APA – How to Cite The following print resources are available in the Academic Library to help you prepare a References page or bibliography. Printed Resources: LB Brief: the Little, Brown Handbook, brief version Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association PE1112 .A22 2005 BF76.7 .P83 2010 Internet Resources: OWL: Online Writing Lab <http://owl.english.purdue.edu> courtesy of Purdue University AWC/NAU-Yuma Academic Library < http://www.azwestern.edu/learning_services/academic_library/>. APA Documentation Web Site < http://www.apastyle.org/>. Courtesy of the American Psychological Association. Handy Examples in APA Style Anthology Eisenhower, D.D. (1948). Dwight D. Eisenhower: On the unsuitability of military men for public office. In M.J. Adler (Ed.), The annals of America: Vol. 16, 1940-1949, The Second World War and after (pp. 497-498). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica. Book Callingham, M. (2004). Market intelligence: How and why organizations use market research. London: Kogan Page. Book Review Schatz, B. R. (2000, November 17). Learning by text or context? [Review of the book The social life of information, by J. S. Brown & P. Duguid]. Science, 290, 1304. doi:10.1126/science.290.5495.1304 Electronic Book without DOI Bates, M.J. (1996). The wars we took to Vietnam: Cultural conflict and storytelling. Berkeley: University of California Press. Retrieved from http://www.netlibrary.com/ Electronic Book with DOI Schiraldi, G.R. (2001). The post-traumatic stress disorder sourcebook: A guide to healing, recovery, and growth [Adobe Digital Editions version]. doi: 10.1036/0071393722 ERIC Document using an ERIC Database Princiotta, D. & Bielick, S. (2006). Homeschooling in the United States: 2003. Statistical Analysis Report (Report N. NCES 2006 – 042) National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved from the ERIC database (ERIC Document Reproduction No. ED489790) Internet Document without an author City of Yuma, Arizona. (2003). Water Quality Information. Retrieved October 20, 2004 from http://www.ci.yuma.az.us/water_quality.htm B.Presloid 6/2010 C. Sibley 6/2006 Interviews, Email and other Personal Communication Personal communication is cited only within the text. For example: (J. Smith, personal communication, August 15, 2009) Interview recorded and available in an archive Smith, M. B. (1989, August 12). Interview by C. A. Kiesler [tape recording]. President’s Oral History project, American Psychological Association. APA Archives, Washington, DC. Journal Article Using an Online Database with DOI Brownlie, D. (2007). Toward effective poster presentations: An annotated bibliography. European Journal of Marketing, 41(11/12), 1245-1283. doi:10.1108/03090560710821161 Journal Article without DOI (when DOI is not available) Sillick, T. J., & Schutte, N. S. (2006). Emotional intelligence and self-esteem mediate between perceived early parental love and adult happiness. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(2), 38-48. retrieved from http://ojs.lib.swin.edu.au/index.php/ejap Motion Picture Producer, P. P. (Producer), & Director, D. D. (Director). (Date of publication). Title of motion picture [Motion picture]. Country of origin: Studio or distributor. Music Recording Songwriter, W. W. (Date of copyright). Title of song [Recorded by artist if different from song writer]. On Title of album [Medium of recording]. Location: Label. (Recording date if different from copyright date). Newspaper Article (print version) Schwartz, J. (1993, September 30). Obesity affects economic, social status. The Washington Post, pp. A1, A4. Newspaper Article (online version) Brody, J. E. (2007, December 11). Mental reserves keep brain agile. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com U.S. Government Document found on web U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Statistics. (1999, July) Felony sentences in state courts, 1996. (Publication No. NCJ 175045) Retrieved from U.S. Department of Justice via GPO Access: http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/LPS3197 Note: When a DOI is not available, use the URL of the journal home page. No retrieval date is needed unless the source material may change over time. B.Presloid 6/2010 C. Sibley 6/2006 Citation – APA Style Electronic Book Author’s name Publication date Book Title Bates, M.J. (1996). The wars we took to Vietnam: Cultural conflict and storytelling. Berkeley: University of California Press. Retrieved June 2, 2006, from netLibrary database. City of Publication: Publisher Name of database Access date Citation Format Author’s name. (Publication date of print version). Title of Book. Publication city: Publisher. Access date, Database. Citation – APA Style Internet Document Author Document title City of Yuma, Arizona. (2003). Water Quality Information. Retrieved October 20, 2004, from http://www.ci.yuma.az.us/water_quality.htm Access date URL Citation Format Author. Document Title. Access date, from URL Citation – APA Style Anthology Author’s name Title of article Publication date Eisenhower, D.D. (1948). Dwight D. Eisenhower: On the unsuitability of military men for public office. In M.J. Adler (Ed.), The annals of America: Vol. 16, 1940-1949, The Second World War and after (pp. 497-498). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica. Pages City of Publication: Publisher Title of Anthology Citation Format Author’s name. (year). Title of article. Ed., Book title (pages). City of publication: Publisher. B.Presloid 6/2010 C. Sibley 6/2006