Grade 3, Unit 1 Crafting True Stories

Grade 3 - Unit 1 – Bend 1: Writing Personal Narratives with Independence
Unit 1, Bend 1
Table of Contents
Crafting True Stories
 Unit Essential Questions
Page Number
 Unit Goals and Sub Goals (Task Analysis)
 Unit Language (Spanish, Russian, English)
 Bend Assessment Checklists
 Unit Assessment Checklists
 Sample Unit Calendars
Grade 3 - Unit 1 – Bend 1: Writing Personal Narratives with Independence
Grade 3
Writing Unit 1, Bend1
Unit Title:
Stage 1
listing of standards
incorporated in the
Crafting True Stories
Identify Desired Results
W.3.3.a,b,c,d Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique. descriptive details,
and clear event sequences.
a. Establish a situation and introduce a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally.
b. Use dialogue and descriptions of actions, thoughts, and feelings to develop experiences and events or show the response of
characters to situations.
c. Use temporal words and phrases to signal event order.
d. Provide a sense of closure.
W.3.4 With guidance and support from adults, produce writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to
task and purpose. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.)
W.3.5 With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and
editing. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards 1–3 up to and including grade 3 on page
W.3.8 Recall information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on sources and
sort evidence into provided categories.
W.3.10 Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single
sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Good writers use notes, lists and
other strategies to strengthen
their narratives.
Los buenos escritores usan
apuntes, listas y otras estrategias
para mejorar sus narraciones.
Dates of Unit:
Good writers revise as they
Los buenos escritores revisan
conforme van escribiendo.
Good writers edit as they write.
Los buenos escritores editan
conforme van escribiendo.
Good writers describe people,
places, things, and events.
Los buenos escritores describen a
personas, lugares, cosas y
Grade 3 - Unit 1 – Bend 1: Writing Personal Narratives with Independence
Session 1: I can think about what Session 5: I can pause and ask
kind of writing I want to make
myself, “How am I doing?”
and set goals for myself.
Sesión 5: Soy capaz de pausar,
(aligned to goals)
Sesión 1: Soy capaz de pensar
releer, y preguntarme “¿Cómo
acerca del tipo de escritura que
va mi escrito?”
quiero producir y poner metas
para lograrlo.
Session 2: I can think of a person
and brainstorm small moments
with that person.
Sesión 2: Soy capaz de pensar en
una persona y hacer una lluvia de
ideas de pequeños momentos con
Session 3: I can think of a place
and list small moments that
happen in that place in order to
write about that place.
Sesión 3: Soy capaz de pensar en
un lugar y hacer una lluvia de
ideas de pequeños momentos de
lo que ocurrió allí.
Session 4: I can write stories
using scenes rather than
Sesión 4: Soy capaz de escribir
historias usando escenas en lugar
de resúmenes.
Session 6: I can write as clear
as possible so others can read
my writing.
Sesión 6: Soy capaz de escribir
lo más claro posible para que
otros puedan leer y comprender
mi escrito.
Session 7: I can conjugate both
regular and irregular verbs in the
past tense.
Sesión 7: Soy capaz de conjugar
verbos los regulares e irregulares
en el tiempo pasado.
Session 8: I can use precise
adjectives to describe details.
Sesión 8: Soy capaz de usar
adjetivos precisos para describir
Session 9: I can use prepositional
phrases to describe where or
when things happen.
Sesión 9: Soy capaz de usar
preposiciones para describir
dónde o cuándo ocurren las
Session 10: I can use transition
words to move my story along.
Sesión 10: Soy capaz de usar
conectores para indicar la
secuencia a lo largo de mi
Grade 3 - Unit 1 – Bend 1: Writing Personal Narratives with Independence
Stage 2
Determine Assessment Evidence
English Academic Language (What language will students need to sound like experts?)
Academic Language Function(s):
Academic Language Stems:
Easy for Beginners
Describe people, places, things, and events.
Use the past tense.
 I (past tense verb phrase).
 I played outside.
Describir personas, lugares, cosas y eventos.
 One day
Usar el tiempo pasado.
 Yesterday
 First
 Today
 Then
Academic Vocabulary:
 Finally
Medium for Intermediate
 I (past tense verb phrase) (prepositional phrase).
 I played outside at the park with my brother.
 Last week
 Last…
 The other day
 On my birthday
 Next
 Later, After that
 In the end, Finally
Difficult for Advanced and Fluent
 I (past tense verb phrase) (Adjectives) (prepositional phrase).
 My older brother and I played soccer at the small park by my house.
 All of a sudden, As it turned out, Suddenly, Before that
 Goals Rubric
 Assessment Checklist
Grade 3 - Unit 1 – Bend 1: Writing Personal Narratives with Independence
Determine Assessment Evidence
Academic Language (What language will students need to sound like experts?)
Academic Language Function(s):
Academic Language Stems:
Easy for Beginners
Describe people, places, things, and events.
Use the past tense.
 Yo + (predicado con verbo en pasado)
Yo jugué afuera.
Describir personas, lugares, cosas y eventos.
Usar el tiempo pasado.
(Otros pronombres: Tú, ellos, mi hermano, etc. Usando singular y plural)
Academic Vocabulary:
Narrativa /La narración
La Independencia / independientemente
Las escenas
Conectores de secuencia:
Un día
Entonces /Luego
Después de eso
Un poco más tarde
Al final
Medium for Intermediate
Yo + (verbo en pasado)+ (preposición).
Yo jugué en el parque con mi hermano.
Mi hermano y yo jugamos en el parque ayer.
Adverbios de tiempo y conectores de secuencia:
La semana pasada
El / la ________pasado/a…
El otro día
El día de mi cumpleaños
Más tarde, pronto
Grade 3 - Unit 1 – Bend 1: Writing Personal Narratives with Independence
Al final
Difficult for Advanced and Fluent
 Yo+(verbo en pasado) +(Adjetivo/s) +(preposición).
 Mi hermano mayor y yo jugamos futbol en el parque pequeño cerca de nuestra
 Goals Rubric
 Assessment Checklist
De repente
Como resultado
Antes de
Student Names
Session 10: I can use
transition words to move my
story along.
Session 9: I can use
prepositional phrases to
describe where or when
things happen.
Session 8: I can use precise
adjectives to describe
Session 7: I can conjugate
both regular and irregular
verbs in the past tense.
Session 6: I can write as
clear as possible so others
can read my writing.
Session 5: I can pause and
ask myself, “How am I
Session 4: I can write stories
using scenes rather than
Session 3: I can think of a
place and list small moments
that happen in that place in
order to write about that
Session 2: I can think of a
person and brainstorm small
moments with that person.
Session 1: I can think about
what kind of writing I want
to make and set goals for
Grade 3 - Unit 1 – Bend 1: Writing Personal Narratives with Independence
Unit Checklist, Grade 3, Unit 1, Bend 1
Nombre del estudiante
Sesión 10: Soy capaz de usar
conectores para indicar la
secuencia a lo largo de mi
Sesión 9: Soy capaz de usar
preposiciones para describir
dónde o cuándo ocurren las
Sesión 8: Soy capaz de usar
adjetivos precisos para describir
Sesión 7: Soy capaz de conjugar
verbos los regulares e
irregulares en el tiempo pasado.
Sesión 6 : Soy capaz de escribir
lo más claro posible para que
otros puedan leer y comprender
mi escrito.
Sesión 5: Soy capaz de pausar,
releer, y preguntarme “¿Cómo
va mi escrito?”
Sesión 4: Soy capaz de escribir
historias usando escenas en
lugar de resúmenes.
Sesión 3: Soy capaz de pensar
en un lugar y hacer una lluvia de
ideas de pequeños momentos
de lo que ocurrió allí.
Sesión 2: Soy capaz de pensar
en una persona y hacer una
lluvia de ideas de pequeños
momentos con él/ella.
Sesión 1: Soy capaz de pensar
acerca del tipo de escritura que
quiero producir y poner metas
para lograrlo.
Grade 3 - Unit 1 – Bend 1: Writing Personal Narratives with Independence
Lista de control: grado 3, unidad 1, sección 1
Student Name
Punctuation: I wrote in ways that
helped readers read with expression,
reading some parts quickly, some
slowly, some parts in one sort of voice
and others in another.
Punctuation: While writing I used
punctuation at the end of every
Punctuation: I punctuated dialogue
correctly with commas and quotations
Spelling: I got help from others to
check my spelling and punctuation
before I wrote my final draft.
Spelling: I used what I knew about
spelling patterns to help me spell and
edit before I wrote my final draft.
Craft: I not only told my story but also
wrote It in a way that got readers to
picture what was happening and that
brought my story to life.
Elaboration: I worked to show what
happened to (and in) my characters.
Organization: I used paragraphs and
skipped lines to separate what
happened first from what happened
later (and finally,) in my story.
Ending: I chose an action, talk or
feeling that would make a good ending
and worked to write it well.
Transitions: I told my story in order by
using phrases such as a little later and
after that.
Lead: I wrote a beginning in which I
helped readers know who the
characters were and what the setting
was in my story.
Over: I told the story bit by bit.
Grade 3 - Unit 1 – Bend 1: Writing Personal Narratives with Independence
Narrative Unit Student Checklist, Grade 3
Language Conventions
Nombre del
10 | P a g e
Puntuación: Escribí de una manera
que ayudó a los lectores a leer con
entonación, leyendo algunas partes
rápidamente , algunas lentamente,
utilizando una voz en unas partes y
otra voz en otras partes.
Puntuación: Usé signos de
puntuación al final de cada oración.
Puntuación: Escribí correctamente el
diálogo usando el guion.
Ortografía : Pedí ayuda a mis
compañeros para revisar mi ortografía
y puntuación antes de escribir la copia
Ortografía: Usé mis conocimientos
sobre las reglas de ortografía para
deletrear bien y editar antes que de
escribir mi copia final.
Elaboración: Me esforcé para mostrar
lo que pasó a (y dentro de) mis
Composición: No solamente conté la
historia sino la escribí de una manera
que los lectores pudieran ver lo que
estaba pasando haciendo la historia
más vívida.
Organización: Usé párrafos y dejé
renglones para separar lo que pasó al
comienzo de lo que pasó luego y al
Final: Escogí una acción, un tema, o el
sentimiento que creó un buen final a
la historia me esforcé para escribirlo
Conectores: Conté la historia en
orden utilizando oraciones como “un
poco más tarde” y “después de eso”.
En general: Conté la historia paso a
Introducción: Escribí una introducción
para ayudar a los lectores a conocer a
los personajes y el escenario .
Grade 3 - Unit 1 – Bend 1: Writing Personal Narratives with Independence
Lista de Control: escritura narrativa, grado 3
Normas de escritura
Grade 3 - Unit 1 – Bend 1: Writing Personal Narratives with Independence
Stage 3
Plan Learning Experiences and Instruction
Grade 3, Unit 1
Crafting True Stories
Bend 1
Day 1: Session 1: Starting the
Writing Workshop: Visualizing
 I can think about what
kind of writing I want to
make and set goals for
 What 3rd Grade
Page 9
Day 2; Session 2: Finding Ideas
and Writing up a Storm
 I can think of a person
and brainstorm small
moments with that
 Language Goal: I can
use precise adjectives
to describe details.
Day 3: Session 3: Drawing on a
repertoire of Strategies: Writing
with Independence.
 I can think of a place
and list small moments
that happen in that
place in order to write
about that place.
 When I Run Out of Gas,
I can…Chart. Page 31
Day 4: Session 4: Writers Use a
Storyteller’s Voice. They Tell
Stories, Not Summaries.
 I can write stories using
scenes rather than
 “To Write a True Story”
Chart. Page37
 A Storyteller’s Voice
Shows, Not Tells.
It…Chart. Page 40
 Language Goal: I can
use prepositional
phrases to describe
where or when things
Day 5: Session 5: Take Stock:
Pausing to Ask, “How Am I
 I can pause and ask
myself, “How am I
 Narrative Writing
Day 6; Session 6: Editing as We
Go: Making Sure Others Can
Read Our Writing.
 I can write as clear as
possible so others can
read my writing.
 Spelling tools.
Page 58
Bend 2
Day 7: Session 7: Rehearsing:
Storytelling and Leads
 I can rehearse my story
before I start my
writing by generating
alternate leads.
 Add to “To Write a True
Story” Chart Page 69
Day 8: Session 8: Writing
Discovery Drafts
 I can capture my
mental movie be
writing my draft fast
and furiously.
 Language Goal: I can
use transition words to
move my story along.
Day 9: Session 9: Revising by
Studying What Other Authors
Have Done
 I can revise my writing
by studying other
authors’ craft.
 What Hesse Did to
Make Her Storytelling
Voice So Good in Come
On, Rain! Chart.
Page 85
Day 10: Session 10: Storytellers
Develop the Heart of the Story
 I can revise by asking
myself, “What’s the
most important part of
the story?” and
developing that
 REVISE Chart. Page 94
11 | P a g e
Grade 3 - Unit 1 – Bend 1: Writing Personal Narratives with Independence
Day 11: Session 11:
Day 12: Optional Lesson
Bend 3
Paragraphing to Support
Supporting Sequencing and
Sequencing, Dialogue, and
Day 13: Session 12: Becoming
 Mid-Workshop
One’s Own Job Captain
 I can revise by
Page 108
 I can use what I have
grouping related
learned to be my own
sentences into
job captain.
paragraphs and
 To Write a True Story:
elaboration those
Monitor My Process
Checklist. Page 116
 When to Start a New
Paragraph. Chart
Day 16: Optional Lesson
Day 17: Session 15: Revision:
Day 18: Session 16: Commas
Writers Keep an Eye on
Balancing Kinds of Details
and Quotation Marks:
 I can think carefully
Punctuating Dialogue
Mid-Workshop: Conferring
about the kind of
 I can use commas
Effectively Page 130
details I add to my
correctly with
writing (balancing
dialogue with actions,
thoughts, and details
 I can use quotation
about setting).
marks correctly with
Day 21: Optional Lesson
Checking for Sense
Page 159
12 | P a g e
Day 22: Session 19: Using
Editing Checklists
 I can use checklists to
help me edit my
 Editing Checklist
Page 163
Day 23: Session 20:
Publishing: A Writing
Community Celebrates
 I can share and
celebrate my writing
with others.
Day 14: Session 13: Revision
Happens Throughout the
Writing Process
 I can ask myself,
“Does this show all I
know?” as I write and
revise as I write.
Day 15: Session 14: Drafting:
Writing From Inside a
 I can replay life events
from memory in order
to let the reader hear,
feel, and see the
Bend 4
Day 20: Session 18: Revising
Endings: Learning From
Published Writing
 I can use published
writing to help me
craft endings to my
Day 19: Session 17: Writers
Revise in Big, Important
 I can revise to make
my writing ring with
clarity and purpose.
 I can read my writing
aloud to make sure it
is clear and flows.
 Narrative Checklist
Grade 3 - Unit 1 – Bend 1: Writing Personal Narratives with Independence
Grade 3, Unit 1
Crafting True Stories (Español)
Bend 1
Day 1: Session 1: Starting the
Writing Workshop: Visualizing
 Sesión 1: Soy capaz
de pensar acerca del
tipo de escritura que
quiero producir y
poner metas para
 Cuaderno de apuntes
de 3er grado
Cartel: “Los
ortográficas p. 58
13 | P a g e
de pensar en una
persona y hacer una
lluvia de ideas de
pequeños momentos
con él/ella
Meta de lenguaje: Soy
capaz de usar adjetivos
precisos para describir
Day 3: Session 3: Drawing on a
repertoire of Strategies: Writing
with Independence.
 Sesión 3: Soy capaz
Day 4: Session 4: Writers Use a
Storyteller’s Voice. They Tell
Stories, Not Summaries.
 Sesión 4: Soy capaz
de pensar en un lugar
y hacer una lluvia de
ideas de pequeños
momentos de lo que
ocurrió allí.
de escribir historias
usando escenas en
lugar de resúmenes.
Cartel: “Cuando se me
acaba la batería,
puedo… “ P. 31
Pag. 9
Day 6; Session 6: Editing as We
Go: Making Sure Others Can
Read Our Writing.
 Sesión 6 : Soy capaz de
escribir lo más claro
posible para que otros
puedan leer y
comprender mi
Day 2; Session 2: Finding Ideas
and Writing up a Storm
 Sesión 2: Soy capaz
Cartel: “Para escribir
una historia
verdadera…” P. 37
Cartel: Un escritor
muestra, no dice” P. 40
Day 5: Session 5: Take Stock:
Pausing to Ask, “How Am I
 Sesión 5: Soy capaz
de pausar, releer, y
preguntarme “¿Cómo
va mi escrito?”
Lista de control de
escritura narrativa.
Meta de lenguaje: Soy
capaz de usar
preposiciones para
describir dónde o
cuándo ocurren las
Bend 2
Day 7: Session 7: Rehearsing:
Storytelling and Leads
 I can rehearse my story
before I start my
writing by generating
alternate leads.
 Add to “To Write a True
Story” Chart Page 69
Day 8: Session 8: Writing
Discovery Drafts
 I can capture my
mental movie be
writing my draft fast
and furiously.
 Language Goal: I can
use transition words to
move my story along.
Day 9: Session 9: Revising by
Studying What Other Authors
Have Done
 I can revise my writing
by studying other
authors’ craft.
 What Hesse Did to
Make Her Storytelling
Voice So Good in Come
On, Rain! Chart.
Page 85
Day 10: Session 10: Storytellers
Develop the Heart of the Story
 I can revise by asking
myself, “What’s the
most important part of
the story?” and
developing that
 REVISE Chart. Page 94
Grade 3 - Unit 1 – Bend 1: Writing Personal Narratives with Independence
Day 11: Session 11:
Day 12: Optional Lesson
Bend 3
Paragraphing to Support
Supporting Sequencing and
Sequencing, Dialogue, and
Day 13: Session 12: Becoming
 Mid-Workshop
One’s Own Job Captain
 I can revise by
Page 108
 I can use what I have
grouping related
learned to be my own
sentences into
job captain.
paragraphs and
 To Write a True Story:
elaboration those
Monitor My Process
Checklist. Page 116
 When to Start a New
Paragraph. Chart
Day 16: Optional Lesson
Day 17: Session 15: Revision:
Day 18: Session 16: Commas
Writers Keep an Eye on
Balancing Kinds of Details
and Quotation Marks:
 I can think carefully
Punctuating Dialogue
Mid-Workshop: Conferring
about the kind of
 I can use commas
Effectively Page 130
details I add to my
correctly with
writing (balancing
dialogue with actions,
thoughts, and details
 I can use quotation
about setting).
marks correctly with
Day 21: Optional Lesson
Checking for Sense
Page 159
14 | P a g e
Day 22: Session 19: Using
Editing Checklists
 I can use checklists to
help me edit my
 Editing Checklist
Page 163
Day 23: Session 20:
Publishing: A Writing
Community Celebrates
 I can share and
celebrate my writing
with others.
Day 14: Session 13: Revision
Happens Throughout the
Writing Process
 I can ask myself,
“Does this show all I
know?” as I write and
revise as I write.
Day 15: Session 14: Drafting:
Writing From Inside a
 I can replay life events
from memory in order
to let the reader hear,
feel, and see the
Bend 4
Day 20: Session 18: Revising
Endings: Learning From
Published Writing
 I can use published
writing to help me
craft endings to my
Day 19: Session 17: Writers
Revise in Big, Important
 I can revise to make
my writing ring with
clarity and purpose.
 I can read my writing
aloud to make sure it
is clear and flows.
 Narrative Checklist