can save you a lot of money.
They are sweet and delicious.
They have things your body needs.
單字測驗(聽英選中) (30%)
(A) 21. recommend
(A) 推薦
(B) 記錄
(C) 認識
(D) 恢復
(B) 改變的
(C) 過敏的
(D) 快樂的
(B) 打噴嚏
(C) 咳嗽
(D) 擤鼻涕
(B) 抓
(C) 素描
(D) 尖叫
(B) 症狀
(C) 代表
(D) 病歷
(B) 濕紙巾
(C) 棉花棒
(D) 紗布
(B) 店員
(C) 美容師
(D) 藥劑師
(B) 藥水
(C) 軟膏
(D) 膠囊
(B) 藥粉
(C) 藥單
(D) 碘酒
(B) 治療
(C) 膠囊
(D) 止痛藥
(C) 22. allergic
(A) 合作的
(D) 23. sniffle
(A) 流鼻血
(B) 24. scratch
(A) 發癢
(B) 25. symptom
(A) 發病
(A) 26. diaper
(A) 尿布
(D) 27. pharmacist
(A) 護理師
(C) 28. ointment
(A) 環境
(A) 29. tablet
(A) 藥錠
(C) 30. capsule
(A) 藥粉