
Special guest: Patti Poff, science teacher, to update her recycling/composting lesson plan and
other projects.
Call to order and attendance.
September and October minutes for approval. (No November meeting due to no quorum.)
Correspondence and updates:
Soil importation ordinance: Dave update. Simplifying the ordinance; making it govern intratown soil importation also if possible. New Google maps showing soil deposition on Roseville
Road parcels: Margaret to send to Sussex County Soil Conservation?
Arbor Day: Memorial plaque for Peg Swentzel installed, with ceremony to be scheduled for
Arbor Day 2014.
Byram Day email list: Margaret asking Dawn Boyer to create a list from the forms submitted for
the Byram Day contests.
Trail link at Lackawanna: Possible link between Lake Drive West and NJ Natural Lands Trust
trail? Problematical, as large LLIC-owned parcel intervenes.
Sussex County GIS parcel mapping: A new program to provide a ‘virtual site walk.’ Margaret
emailed link to all ECers.
Sustainable Jersey grants for organic waste and other projects: $10,000 to Lambertville to
generate electricity from organic waste at their MUA; $20,000 to Frenchtown to buy a
composting machine, with the town using the compost for landscaping. Also Lambertville
providing curbside pickup and then taking materials to AgChoice, Sussex County composting
facility, and will make compost available to residents (also will begin collecting from restaurants
and public schools) and will ultimately use it generate power at their MUA; Princeton collects
food waste curbside to use for landscaping. In Lambertville, out of the pilot program of 400
homes, 25% no longer put out weekly garbage.
EC Budget: $907.19 remaining from $2600.
Membership: Caryn is resigning at the end of 2013, leaving a regular seat and the first alternate
seat open. Laura McGann (973493-2297) from Strawberry Point, Cranberry Lake, is interested,
but she is a seasonal resident; only full-time residents can be appointed. She has been invited to
attend as a member of the public.
Need to identify EC liaisons to Planning Board and Open Space Committee.
2013 EC goals:
 Recycling:
 Tours of ReCommunity and virtual tour.
 How to promote recycling/composting in Byram.
 Easement monitoring pilot project: Byram awarded $10,000 Sustainable Jersey grant;
$5,000 received up-front. Update from Scott, following 12/10/13 meeting with Eileen
Swan at NJ Conservation Foundation and with Judy Thornton from Highlands Council,
as well as Carl Figueiredo and Nathan McLean from the Highlands Council GIS office.
Planning Board:
 Nufrio, 138 Lackawanna Drive, Bl. 273 L. 300—Nufrio did not attend September 5
Planning Board; Board recommended that his temporary Certificate of Occupancy be
terminated (vote at 9/19/13 Planning Board meeting). Nufrio is now suing.
 On 11/7 PB agenda, Trader house on North Shore Road (approved); Lake Mohawk Pool
and Spa (Board wants more information about types of events, will only approve
swimming events, and is requiring a revised application to include the LMP&S lots
across the street, which also have parking).
 Nissan application to illuminate two red posts to their sign—on 11/21 Planning Board
 Seekamp—application for addition and second story at end of Weasaug Trail (Block 187
Lot 1). Application for EC review, along with old Planning Board files. On February 6
Planning Board agenda.
 Jefferson Lakes Day Camp application for a new in-ground pool and two larger tennis
courts—on January 2 Planning Board agenda.
 Update of Trail Guide and display map by The Land Conservancy of NJ: Three poster
maps received—lamination costs (c.$50 per 3’ x 5’ map at Gravity Design in Newton,
973-940-0300, using ‘luster’ laminating material at $3.50 per square foot). Margaret still
getting prices for printing the brochure and has agreement with Recreation Director Janet
Meisner to split the costs:
 Moonlight Imaging cannot do;
 CCG Marketing Solutions (recommended by The Land Conservancy of NJ)
quotes $1,450 for 3,000 copies and $1,731 for 5,000;
 BBC Printing sending a quote.
Brookwood Park project: Clean-up day on 11/16. CSIP grant money to remove large
trees obstructing the path and picnic area. Park sign in process, as is the neighborhood
sign—both to be installed by the Township DPW, along with a small single-post sign
describing the trail.
EC advocacy for Cutoff trail: New letters of support from Warren County Board of
Recreation Commissioners and from NY-NJ Trial Conference; lost letters from Knowlton
and Hopatcong.
Sussex Branch Trail grant work: Contractor and NJ Park Service have
cleared/graded/surfaced section immediately north of Whitehall Hill Road; stone dust to
be added and drainage ditch improved. Margaret will close out grant.
Trail signs and posts: John and Margaret to work on the posts; DPW purchased and is
storing them (15 posts for small single-post trail signs), with 4 posts delivered to sign
artist Dave Rush for park and neighborhood sign at Brookwood Park. DPW to install in
Musconetcong River: Michelle update.
Draft of new ordinance regarding chickens: Scott update.
Quarry Licensing Application for 2014: Comments?