UNAIDS 36th PCB Geneva 30 June - 2 July 2015 Constituency Speaking Points Agenda Item: Lead Country: Lead Author(s): Version 2 2. Update on the AIDS response in the post-2015 development agenda Denmark Anne Marie T. Voetmann Date Time 29.06.2015 SUMMARY OF MAIN POINTS INCLUDING ACTION REQUESTED: Appreciate the update and UNAIDS ongoing and strong involvement in the development of the post-2015 agenda as well as in broader UN Reform 1. I am speaking on behalf of our constituency, which includes Norway, Denmark and Finland, as well as the constituency of Sweden, Switzerland, Austria and Iceland. 2. Thank you for this excellent update on the AIDS response in the post-2015 development agenda, including on the upcoming Financing for Sustainable Development Conference in Addis Ababa and the indicator development. 3. We would like to commend UNAIDS for its strong and active involvement in the post 2015 process from the outset. Your efforts - not only to ensure continued strong global commitment to the AIDS response but also to ensure the integration of valuable lessons learned from the AIDS response and from the unique joint programme approach - are much appreciated. 4. As rightly mentioned in the update, the SDGs will represent a shift and the global development agenda will expand in size, scope and complexity. We value that UNAIDS has chosen to see the strength and opportunities of this more integrated agenda rather than as competition and a threat. This is well demonstrated in annex 2 and 3 of the update which show good illustrative examples of how selected SDGs intersect with HIV and AIDS and have direct influence on the effectiveness of the response. 5. In the context of the post 2015 agenda, it is important that UNAIDS champion a human rights based approach to AIDS, to health and to development. Because of its experience in the AIDS response, UNAIDS is uniquely positioned to continue to demonstrate through very concrete examples why an approach driven by rights goes hand in hand both (1) with our common ambition of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 as well as (2) with our shared commitment to reaching the new Sustainable Development Goals. 6. We also believe that because the Joint Programme is a model which demonstrates the added value of working across sectors and among different partners, UNAIDS has political credibility to advocate in Geneva, in New York and at country level for an integrated approach to development. Since the outset, the Joint Programme has adopted a multisectoral approach, not least in understanding the various determinants of “why” some people are being left behind. 7. Under the leadership of UNAIDS, an approach which aims at a continued understanding of the many causes and factors of vulnerability has to remain the focus of the Joint Programme. This is the only way to ensure that the response remains relevant, flexible and reactive to specific and changing needs of key populations, in particular those of young people, women and girls. We firmly believe that sexual and reproductive health and rights should be at the centre of the future development agenda. 8. In this context and based on the experience of the AIDS response, the role of UNAIDS in surveillance, data generation and analysis of the effectiveness of the global AIDS response will continue to be central and could inform the monitoring and accountability mechanisms of the SDGs more broadly. We encourage UNAIDS to proactively engage in this discussion in Geneva and New York. 9. The report underscores that more financial resources will be needed to put an end to AIDS, yet we know the resource constraints of the current international context. Finding ways to further leverage domestic resources will be an important contribution. In addition, we believe it will be key that funding the AIDS response is imbedded in the broader context of priority setting and resource allocation within the health sector and in collaboration with other sectors. 10. Finally, we encourage UNAIDS to continue its active and constructive engagement in the broader development agenda and especially in the discussions on the longer term positioning of the UN system in the post 2015 context to make the UN fit for purpose. COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS TO DECISION POINTS Decision points are straight forward and a repetition of already agreed text (from PCB34 and ECOSOC2015)