Pablo Casals Middle School - M.S.181
Name: _________________________ Class: _________
Date: _________
Subject: ________________________ Focus: _________________________________
Document Based Questions
The Uses of Geography
Why do the authors of these passages think that people should study geography?
Part A: Short-Answer Questions
Directions: Read and examine the accompanying documents and answer the following
questions using complete sentences.
Document 1
Scholars have recognized the importance of geography for centuries. In the first century BC
the Greek geographer Strabo wrote about its uses in the introduction to his Geography.
1a. How does Strabo say geography will help hunters?
1b. What does he say will happen if a person beginning a great undertaking does not
understand geography?
Document 2
One of the most valuable skills geography teaches us is how to read maps. The map shown
here is an example of the type of map you might encounter is a newspaper or on the Internet.
2a. What information does this map show?
2b. How might you use a map like this one in your daily life?
Document 3
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is a branch of the Department of the Interior. The
goal of the USGS is to study the natural environment using a variety of sciences. The
following passage from the USGS Web site explains the significance of geography to
the federal government.
Governments depend on a common set of base information that
describes the Earth’s surface and locates features. They use this
information as a tool for economic and community development,
land and natural resource management, and health and safety
services. Federal functions ranging from emergency management
and defense to environmental protection rely on this information.
Private industry, nongovernmental organizations, and individual
citizens also use the same geographic data. Geographic
information underpins an increasingly large part of the Nation’s
—U.S. Geological Survey
3a. According to this passage, what are three areas in which the government uses
geographic information as a tool?
3b. Do you think the USGS would encourage people to study geography? Why or why not?
Document 4
A knowledge of geography and map reading is also essential when studying history. The
document below was written by a professor of history to explain the importance of maps in
his field.
Maps are essential in the study of history. They can be used to show
specific events, such as battles or wars. They can trace routes of
trade, migration, or the diffusion of culture or diseases. They can
show change in political alignments, territories, and boundaries.
Maps show spatial relationships—where things are in relation to
other things. If you want to know if one society is likely to be
influenced by another, like Mexico by the United States, look at a
map. Much of world history revolves around pat- terns of
connection among regions, and maps help both to illustrate and
explain these patterns.
—Dr. Peter Stearns, “Using Maps to Understand History”
4a. What are three types of information historians can get from maps?
4b. What does the author mean when he says maps help illustrate patterns of connection
among regions?
Part B: Essay
Historical Context:
Throughout history, people have recognized the importance of geography and geographic
information. From individuals to governments, everyone uses geography in some way.
TASK: Using information from the four documents and your knowledge of world
history, write an essay in which you:
identify one use to which geography can be put.
explain how you can apply that use of geography in your daily life.