City of Omaha Government Guide Information in the City of Omaha Government Guide was taken from the adopted 2014 City of Omaha Budget Table of Contents Executive and Legislative Organizational Chart Law Department Human Resources Department Human Rights and Relations Department Finance Department Planning Department Police Department Fire Department Parks, Recreation, and Public Property Department Convention and Tourism Department Public Works Department Library Department Approval Procedures 3 4 5-6 7 8 9-10 11-12 13 14-15 16-17 18 19-20 21-25 June 2014 Page | 2 City of Omaha Government Guide Buster Brown, City Clerk (402) 444-5557 1819 Farnam St., Suite LC-1 Omaha, NE 68183 Executive and Legislative CITIZENS CITY COUNCIL MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF CITY CLERK ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PARKS, REC & PUBLIC PROPERTY FIRE June 2014 HUMAN RESOURCES POLICE HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS PUBLIC WORKS FINANCE PLANNING CONVENTION & TOURISM City of Omaha Government Guide LAW PUBLIC LIBRARY Page | 3 Paul Kratz, City Attorney (402)444-5115 1819 Farnam Street, Suite 804 Omaha, NE 68183 Law Department Mission Statement The Law Department serves the Mayor, the City Council and all City departments. It advises the Mayor and Council on legal matters and represents the City in litigation. The Law Department is responsible for drafting ordinances, resolutions, contracts, franchises and other documents. In addition, it conducts outside investigations and handles all matters of claims or complaints against / for the City and prosecutes all violations designated as misdemeanors, traffic infractions, and criminal appeals. Goals and Objectives 1. To continue to provide outstanding service to the City of Omaha. 2. To improve productivity through the modernization and computerization of procedures and practices. 3. To continue reducing the number of pending cases. MAYOR CITY COUNCIL CITY ATTORNEY PROSECUTION DIVISION CLAIMS DIVISION CIVIL DIVISION COMMUNITY SECTION CRIMINAL SECTION TRAFFIC SECTION June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 4 Human Resource Department Mikki Frost, Director (402) 444-5300 1819 Farnam Street, Suite 506 Omaha, NE 68183 Mission Statement The City of Omaha Human Resources Department's mission is to provide effective human resources-related services to the operating departments, city employees, and to citizens of Omaha. Direct or core services are provided by the department to our customers through the following divisions: Administration, Labor Relations, Employment, Benefits, Compensation, Safety, Training, and Human Resource Information Systems. Goals and Objectives The Human Resources Department strives to: 1. Attract a wide variety of job applicants. 2. Identify and hire the best qualified applicants. 3. Help City departments to provide a safe work environment. 4. Motivate and retain valuable employees by ensuring adequate training and development as well as equitable wages and benefits. 5. Provide administrative support for two employee pension systems and the City of Omaha, Personnel Board, a quasi-judicial entity which hears appeals of employee disciplinary actions. 6. Assist supervisors in resolving employee performance problems. 7. Represent City interests in contract negotiations with employee unions. 8. Foster a work environment that allows for equal opportunity/access to all areas of employment. 9. Maintain effective Human Resource Information Systems to benefit employees and supervisors. Goals for the Human Resources Department include: 1. Control Healthcare costs in teamwork with the Police, Fire, and Civilian unions. 2. Negotiate Police, Fire, and Civilian union contracts. 3. Enhance and streamline the recruiting, testing, and staffing process. 4. Implement a comprehensive wellness program for all City employees. 5. Implement an OSHA Standard Safety Program. 6. Implement a revised management training program for new supervisors. 7. Comprehensive review of all Human Resources Policies and Procedures. June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 5 Human Resource Department MAYOR PERSONNEL BOARD POLICE & FIRE PENSION BOARD CIVILAN PENSION BOARD HUMAN RESOURCES, RIGHTS & RELATIONS DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT HUMAN RESOURCES DIRECTOR LABOR RELATIONS BENEFITS & SAFETY June 2014 EMPLOYMENT HUMAN RESOURCES INFORAMATION SYSTEMS City of Omaha Government Guide HUMAN RIGHTS & RELATIONS COMPENSATION Page | 6 Human Rights and Relations Department Mikki Frost, Director (402) 444-5055 1819 Farnam Street, Suite 502 Omaha, NE 68183 Mission Statement The Human Rights and Relations Department is charged with civil rights enforcement, equal opportunity contract compliance and community relations/discrimination prevention. It is responsible for the investigation, elimination, and prevention of all forms of prohibited discrimination, including that based on race, creed, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, gender identity or any other form of discrimination proscribed by ordinance or resolution. Towards its goal of ensuring equal opportunity and treatment for all citizens of the city, this department oversees the operation of two appointed boards: the Human Rights and Relations Board and the Civil Rights Hearing Board. Goals and Objectives 1. Expand education and outreach programs relative to civil rights in the areas of housing, public accommodations and employment, and to increase knowledge of individual human rights to the citizens of Omaha and eliminate the potential for exploitation. 2. Actively accept and investigate charges of discrimination from the citizens of Omaha to eliminate prejudice from the Omaha community. 3. Provide technical assistance and guidance to ensure contractors have optimum opportunity to meet their minimum goals for equal employment and treatment practices, this includes monitoring Title VI. 4. Streamline reporting procedures and automate processes to redirect staff efforts toward more advanced, in-depth investigations and improved public awareness programs. MAYOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND RELATIONS BOARD (9 MEMBERS) CIVIL RIGHTS HEARING BOARD (11 MEMBERS) HUMAN RESOURCES, RIGHTS AND RELATIONS DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATION LABOR RELATIONS BENEFITS & SAFETY June 2014 EMPLOYMENT City of Omaha Government Guide COMPENSATION Page | 7 Stephen Curtiss, Director (402) 444-5415 1819 Farnam Street, 10th Floor Omaha, NE 68183 Finance Department Mission Statement The Finance Department plans, controls, maintains, and reports the receipts, commitments, and disbursements of all City funds. Finance staff manage the City's debt and property insurance, monitor the Keno contract, administer the two defined-benefit pension systems, and oversee the operations of the City-owned Convention Center Hotel. The Department serves as support to the other departments in the areas of budgeting, accounting, billing, employee timekeeping, payroll, and property control. The Department strives to identify cost effective improvements throughout all City operations and to maximize revenue collections and investments. Goals and Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To provide timely, accurate and useful financial data to the Mayor, City Council and department managers. Coordinate the preparation, implementation and monitoring of the annual City budget. The budget itself should serve as a policy document, as an operations guide, as a financial plan and as a communications medium. Maintain a diversified and stable revenue system to protect the City from possible short-term fluctuations in any of its various revenue source. To provide City departments timely and accurate service. Provide effective cash management and timely investment of City funds. Maintain a AAA general obligation bond rating and an AA revenue bond rating. Maintain an unqualified opinion on the City's annual audit. MAYOR FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY COMPTROLLER ADMINISTRATION REVENUE June 2014 BUDGET ACCOUNTING City of Omaha Government Guide PAYROLL GRANT ADMINISTRATION Page | 8 Planning Department James R. Thele, Director (402) 444-5150 1819 Farnam Street, Suite 1100 Omaha, NE 68183 Mission Statement To serve the public and improve their quality of life by preparing and implementing plans and programs which alleviate blight and deterioration and which guide the orderly growth, development, conservation, rehabilitation and sustainability of the community. To be responsive to the expressed health, safety, welfare and development needs of the public through the timely and adequate enforcement and administration of city codes and ordinances. Goals and Objectives Housing and Community Development: 1. Promote dramatically visible concentrated improvement in strategic parts of neighborhoods with the greatest economic and housing needs. 2. Improve the quality of life through enforcement of the City's Property Maintenance, Nuisance, and Zoning Ordinances. 3. Assist the creation of jobs for low/moderate income persons in economically distressed areas. 4. Expand affordable housing opportunities through the rehabilitation of housing, the construction of new housing and the provision of below-market rate financing. Urban Planning: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Work to implement the goals of new plans listed below: a. Transportation Element b. Public Facilities Element c. Comprehensive Energy Master Plan Facilitate continuity of the Sustainability Office and related efforts, including an implementation plan for Environment Omaha. Upon completion of original planned ACI corridors, amend and add as necessary. Evaluate and update Chapter 55 to conform to Master Plan updates and other conditions. Undertake a NCE – streetcar node study in conjunction with the State of Nebraska. Coordinate with County Health on the community transformation grant to forward transportation plan goals and refine newly adopted HIA processes. Work with MAPA on Regional Vision Plan and Transit Alternatives Analysis. Coordinate with Metro Transit on their vision study. Facilitate continuity of the Sustainability Office and related efforts, including an implementation plan for Environment Omaha. Begin a five year Green Street Implementation Program to develop new standards, collect data and develop policies related to street trees. Building and Development: 1. Expand and improve the Citizen Access online permitting, allowing registered users to apply for, pay for and print permits from their home (Mechanical, Plumbing, Electrical and some building permits). 2. Move forward with online Plan review to facilitate faster review turn around. June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 9 Planning Department MAYOR BOARDS PLANNING DIRECTOR ADMINISTRATION DIVISION URBAN PLANNING DIVISION BUILDING & DEVELOPMENT DIVISION CURRENT PLANNING BUILDING PERMITS & INSPECTIONS HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LONG RANGE PLANNING PLUMBING PERMITS & INSPECTIONS URBAN LANDSCAPE/HISTORICAL ELECTRICAL PERMITS & INSPECTIONS CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT MECHANICAL PERMITS & INSPECTIONS CODE ENFORCEMENT GIS HANDYMAN PROGRAM PLANS REVIEW CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION & COMPLIANCE June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 10 Police Department Todd Schmaderer, Chief of Police (402) 444-5667 505 South 15th Street Omaha, Ne 68102 Mission Statement The Omaha Police Department, in partnership with our community, provides impartial, ethical and professional law enforcement services and protection. We strive to maintain the trust and confidence of our citizens while working to improve the quality of life. Goals and Objectives 1. Reduction of crime and fear of crime. 2. Maximize efficiency. 3. Enhanced customer service. 4. Improved public confidence. 5. Personal and professional growth for employees. June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 11 POLICE DEPARTMENT MAYOR UNIFORM PARTROL BUREAU June 2014 CHEIF OF POLICE INTERNAL AFFAIRS UNIT PUBILC INFORMATION OFFICE UNION LIAISON CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS BUREAU POLICE SERVICE BUREAU NORTHEAST PRECINCT CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS SECTION AMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION SECTION NORTHWEST PRECINCT SPECIAL OPERATIONS SECTION AIR SUPPORT UNIT SOUTHEAST PRECINCT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UNIT SOUTHWEST PRECINCT SUPPORT SERVICES UNIT City of Omaha Government Guide EXECUTIVE SERVICES BUREAU PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS SECTION Page | 12 Bernard Kanger, Interim Fire Chief (402) 444-5700 1516 Jackson Street Omaha, Ne 68102 Fire Department Mission Statement The mission of the Omaha Fire & Rescue Department is to provide fire, rescue, emergency medical, and support services to all citizens and visitors in the Omaha metropolitan area so they can live, work and play in "Safe City USA". Goals and Objectives 1. Omaha will become the safest city in America – “Safe City USA®” – for Fire and Rescue protection. 2. The citizens of Omaha will be educated and prepared to increase fire survivability, prevent fires, and reduce fire loss. 3. Citizens of Omaha will continue to receive pre-hospital emergency medical care at a level above the national standard. 4. Citizens of Omaha will be served by firefighters who are fully prepared to provide all emergency and support services. 5. Citizens of Omaha will be served by firefighters who are physically and mentally healthy to provide all emergency and support services MAYOR FIRE CHEIF FIRE ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT CHIEF FIRE RESPONSE "A" SHIFT ASSISTANT CHEIF FIRE RESPONSE "B" SHIFT ASSISTANT CHEIF FIRE RESPONSE "C" SHIFT FIRE INVESTIGATION EMERGENCY MEDICAL RESPONSE SPECIAL OPERATIONS RESPONSE EMERGENCY RESPONSE TRAINNG SPECIAL RESPONSE TRAINING FIREFIGHTER SAFETY HEALTH & WELLNESS FIRE & LIFE SAFETY EDUCATION & PREVETION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FIRE TRAINING FIRE MAINTENANCE, REPAIR & SUPPLY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT CAPITAL MANDAGEMENT FIRE FACILITY & VEHICLE MANAGEMENT June 2014 RECRUITMENT City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 13 Parks, Recreation, and Public Property Department Brook Bench, Director (402) 444-5900 1819 Farnam Street, Suite 701 Omaha, NE 68183 Brook.Bench Mission Statement The mission of the Parks, Recreation, and Public Property Department is to provide and maintain a comprehensive park system, manage public property, and offer recreational opportunities for the citizens and visitors of the Omaha community to encourage a healthy, positive lifestyle that is essential to the quality of life. Goals and Objectives 1. The Citizens of Omaha will receive services from the Parks, Recreation, and Public Property Department that maintain and improve their quality of life. 2. The Citizens of Omaha will receive improved services and programs from the Parks, Recreation, and Public Property Department through the identification and receipt of other funding sources outside of the General Fund. 3. The Citizens of Omaha will be more aware of the value and scope of the essential services the department provides. 4. The Citizens of Omaha will have improved communication, customer service, efficiency, resource management, and transparency through the implementation of new technology within the Parks, Recreation, and Public Property Department. 5. The Citizens of Omaha will have increased safety, reduction of facility and equipment downtime, and long-term savings from the Parks, Recreation, and Public Property Department by maintaining and systematically replacing outdated and aging equipment and facilities. 6. The Citizens of Omaha will experience increased security of parks, recreation, and public property facilities and reduced destruction of city property. June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 14 Parks, Recreation & Public Property Department MAYOR PARK BOARD PARKS, RECREATION & PUBLIC PROPERTY DIRECTOR COMMUNITY RECREATION ENTERPRISE PROGRAMS PARKS & FACILITIES PUBLIC AWARENESS PROGRAMMED FACILITIES CITYWIDE SPORTS PLANNING & CONSTRUCTION EXECUTIVE RESERVATIONS & RENTALS MARINAS FACILITIES & INRASTRUCTURE M&R FINANCIAL SPECIAL EVENTS GOLF EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE & REPAIR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TENNIS GROUNDS MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS EMPLOYMENT & BENEFITS LEWIS & CLARK LANDING FORESTRY SECURITY ADMINISTRATION OPEN USE & CULTURAL RESOURCES WEEDS, LITTER & TRESS SPORTS TURF MAINTENANCE June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 15 Convention and Tourism Department Dana Markel, Director (402) 341-1500 Omaha Convention & Visitors Bureau 1001 Farnam Street Omaha, Ne 68102 Mission Statement The mission of the OCVB is to provide promotion, services, and destination sales and development for the City of Omaha to increase the number of conventions and visitors, which results in increased revenues and economic growth. Goals and Objectives Convention Sales 1. Confirm 85,000 convention/event hotel room nights for the Douglas County area. 2. Prospect for new convention business and develop working relationships with national meeting planners. 3. Participate in national meeting planner trade shows representing Omaha as a desirable convention destination. Conduct sales trips to cities which represent a concentration of national meeting/event planners. Marketing 1. Position the Omaha area as an exciting and desirable destination for the convention and leisure traveler. 2. Coordinate, design and market collateral materials for PR/Sales/Services to provide a consistent message. 3. Publish Visitors’ Guide, brochures, media kit and general news releases. 4. Provide marketing assistance to event/convention organizers. 5. Track new articles/media on Omaha to monitor Omaha’s image as a leisure and convention destination. Visitor/Convention Services 1. Extend a hospitable welcome to individuals who visit Omaha. 2. Provide tourism information to visitors and encourage extended stays and return visits. 3. Assist convention/event planners with city logistics and delegate services to ensure a successful convention. 4. Promote and educate visitors about Omaha through retail merchandise and resources. Technology 1. Improve sales and operational efficiency. 2. Monitor and administer all web based resources. 3. Provide service to all tourism partners who utilize the CVB web site as a revenue resource. 4. Maintain a current awareness of tourism technology trends. June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 16 Convention and Tourism Department FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT MAYOR AMBASSADOR ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY OCVB DIRECTOR EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION DESTINATION SALES & SERVICES PROMOTION & ADVERTISING PARTNER RELATIONS VISITOR SERVICES DESTINATION SALES & DEVELOPMENT VISITOR INFORMATION MEETING & EVENT SERVICES RETAIL SERVICES RESEARCH MANAGEMENT June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 17 Public Works Department Robert G. Stubbe, Director (402) 444-5220 1819 Farnam Street, Suite 600 Omaha, NE 68183 Mission Statement It is the mission of the Omaha Public Works Department to maintain and enhance the City's quality of life, and through innovation, teamwork and vision, provide dependable transportation and environmental services, consistent with community values at reasonable costs. Goals and Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Maintain the City roadway system in the best possible condition by using appropriate strategies of pavement, repair, resurfacing and rehabilitation. Prepare and react effectively for snow conditions or other emergencies that may confront Omaha. Manage all City capital projects providing design and project management services that monitor quality, time lines and costs appropriate to the task. Provide timely and responsive waste collection and recycling services. Maintain and operate the wastewater collection system and treatment plants at the highest level of operational potential. Provide fleet management services that allow City departments to complete their respective assignments. Oversee the design, construction and maintenance of City-owned facilities that provide benefit to the citizens of Omaha. Manage our financial and physical resources in a responsible manner and develop fiscal strategies appropriate for future City needs. June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 18 MAYOR PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TRANSPORTAION SERVICES CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC ENGINEERING DESIGN STREET MAINTENANCE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PAPILLION SEWER CREEK MAINTENANCE WASTEWATER TREATMENT MISSOURI RIVER WASTEWATER TREATMENT ENVIROMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY AIR QUALITY FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FLEET MANAGEMENT SOLID WASTE GENERAL SERVICES FLOOD CONTROL & WATER QUALITY PARKING June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 19 Library Department Gary Wasdin, Director (402) 444-4800 215 S. 15th Street Omaha, Ne 68102 Mission Statement Omaha Public Library strengthens our communities by connecting people with ideas, information, and innovative services. In 1872, after several attempts at establishing a public library, one opened in the Simpson Carriage Factory at 14th and Dodge to support lifelong learning, literacy, and public space and to encourage our citizens to learn, think, debate, and grow. That vision continues today. Omaha is a vital and vibrant City, with Omaha Public Library as an essential catalyst, collaborator, and connector. • Omaha Public Library is a nexus organization, working in collaboration with organizations throughout the area to build a better Omaha. • The Library will strategically align its services and resources to target the most critical issues facing the growth of our City, including the socioeconomic divide, community and civic engagement, inclusiveness, and leadership development. • Omaha Public Library will expand its reach to have a greater impact on the lives of more people in our service area. • We will design and deliver customized and personalized experiences, content and services tailored at each branch, through the virtual library, and in our communities. • Omaha Public Library will ensure that each resident has access to the very best library buildings, with innovative and flexible spaces that meet changing community needs. • We will ensure that Omaha Public Library has stable and secure funding through both public and private support to ensure the ability to serve our growing population. Goals and Objectives • Strengthen community partnerships with local businesses, cultural institutions, schools, and professional groups to ensure a vibrant and functioning network of resources and services. • Build new programs, services, and resources for Job Seekers that provide ongoing support and training for individuals seeking employment. • Promote and deliver a robust schedule of after-school and summer programs for teens that provide alternatives to At-Risk Youth. • Identify and implement new programs, services, and resources for early childhood literacy development. • Create new opportunities to engage the Omaha Community with the Library’s Virtual Branch Services, through the website, social networking tools, and mobile devices. June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 20 Library Department MAYOR LIBRARY BOARD EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ADMINISTER AND MANAGE LIBRARIES AND SERVICES June 2014 COMMUNITY BRANCHES PARTNERSHIPS AND OUTREACH PROGRAMS AND LIFELONG LEARNING City of Omaha Government Guide LIBRARY COLLECTIONS AND MATERIALS LIBRARY TECHNOLOGY Page | 21 Approval Procedures City Council: Legislation 4-person Council majority required for a measure to pass Yes; Measure Approved Passed to Mayor for Approval Vetoed; 5-person Council majority required to override the Veto or the measure fails Public Meetings - The City Council is unique in that they are essentially the last step in the approval process and they meet in the Legislative Chambers (Auditorium) so that the public can speak on issues before the City Council votes. Only items that are contained on the weekly agenda are brought up for public discussion. There are typically two types of measures brought before the council – Ordinances and Resolutions: Ordinances 1st Reading - Public Notification 2nd Reading – Public Hearing 3rd Reading - City Council Vote Although these readings tend to be consecutive in order, this is not always the case. You should contact the City Clerk to verify second reading dates for public testimony. Resolution – A Resolution appears on the agenda once and the public hearing is held during this first reading. Consent Agenda – Many Ordinances and/or Resolutions are combined together on what is known as a consent agenda. There is only one vote taken on a consent agenda. Unless a Councilmember requests a particular item to be removed from this group, all measures will be voted on at the same time. Likewise, the public hearing for all items is held at the same time. The consent agenda is usually reserved for routine business. Public Meetings are held every Tuesdays* at 2:00 p.m. in the Legislative Chambers *Visit City Council website for exceptions at June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 22 See below for general procedures related to some popular neighborhood events. Please contact respective departments for detailed information. Festivals/ Carnivals: Contact the Planning Department at 444-5205 to verify if a Temporary Use Permit is required for the event. Obtain a permit from Douglas County Health Department to offer food and beverages at the festival. Contact 444-7471. Obtain a written permission letter from the property owner granting use of the space. State sales tax ID is required for all vendors participating in the festival. Contact Department of Revenue at 471-5729 for further information. Contact Permits Department at 444-5360 for Peddler’s Permit with the documents mentioned above. Parade: Prepare a diagram describing the plans for the event including: streets to be closed, booths, seating, stages and/or entertainment, food service locations, emergency services and fire hydrants, portable restroom facilities, trash containers and dumpsters. Contact and create a list of all residents and/or businesses whose property abuts the street to be closed. * Contact Mike Gaughen of Public Works at 444-4653 to apply for a permit to close a street, sidewalk, alley, or city right-of-way. After the request is approved, Mike will contact the police, fire and other necessary departments for the event. Contact barricades specialist for the event. The barricades must comply with the City of Omaha Barricading Standards, Specifications, Methods and Materials manual. June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 23 * A copy of occupants contacted along the street closing route shall be provided to the City of Omaha, Public Works Department, at least five days prior to start of the event. Block Party: Submit a written request to Omaha Public Works Department. * Contact barricades specialist for the event. The barricades must comply with the City of Omaha Barricading Standards, Specifications, Methods and Materials manual. Methods, and Materials manual. Assume responsibility for the notification of all of the abutting property owners/tenants. Objection from any resident or business operator in the affected area will hold the permit until the objection is resolved. * Applicant must be at least 18 years of age and reside in the block where the street is to be closed. Contact the Public Works Department at: Omaha Public Works Department Traffic Engineering Division 1819 Farnam Street, Suite 600 Omaha, Nebraska 68183 Park Events: - To reserve a picnic shelter (Lake Zorinsky, Elmwood Park, Mandan Park) contact 402-444-6733. - To schedule a wedding or to rent a park pavilion, call 402-444-5920. - To reserve the Riverfront area (Lewis & Clark Landing, Miller’s Landing, Gene Leahy Mall, Heartland of America Park) call 402-444-4653. - For any open space permit (which allows utilizing an open area of the park) call 402-444-4653. Neighborhood Clean-Ups: Contact Keep Omaha Beautiful at 444-7774 to organize a clean-up event. June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 24 Planning: See below for a general outline of the approval procedures for several Planning related requests. Please contact the Planning department for detailed information at: Omaha/Douglas Civic Center Current Planning Division 1819 Farnam Street, Suite 1110 Omaha, Nebraska 68183 (402) 444-3426 *City Planning Department must be contacted in order to schedule a pre-application discussion with a planner for all of the following requests. 1. Subdivision: Subdivision approval is required to divide any parcel of land into two (2) or more lots. The division of land may facilitate multi use of the land if necessary which needs to be approved by the Planning Board and the City Council. *Submit Sketch Plan at the pre-application conference Pre-Application review letter sent to the applicant with findings Prepare and submit Preliminary Plan to the current planning manager Planning Board and City Council Action Required Once Preliminary Plan is approved, prepare a Final Plan and submit to the planning manager Planning Board action City Council hearing Submit Engineering drawings and financing commitments to the City Engineer Once signed by the City Engineer, record the final plan with Douglas County Register of Deeds within 30 days June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 25 2. Special Use Permit: Plans requiring Special Use approval are specifically listed in the Zoning Code by zoning district. Special Use types can include but are not limited to; daycares, social clubs, and auto sales (new and used). Special Use permits require a recommendation vote by the Planning Board and final action is by the City Council. Selected uses because of size, location, site development or operating characteristics require special consideration and are subject to review by the Planning Board and discretionary approval by the City Council. *Following the pre-application discussion, Prepare and submit a complete application to the current Planning Manger Planning Board hearing to facilitate public comments City Council action Once the permit is approved the applicant may apply for building permit 3. Conditional Use Permit: Plans requiring Conditional Use approval are specifically listed in the Zoning Code by zoning district. Conditional Use permits do not have any action at the City Council and are approved or denied at the Planning Board. Selected uses which have location, site development or operating characteristics that require special consideration are subject to review and discretionary approval by the Planning Board. *Submit a site plan application for initial review and Planning Department’s advice Submit revised plan to the Planning Manager and once approved the plan will be placed on the Planning Board agenda Planning Board hearing to facilitate public comments Once approved by the Planning Board, the applicant may apply for building permit June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 26 4. Rezoning: A rezoning (zoning map amendment) may be requested when a proposed use is not allowed with the current zoning classification on the property. An applicant should be aware that established zoning is considered to be correct and appropriate unless the applicant can sufficiently justify why the rezoning should be approved. For instance, rezoning from a Residential zoning district to a Commercial zoning district would require a rezoning permit. *Submit complete application along with other required documents to the Planning Manager Department will prepare and transmit a recommendation report to the applicant Planning Board hearing to facilitate public comments The applicant will receive a letter advising of the action of the Planning Board and a recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council. City Council hearing Once the request is approved the rezoning is established on the effective date of the ordinance Compiled by Asha Adhikari May 2012 Revised 6-5-2014 CR June 2014 City of Omaha Government Guide Page | 27