MACKTOWN LIONS CLUB Meeting Minutes July 14, 2015 Meeting was called to order at 6:45 by President Mike Peavy. Presidents Announcements-Lion Frank presented Lions Will, Frank, Mike, and Tracy with their Centennial membership pins for sponsoring a new member during the membership drive months Lion Mike read a thank you from the Rockton Post office for putting up their white lights on the building Lion Mike showed the nice article that Lion Marianne out in the Rockton Herald wrapping up our year as a new Lions club Guests: Peter with Crazy Times Peter gave a presentation on an annual event he and his partner have at Crazy Times.. I have put a full report of the proposal in the Members area with more details. Club approved to assist with this event. 1st Lion Frank 2nd Lion Jessica. Lion Mike will come up with a sign up sheet. The event will be August 7th and 8th Happy Bucks: Lion Jess- Happy that Scott received a job offer Lion Jess-Happy that Christina is here and is ok after her car accident Lion Mike- Happy that Peter has brought us the opportunity to help him Lion Kim-Happy its warm out Lion Kim-Shout out to Jess and I for staying on the running program Lion Kim- Just cuz Lion Brian- Happy they are getting the easy lock installed next week in the new vehicle Lion Kristine-Happy they have their shipping box for Ecuador Secretary Report: Vote was taking to approve the meeting minutes from June 23rd. Lion Will made the motion, Lion Jess seconded the motion. Motion was passed unanimously. Reminder there is a reminder section on the agenda take a look for important dates Treasurer Report: Lion Will presented the Treasurers report. Lion Frank made a motion to accept the report. Lion Christina seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. Motion brought to pay the Domain name charge to Go daddy for $17.99 for the year. Lion Kim made a motion and Lion Jess seconded. Motion was approved unanimously USA/Canada Forum: the committee and the membership agree to disband this committee Card Game: Lion Frank and Lion Jackie both won the card game. Frank won some lovely smelling candles. Lion Jackie won some hand tools . Thank you Lion Will for bringing the gifts Health Fair: Lion Brian, Sue provided an update on the Health Fair schedule for 09/26/2015.a full report on this event is in the membership area. Newsletter- The Spotlights Lion was decided upon- To be announced in the next newsletter Membership Committee: Members who are unable to attend the orientation sessions can find the information in the Members area online. Please review and let your sponsor know if you have any questions New Business: Lion Mike reported the first of 3 cabinet meetings will be on August 1st at 9:30am in Leaf River. This is a requirement for this fiscal years awards to have members attend a cabinet meeting. Please let Lion Mike know if you would like to attend . Crafty Kids River Market- Lion Kim presented a motion to pay for Pickles the Clown for 2 hours from 6pm-8pm at the Kids Night. Lion Jess made a motion to accept. Lion Will seconded motion passed unanimously. Lion Kim will contact Pickles the Clown Rockton Rush Games- We discussed at length the Rockton Rush beer serving opportunity. The club decided this does not fit into our focus with the youth therefore will reply with a decline. RMH service activities- Lion Kim presented an idea of doing some events for the Pediatrics patients at Rockford Memorial Hospital. First of which would be a movie night. The membership agreed with the event(s). Lion Kim will contact Stacy and set a date for the event. Tshirts/Hoodies/etc- reminder these are available for purchase, we would like to place an order soon so if you would like to order a shirt please let Lion Mike, Kim or Dennis know. Prices are published on the website Canine Celebration Event- Lion Kim presented an idea for this and it was determined more information was needed and we can discuss further. There is a report of this idea in the membership area Old Business: Reminder tomorrow night is the River Market, wear your Macktown shirts Update no Hanz Beer Fest- Lion Will provided an update on the event. Was a lot of fun and the event at last count has raised $30K towards the HHS scholarship fund in the late Todd Hansmeiers name Lion Mike advised that DG Gary Meyers dad passed away- Lion Care Liason will send out a card Lion Wear: Lion Jacklyn Phillips showed the first paracord bracelet that she has made for the club. Lion Andrew updated everyone on what Jacklyn is doing with the bracelets. Lion Will presented a couple of questions. We have not heard yet about the awards for the club but the applications have all been submitted. At this time we have not been given a timeframe if the Rockton Chamber office is going to be closing or not but we can continue to pursue other places Treats for next meeting: Lion Brian will bring treats to the next meeting. This weeks treats were fabulous 50/50 Raffle: The winner of the 50/50 raffle was Lion Mike with a total of $6.00 Meeting adjourned at 8:07 pm by President Mike. Lion Jess made the motion to adjourn, Lion Kim seconded it, motion passed unanimously. Upcoming: July 28-Next membership meeting at 6:30 August 1st-Cabinet meeting 9:30 am in Leaf River August 7th and 8th Crazy Times Pig Roast- volunteers needed (must be 18 and older)