CPA Core Competency Study

FAQs - The CPA Core Competency Study powered by SenseMaker®
Any questions - please contact Jennifer Briggs, CAE, Senior Vice President, Indiana CPA
Society or (317) 726-5037 or Erin Medjeski at
or (317) 726-5039.
What is it?
The CPA Core Competency Study powered by SenseMaker® is a first-of-its-kind, large-scale
survey benchmarking the core competencies of U.S. CPAs in public accounting.
What are the seven core competencies?
1) Critical Thinking and Problem Solving-Skills
2) Communication Skills
3) Leadership Skills
4) Synthesizing Intelligence Into Insight Skills
5) Integration and Collaboration
6) Anticipating and Serving Evolving Needs
7) Knowledge Sharing
Who is involved?
Cognitive Edge Ltd. developed the survey in conjunction with the Indiana CPA Society and K3
Cubed Ltd. States participating in the survey include: the Wisconsin Institute of Certified Public
Accountants, the Iowa Society of Certified Public Accountants, the Oregon Society of Certified
Public Accountants, the Illinois CPA Society, the Arizona Society of Certified Public
Accountants, the Alabama Society of Certified Public Accountants, the Florida Institute of CPAs
and the Georgia Society of CPAs.
Why are we doing this?
The profession identified CPAs core competencies for today and beyond, but we don’t know
how we’re doing, if we’re making progress or how we’ll know if we’ve improved. This survey
will serve as a benchmarking tool so CPA’s core competencies can be measured. The data will
also be used to develop online educational modules that can enhance core competencies.
How secure is the survey data?
ONLY Cognitive Edge Ltd. and K3 Cubed Ltd. (our knowledge management advisory firm) will
have access to your member data. It will be destroyed after 12 months. The Indiana CPA Society
will not have access to a listing of CPA participants nor their contact information.
How do CPAs take the survey?
The survey can be found at
Who should complete the survey?
The survey should be completed by CPAs actively working in public accounting only, not CPAs
in working in business or industry, candidates, students, affiliates or associate members.
How long will it take?
The survey takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. Partially completed surveys cannot be
saved. The entire survey must be completed in one sitting.
How long is the survey open?
The survey will be open September 15, 2014 – November 10, 2014.
How many participants are needed?
At least 1,000 total participants are needed to have statistically valid results.
When will results be available?
A comprehensive report and an executive summary will be available in May 2015. The
comprehensive report will be available for sale.
An executive summary of the results will be provided to all original participants; it will come
directly from Cognitive Edge Ltd. as the survey is confidential and we will not know which
individuals completed it.
Each participating state society will receive a copy of the comprehensive report.
A press release noting your organization’s participation and a summary of the findings of the
benchmarking survey will be provided to you in spring 2014.
How do we communicate with members?
Ideally a message should go out to CPA members from the CEO of your organization. You can
send a link to the survey or provide a link in any of your publications. Communications
messages (both long and short versions) are provided.
What if members have questions?
Questions should be emailed to Erin Medjeski at
Created 9/3/2014
Jennifer B. Briggs