research, mission & work experience

Mary Beth Wilhelm
215 North Ave. #1627
Atlanta, GA 30308
(510) 648-0591
Mary Beth Wilhelm is an early-career planetary scientist whose current research focus is on
biomarker preservation in martian and terrestrial environments.
She is currently a member of the Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Science Team, a National
Science Foundation Graduate Fellow, and a NASA Civil Servant. She has published academic
research in the fields of astrobiology, geomicrobiology, and analog science and exploration,
and has geological and analog fieldwork experience.
Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology (in progress)
School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
Major: Planetary Science
Minor: Biochemistry, Certificate in Public Policy
B.A., Cornell University
Major: Earth Systems, Planetary Science Concentration, & College Scholar
Minor: Dance
PhD Student. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 08/2012-Present.
• PhD thesis investigations involve characterizing the preservation of biomarkers in Mars
analog environments to elucidate potential targets for future exploration and interpreting data
being collected on the surface of Mars today.
• Currently conducting studies of biomarker preservation in the Atacama Desert in Chile and
the Antarctic Dry Valleys, which are two of the oldest and driest deserts on Earth and are
excellent terrestrial analogs for the moisture conditions and soil chemistry occurring on the
surface of Mars.
• Investigating the ability of unaltered pyroclastic glass deposits to concentrate and preserve
organic material with ToF-SIMS.
• Analyzing ancient hydrous minerals on Mars using the CRISM spectrometer currently in
NASA Civil Servant. NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 05/2010-Present.
• Science team collaborator on the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Sample Analysis at Mars
(SAM) instrument. Work focused on analyzing gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
laboratory studies to aid in interpretation of rover data.
Public Policy Intern. NASA Headquarters, Washington, D.C. 05/2013-08/2013.
• Wrote drafts of the 100-page Announcement of Opportunity for the Mars 2020 Rover for the
Mars Exploration Program Office. Also contributed to projects regarding Mars sample caching
and Solar System education and public outreach at a programmatic level.
Television Presenter. KQED Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) & Spine Films,
San Francisco, CA 01/2013-08/2013.
• Hosted pre-pilot episode of a Mars human exploration themed show about the physical and
mental challenges of long-duration spaceflight.
Science Team Project Manager. Cornell University Violet Satellite Project, Ithaca, NY
• Obtained and conducted thermal/vacuum testing and calibration of a UV/Vis spectrometer
to launch aboard Cornell’s cube-sat Violet. Additionally, led a group of students in developing
and assessing feasibility of science objectives for the instrument.
Researcher. Cornell Microbiology Department, Ithaca, NY 08/2009-12/2011.
• Conducted interdisciplinary undergraduate thesis work in geobiology studying
cyanobacteria and biosignatures in a thrombolitic bioherm using molecular methods.
Research Assistant. Cornell Earth & Atmospheric Science Department 05/2011-12/2011.
• Conducted metamorphic petrology research on garnets obtained from northern New Mexico
Research Assistant. Cornell Astronomy Department 08/2008-05/2010.
• Analyzed Spitzer Space Telescope and Palomar Observatory data studying Young Stellar
Space Life Science Summer Intern. NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX 06/201008/2010.
• Analyzed human factors data involving scientific productivity collected from astronauts and
scientists working in submersibles as a part of the Pavilion Lake Research Project.
Research Assistant. NASA Ames Research, Atlanta, GA 06/2006-08/2009.
• Summer internships and part time research focused on analysis of liquid-water features and
hydrous mineral deposits excavated by impacts on the Martian surface using remote-sensing
spectrometers (CRISM), imagers (MOC, HiRISE), and laser altimeters (MOLA).
Research Assistant. SETI Institute, Mountain View, CA 03/2008-08/2008.
• Part time work organizing SETI databases.
2013-2016 NSF Graduate Fellowship Recipient
2013 Georgia Tech D.C. Internship Stipend
2013 Lunar & Planetary Institute Career Development Award
2012-2014 Georgia Tech President’s Fellowship
2012, 2011 Civil Servant, Distinguished Performance Rating
2012 NSF Graduate Fellowship Honorable Mention
2010-2012, Cornell University Presidential Research Scholar
2007 NASA Ames Honor Award: Student
Heldmann, J.L., Schurmeier L., Stoker, C., McKay, C., Davila, A. Marinova, M.B., Wilhelm,
M.B. (2014). Midlatitude ice-rich ground on Mars as a target in the search
evidence of life and for in situ resource utilization on human missions.
Wilhelm, M.B. and Hewson I. (2012). Characterization of thrombolitic bioherm
assemblages in a meromictic marl lake (Fayetteville Green
Lake, New York). Geomicrobiology Journal 29:8.
Foing, B.H.,… Wilhelm, M.B., et al. (2011). Field astrobiology research in Moon-Mars
analogue environment: instruments and methods, International Journal of
Astrobiology 10:3.
Lim, S.S.D., Brady, A.L., and PLRP Team... Wilhelm, M.B., et al. (2011) A Historical
Overview of the Pavilion Lake Research Project – Analog Science and Exploration in
an Underwater Environment. Geological Society of America Special Paper 483.
British Columbia, Canada
Pavilion Lake Research Project Field Assistant, analyzed productivity and scientific return
data from NASA/CSA astronauts and scientists working in submarines.
Central Andes Mountains, Argentina
Field Mapping in the Central Andes (Cornell course)
Southeastern Utah Desert
Organized and led three two-week Mars simulations (Crews 73, 86, 87) at the Mars Desert
Research Station. Conducted a number of human factors experiments involving heads-up
displays and small-scale imaging, sample collection, and field-testing of the University of
North Dakota NDX-1 Space Suit.
Mojave Desert National Preserve, California
NASA Spaceward Bound lecturer and bacterial soil crust study.
Northern New Mexico Mountains
Mapping and garnet sample collection in northern New Mexico mountains (undergraduate
research project)
Death Valley, California
Field Methods in Volcanology in the SW US (Georgia Tech course), and perchlorate
San Rafael Desert, Utah
Cryptoendolithic microbial habitat study in the San Rafael Desert, Utah
Ries Crater & Eifel Volcanic Region, Germany
Impacts and Volcanism in Germany (Cornell course)
North Dakota Badlands
Spaceward Bound Participant studying glacial features for application to Mars
Mount Palomar Observatory, San Diego
Observed of young stellar objects with Cornell astronomers.
Lassen Volcanic National Park, California
Field Assistant for snow coring for extremophiles.
“Identification of Biomarkers in Volcanic Analog Mars Analog Environments” (oral),
October 17, 2013: Georgia Institute of Technology Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Graduate Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia.
2. “Organic Entrainment and Preservation in Volcanic Glasses” (poster and oral), August 5,
2013: Analog Sites for Mars Missions II: Past, Present and Future Missions to Mars,
Washington, D.C.
3. “Curiosity: Results from the Mars Science Laboratory” (oral), July 15, 2013: NASA HQ,
Washington, D.C.
4. “Structural Variation in the Ancient Phyllosilicates at Mawrth Vallis, Mars” (poster), March
21, 2013: 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas
5. “Desert Extremophiles and Martian Habitability” (oral), October 12, 2012: Geophysics
Seminar, Georgia Institute of Technology Earth & Atmospheric Sciences Department
6. “Characterization of thrombolitic bioherm cyanobacterial assemblages in a meromictic marl
lake (Fayetteville Green Lake, New York)” (poster) October, 2011: Earth and Atmospheric
Sciences Department, Cornell University
7. “Your local early-Earth analog: Microbial ecology of a modern-day microbialite in Green
Lake, Fayetteville, NY” April 11, 2011: Cornell Astronomy Department’s Planetary Lunch
Seminar Series
8. “The Biosignatures and Microbial Ecology of Cyanobacterial Communities in an EarlyEarth Analog Lake in Fayetteville, NY” (oral presentation) April, 2011: The National
Undergraduate Research Conference
9. “The Violet Satellite Project” (poster) April, 2011: The National Undergraduate Research
10. “Ejecta-Excavated Subsurface Clays Detected in SW Arabia Terra, Mars.”
(poster) December, 2011: Meeting of the American Geophysical Union
11. “Mars Analog Research” March 5, 2010, Cornell Astronomical Society Public Lecture
12. “’Life On ‘Mars’- Adventures at the Mars Desert Research Station” March 1, 2010: Cornell
Astronomy Department’s Planetary Lunch Seminar Series
13. “Diving Deep for the Moon and Mars: The Pavilion Lake Research Project” October 26,
2009: Cornell Astronomy Department’s Planetary Lunch Seminar Series
14. “The Future of Lunar Exploration” (panel discussion) July 20, 2008: Lunar Science
Conference at NASA Ames Research Center
15. “Correlation of Regional Topography and Martian Gully Orientation” (poster) October 2008:
Division of Planetary Science Conference
16. “Correlation of Regional Topography and Martian Gully Orientation”
(poster) April 2008: Astrobiology Conference
17. “Downward Regional Topography toward Craters Containing Martian Gullies”
(poster) February 2008: Houston Gullies Conference
President: The Planetary Society at Georgia Tech (07/2013-Present.)
The Planetary Society
The American Geophysical Union