7th grade Science Poetry Directions: Keep this page in your notes

7th grade Science Poetry Directions: Keep this page in your notes for reference (also posted on Mrs. O’s web page).
Below are examples of 9 styles of poetry. A poem is due on each of the dates below. You must use a different style
each time so that you write one of each style over the course of the year. Because there are 11 dates and therefore 11
poems, you may choose any style for the last 2 dates (April & May).
Please label each poem with the style you’re using. Correct spelling is expected and if the poem is riddled with spelling
errors, it will be returned to you for correction and counted as “missing” until corrected & turned back in.
Poems must include science content. Without science content, you will lose points.
Due: 1st semester
2nd semester
January 12
September 1st & 22nd
February 2nd & 23rd
October 13th
March 15th
November 3rd
April 12th
December 8th
May 3rd
I used to___but now____ (use to describe scientific change/progression or to summarize what you’ve learned)
Example: I used to be a seed,
Example: I used to think science was too hard,
But now I am a seedling.
But now I know science is just challenging.
I used to be a seedling,
I used to think my teacher was mean & grumpy,
But now I am an apple blossom.
But now I know he cares & wants me to do my best.
I used to be an apple blossom,
I used to think mass and weight were the same
But now I am an apple.
But now I know weight is gravity’s pull on mass.
Alphabet pyramids: contains specific parts of speech that all begin with the same letter and describes the noun.
Line 1: the letter
Line 2: a noun
Line 3: add an adjective
Luminous lightning
Line 4: add a verb
Luminous lightning lights
Line 5: add an adverb
Luminous lightning lights locally
Line 1: Name it
Line 2: Describe it
Line 3: Tell where it would be found
Line 4: Tell more about it
Line 5: Use emotion words to tell how you feel about it
Line 6: Explain why you used the emotion words on line 5
Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
One of the largest of its species
Found on the island of its name
Sleek, quick and wingless
I flinch when it hisses
Forgetting it is just protecting itself.
Diamante: a 7 line poem that compares the opposites using part of speech, forming a diamond shape.
Line 1: noun for the subject
Line 2: 2 adjectives describing the subject
Small Cold-blooded
Line 3: 3 participles describing the subject
Swimming Laying eggs Breathing water
Line 4: 4 nouns—2 about the subject, 2 about its antonym
Scales Gills / Blubber Blowholes
Line 5: 3 participles describing the antonym
Migrating Mothering Breathing Air
Line 6: 2 adjectives describing the antonym
Gigantic Warm-blooded
Line 7: the antonym
Terquain: a descriptive 3 line poem
Line 1: one word that is the subject
Line 2: one or two descriptive words about the subject
Line 3: one feeling word about the subject
Intense heat
Cinquain: a 5 line descriptive poem that contains about 22 syllables
Line 1: the subject
Line 2: 4 syllables describing the subject
Line 3: 6 syllables showing action
Line 4: 8 syllables expressing a feeling or observation about the subject
Line 5: 2 syllables renaming the subject
Haiku: 3 lines and 17 syllables arranged in a 5-7-5 pattern.
Line 1: 5 syllables
Line 2: 7 syllables
Line 3: 5 syllables
Strong, fist-sized pump
Squeezing and pushing
An amazing, non-stop wonder
Life source
Ocean breezes blow
Frothy waves of water leave
Behind the sea shells
Tanka: 5 lines and 31 syllables arranged in a 5-7-5-7-7 pattern.
Let’s get away from it all
Retreat into caves
Sleeping until spring arrives
Nature’s alarm clocks are set
I Like_____________: Use parts of speech to describe.
I like (noun)
Adjective noun
Adjective noun
Adjective noun
Adjective noun
Any kind of (noun)
I like (noun)
Noun Prepositional phrase
Noun Prepositional phrase
Noun Prepositional phrase
Noun Prepositional phrase
I like (noun)
Adjective noun
Adjective noun
Adjective noun
Adjective noun
Adjective noun
Adjective noun
I like (noun)
I like bugs!
Sticky bugs
Spindly bugs
Speckled bugs
Striped bugs
Any kind of bugs
I like bugs!
Bugs on a leaf
Bugs caught in webs
Bugs in the ground
Bugs flying in the air
I like bugs!
Fragile bugs
Hearty bugs
Helpful bugs
Scary bugs
Cautious bugs
Bold bugs
I like bugs!
(The examples were written by middle school students. Taken from “The Middle School Journal”, May 2005)