One Touch: Creating Healthy and Energy Efficient Housing Ellen Tohn Tohn Environmental Strategies 2014 Slide The Need Title • Home visiting programs for energy, health, and housing repairs have limited scope while family needs are broad. • Opportunities to connect families to added services are missed. • Opportunities to reduce program costs (e.g., intake, wasted visits) One Touch Slide Title Solution • Creates effective e-referrals • Provides added health services to families to reduce health care expenses and improve health outcomes • Reduces energy use, addressing climate change and lowering family energy bills • Develops public private partnerships & collaboration to fill local gaps in service • Improves home visitor capabilities Added Benefit Slidefor Title HUD Funds • New HUD General NOFA provides extra points for: – Collaboration among health, housing and energy – Use of common assessment and referral procedures – Bringing multiple funding streams to assist clients – Engaging health care payers/providers • One Touch helps you structure programs to achieve these HUD goals OneSlide Touch Title Sites 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Omaha NE Greensboro NC Fitchburg MA Minneapolis MN Vermont New Hampshire Burlington VT •• • • • • Families “Touched” Slide TitleEach Year Issue NH Omaha Vermont Minn. Health 2600 2200 7,000 3400 1800 1150 (1,000 low income) (400 low income) 4,000 2500 800 200 1300+ 1600 Energy Housin g Health Benefits of Energy “Touches” • Healthier babies 20% less likely to be underweight for age or length Reduced hospital stays in colder months - 30% less likely to require admission after visiting emergency room. Source: Frank et al, Heat or Eat, Pediatrics, 2006 Health Benefits of Energy Slide Title “Touches” • Improved asthma outcomes if weatherization added to community health worker visits (Bryesse, 2013) • Weatherization yielded fewer sinus infections, reduced asthma medication use (Wilson, 2013) Who Should Be Involved? Typical One Touch Partners Health Housing Lead Asthma Visiting Nurses Smoking Cessation Government Rehab Habitat for Humanity Rebuilding Together Community Programs Energy Weatherization Utility Programs Home Performance Common Assessment Tool Making E-Referrals Automated E-Referrals Manchester, SlideNH TitleReferrals • • • • 95 units –Initial Pilot 9 partnering agencies 70% of homes needed at least one referral 127 referrals. Most common : lead, energy, smoking cessation, social services, housing repairs • Adds 15 minutes to home visit • Referrals initially tracked on, moved to state supported system Omaha SlideReferrals Title • One Touch done in > 1700 homes Number of Referrals 26% 53% 21% >2 1 0 Referral Partners Omaha Omaha Healthy Kids Alliance (OHKA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting lead-safe and healthy housing for children and families in Omaha. Since its inception, OHKA has provided education and assistance to families throughout the city. For more information, please call 402-934-9700 or visit Ref er r als made t oday: •"Get the Lead Out!" Free or discounted testing, labor, paint & supplies for families with children under 7 •Home energy efficiency & upgrades (Windows, insulation, & HVAC) for qualifying homes •Roof & Repair Program - Homeowners in need of roof repair •Restore - Building materials & fixtures for 50-70% off Omaha Healthy Kids Alliance (402) 934-9700 Weatherization Trust, Inc. (402) 342-3524 Habitat for Humanity (402) 457-5657 • Lead hazard control in pre-1978 homes with children under 7. •General rehab for lead, radon, and external maintenance •Incentives for home energy efficiency & upgrades (Windows, insulation, & HVAC) •Housing repairs for homeowners who are disabled and/or over 62 City of Omaha (402) 444-5150 reEnergize (877) 402-5111 Rebuilding Together (402) 965-9201 •Case management for children with lead levels and free home dust testing and education •Free tools to help you quit smoking •Assistive Technology Partnership provides help to indivduals and home upgrades to help people remain independent Douglas County Health Dept. (402) 444-7825 Tobacco Quit Line 800-QUIT-NOW ATP (888) 806-6287 Summary Data Douglas County Health 87 City Lead Hazard Control 48 City Rehab 39 City Handyman (Elderly) 14 Habitat for Humanity (Roofs) 65 ReBuilding Together 86 OHKA (Healthy Home) 117 Weatherization 19 Fire Department (Alarms) 7 Tobacco Free Nebraska 6 City Emergency Repair 6 Other 7 Partners Have Access to Data Typical SlideTimeline Title One Touch Program (8 -12 months) Kick Off Meetings Engage Partners Develop Tools & Pilot (1-4 months) Refine Tools & Expand Reach Develop Check up (5-12 months) Forms, Electronic Referral & Outcome Measures Engage Partners Pilot Test Modify Tools & Approach Partner Adoption Sign Compact/MOU NH Referral SlideCommitments Title • MOU among Health, Housing, and Weatherization • Lead to track referrals statewide Housing • MCH home visits complete Health One Touch assessments & WX e-referrals Omaha SlideBenefits Title • Secured significant Kresge Healthy Homes Grant, • Assisting City in maintaining Weatherization presence • Connections to Rebuilding and Habitat • Program is institutionalized • Will position them for HUD Fitchburg Slide MA Title Benefits • Closer collaboration among weatherization, city rehab, and lead • Local CDC developed green and healthy rehab specs • Considering linking new tablet for code enforcement with One Touch software Moving Slide Forward Title Spread The Word.... One Touch can happen without significant new funding Contact: Ellen Tohn, Tohn Environmental Strategies 508-358-7770;