- San Diego State University

San Diego State University, College of Education
Course Syllabus – Fall 2013, Schedule # 29291
Thursdays: 4:00-6:40 P.M. Room: EBA 340
Dr. Tamara Collins-Parks…………...Office: ED 120, 760/758-1324
Email: biliterate@gmail.com
Dr. J. Kris Rodenberg ……………. Office: EBA 213
Email: jkr1007@earthlink.net
Table of Contents
About the Course ............................................................................................................................ 1
Course Description...................................................................................................................... 1
PLC 523/4 Course Competencies. .............................................................................................. 1
How the course is taught ............................................................................................................. 1
Texts are On-line: ....................................................................................................................... 2
Assignments and Grading ........................................................................................................... 2
Class attendance/ participation/ professionalism ........................................................................ 2
In Case of Absence ..................................................................................................................... 3
Contacting Tamara & Kris .......................................................................................................... 3
Internet Sources on Standards & Language Acquisition. ............................................................... 3
Professional Development Opportunities & Sites: ......................................................................... 5
Legal Notices .................................................................................................................................. 6
Statement on Cheating and Plagiarism: ...................................................................................... 6
Students with Disabilities: .......................................................................................................... 6
Religious Observances: ............................................................................................................... 7
Syllabus is Subject to Change: .................................................................................................... 7
Course Calendar .............................................................................................................................. 7
Signature Assignment: Developmentally Appropriate Lesson Plan due 11/14 ............................ 10
TPE 6: Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices ....................................................... 10
About the Course
Course Description: PLC 523/4: Psychological Foundations of Biliteracy covers major
theories of learning and cognition both in general and as applied to bilingual students and
English Learners (ELs). We cover the relation of these theories to child development,
adolescent development, first and second language acquisition, and approaches to teaching in
bilingual classroom. The goal is examine these theories and research for what they can tell us
about teaching (part of the research based instruction movement). In the process, we may
challenge some things you thought to be true and affirm others. We encourage you not to accept
our word for anything but to go out and learn more on your own (by looking up studies and
critiques or by trying your own experiments). Ultimately, the topics we cover in class and the
ones you explore on your own will help you provide students with well-grounded opportunities
for learning and growth.
PLC 523/4 Course Competencies.
Upon the completion of this course students can . . .
...identify critical patterns of cognitive and social development within and across
cultural & language contexts. Give examples of how the bilingual teaching/learning
processes can be sensitive to and supportive of this development
...articulate important cognitive processes that occur as bilingual students construct
meaningful knowledge for themselves and link them to learning theory & research.
…use knowledge of primary (1st) and additional (2nd) language acquisition to
develop appropriate bilingual strategies, ELD & SDAIE support.
...develop instruction that demonstrates an understanding of and appreciation for
various human and technological communication modalities which facilitate
teaching/learning in the bilingual context (including: interpretation, collaboration,
& production per the CA ELD 2012 Standards)
…describe key factors in the formulation of identity, self-concept, cultural wellbeing, and general social & emotional health; build a supportive, multicultural
community in the classroom & beyond.
...define motivation in relation to success, key research, theory and wider cultural
perspectives. Design a motivating introduction to a bilingual lesson
… discuss developmental & psycho-emotional issues related to classroom
assessment and grading, standardized assessment, language proficiency exams, etc.
TPE #'s
2, 4, 6,
8, 16
7, 8 & 15
7, 8 & 9
TPEs 5,
TPEs 5,
7, 8, 11
TPEs 3
& 12
How the course is taught
This is a team taught course. It alternates between shared sessions with both instructors and divided
sessions with one or the other. At least one class session (10/31) is taught on-line. You can bring your
concerns or ideas to either instructor at any time. Readings and assignments are given as homework the
week before. Each class consists of some reviewed information, some new information and activities to
help you process and apply the information. There are quizzes after each section (on Bb), a major
assignment to upload to your eFolio on TaskStream (the Developmentally Appropriate Lesson Plan),
and a cooperatively developed, scenario-based, comprehensive final at the end.
Texts are On-line:
Elise Trumbull and Maria Pacheco (2005). The Teacher’s Guild to Diversity: Building a Knowledge
Base. Volume I: Human Development, Culture, and Cognition. The Education Alliance at Brown
University. http://www.alliance.brown.edu/pubs/teach_guide_diversity/tgd_humdevcult.pdf
* Students will also need regular access to e-mail, internet & materials posted on Blackboard.
Assignments and Grading
Reading responses & homework (online + in class)
Quizzes, entry & exit slips, Participation
Developmentally appropriate lesson plan
% cont.
59 and below
Class attendance/ participation/ professionalism
One of our goals is to develop a professional learning community within the Bilingual Credential
Program. You are an important part of the community, which requires a set of responsibilities
and mutual respect. In PLC 523/4, we will examine a variety of ideas and concepts through our
readings and class discussion where it is imperative for you to thoughtfully participate and
engage in thoughtful and respectful discussion. We need to nurture a free flow of ideas and
points of view, in order to accomplish this we should strive for the following:
• Attend all classes
• Arrive on time and remain for the entire period
• Be prepared for each class by having thoughtfully completed all readings and
• Share your ideas and listen respectfully in class sessions
• Remain on task and Engaged during class sessions
• Respect others' opinions in the class
• Be curious about ideas different than your own
Make sure you inform us of any circumstances, which would impede you from fulfilling your
responsibilities PRIOR to its occurrence. I understand emergencies happen, but this course will
prepare you for your career thus you must consider its importance. (Thanks to Guillermo Castillo
for the wording here.)
In Case of Absence
Because some of the information covered in class is not in the book, avoid being absent.
If the absence is unavoidable, please notify me. You lose participation points when you are
absent but you can make up absences by writing a reading reflection and completing activities
equivalent to those we did in class on your own. These must be submitted via e-mail within 2
Contacting Tamara & Kris
Office Hours:
Assigned Thursdays, 3-4 (call 1st), or after class at need.
Tamara is in ED 120, Kris is in EBA 213 (We may also be found together
and/or in the PLC office.)
Home Phone:
Tamara (760) 758-1324
Mail, etc. can be left at the Policy Studies Office (ED 152) or sent through
campus mail. Please call so we know to check for it.
Tamara biliterate@gmail.com and Kris jkr1007@earthlink.net.
Course assignments (except the eFolio assignment that must be posted on
TaskStream) may be sent through e-mail either embedded in the message
or as a Word attachment
Use any time between 7 am and 10 pm
Internet Sources on Standards & Language Acquisition.
(A) California State Standards – organized by content areas
Go to http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/cr/cf/cimegasubjectareas.asp
2014 Revision of the English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework at
(B) Common Core Standards – including literacy across content areas
Common Core Standards web page by the CA Dept of Ed (CDE): http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/cc/
FAQ: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/cc/ccssfaqs2010.asp
CA’s Common Core Content Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social
Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects :
Common Core Curriculum Maps in English Language Arts (Unit plans):
Appendix A of Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy in
History, Science and Technical Subjects: http://www.corestandards.org/assets/Appendix_A.pdf
 Text Complexity (pp. 2–16)
 Reading Foundational Skills (pp. 17–22)
 Text types (argument, informative/explanatory writing, and narrative) (pp. 23–25)
 Oral Language Development (pp. 26–27)
 Conventions and Knowledge of Language (pp. 28–31)
 Vocabulary (pp. 32–35)
Common Core Math Standards: http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/cc/
Math Resources: http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/cc/mathresources.asp
The Illustrative Mathematics Project uses high quality, rigorously reviewed tasks from teacher
leaders across the nation to illustrate each of the Common Core State standards for
Mathematics. The Illustrative Mathematics Project can be found
at http://illustrativemathematics.org.
Common Core Curriculum Mapping Project: Webinar from Schools Moving Up: West Ed:
* General CA standards & frameworks: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/cr/cf/cimegasubjectareas.asp
Comparison of CCCSS with previous State Standards:
English Language Arts: http://www.scoe.net/castandards/multimedia/k-12_ela_croswalks.pdf
Math: http://www.scoe.net/castandards/multimedia/k-12_math_crosswalks.pdf
(C) CA ELD Standards 2012 (CCCSS aligned)
Overview of the CA English Language Development Standards and Proficiency Descriptors:
ELD Standards: http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/er/eldstandards.asp (scroll down to see listed by
grade level)
Glossary: http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/el/er/documents/sbeeldglossary.pdf
(D) Language Development and Acquisition (L1 & L2)
Summary: http://prezi.com/jmdmpwcofrx8/first-and-second-language-acquisition-theories-andmodels/
Cognition & Language per Vygotsky & Piaget (relate their theories to L acquisition)
http://www.learningandteaching.info/learning/piaget.htm (including critique)
Stages http://www.childdevelopmentinfo.com/development/language_development.shtml
Child Language Acquisition:
Additional Language Acquisition:
http://www.sdkrashen.com/, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjAHPl1ACmQ
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP1mgDDQAUg (Swain, Long)
Professional Development Opportunities & Sites:
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
American Psychological Association (APA) Division 15: Educational Psychology provides a
collegial environment for psychologists with interest in research, teaching or practice in
educational settings at all levels to present and publish papers about their work. Division
members' work is concerned with theory, methodology and applications to a broad spectrum of
teaching, training and learning issues. Members receive the Newsletter for Educational
Psychologists three times per year and the quarterly journal Educational Psychologist.
Colorín Colorado is a free web-based service that provides information, activities and advice
for educators and Spanish-speaking families of English language learners (ELLs).
http://www.colorincolorado.org/. See particularly the section on Common Core for ELLs
Common Core Resources (sign up to receive their
updates): http://www.cde.ca.gov/re/cc/ccssupdatearchive.asp
Information about the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Professional Learning Modules:
The National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME): Advancing and Advocating
for Social Justice & Equity: http://nameorg.org/
The National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems (NCCRESt):
Schools Moving Up: SchoolsMovingUp, a division of WestEd, connects schools and districts
with experts, resources, and each other on topics related to improving student outcomes.
Understanding Language aims to heighten educator awareness of the critical role that language
plays in the new Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards and
thereby improve education for all students—especially English Language Learners—in Math,
Science, and English Language Arts . See particularly their page with teaching resources:
http://ell.stanford.edu/teaching_resources & Videos of papers presented on CCSS in Science,
Math and English: http://ell.stanford.edu/papers/practice
WestEd: a research, development, and service agency, works with education and other
communities to promote excellence, achieve equity, and improve learning for children, youth,
and adults. http://www.wested.org/. See particularly their on-line professional development
modules: http://www.wested.org/services/professional-development/.
Legal Notices
Statement on Cheating and Plagiarism:
“Cheating is the actual or attempted practice of fraudulent or deceptive acts for the purpose of
improving one’s grade or obtaining course credit; such acts also include assisting another student
to do so. Typically, such acts occur in relation to examinations. However, it is the intent of this
definition that the term ‘cheating’ not be limited to examination situations only, but that it
include any and all actions by a student that are intended to gain an unearned academic
advantage by fraudulent or deceptive means. Plagiarism is a specific form of cheating which
consists of the misuse of the published and/or unpublished works of others by misrepresenting
the material (i.e., their intellectual property) so used as one’s own work. Penalties for cheating
and plagiarism range from a 0 or F on a particular assignment, through an F for the course, to
expulsion from the University. For more information on the University’s policy regarding
cheating and plagiarism, refer to the Schedule of Courses (‘Legal Notices on Cheating and
Plagiarism’) or the University Catalog (‘Policies and Regulations’).”
Students with Disabilities:
“Americans with Disabilities Act (DA) Accommodation: The University is committed to
providing reasonable academic accommodation to students with disabilities. The Student
Disability Services Office provides university academic support services and specialized
assistance to students with disabilities. Individuals with physical, perceptual, or learning
disabilities as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act should contact Student Disability
Services for information regarding accommodations. Please notify your instructor so that
reasonable efforts can be made to accommodate you. If you expect accommodation through the
Act, contact the Student Disability Services Office at Calpulli Center, Suite 3101
(http://www.sa.sdsu.edu/dss/dss_home.html) or (619) 594-6473.
Religious Observances:
“University Policy on Absence for Religious Observances includes the following statements:
“By the end of the second week of classes, students should notify the instructors of affected
courses of planned absences for religious observances. Instructors shall reasonably
accommodate students who notify them in advance of planned absences for religious
observances.” Please notify the instructor in a timely manner and a reasonable accommodation
will be reached.
Syllabus is Subject to Change:
This syllabus, assignments, and calendar are subject to change in response to circumstances and
student learning needs. We will always inform you of these changes ahead of time. If you are
absent from class, it is your responsibility to check on announcements made while you were
absent. The latest version of the syllabus, assignments, and calendar will always be on
BlackBoard. Please rely on the copies kept there rather than using a potentially outdated print
Course Calendar
Aug. 29
Course Overview
“The Art of Giving Directions”  Lesson Planning, phase 3b (sequence: I, We, You)
If time allows, introduce synapse
Homework: Read “Prior Knowledge” article on Bb and Trumbull and Pacheco (T & ) I-E
What is prior knowledge? How does one gain it?
Current Perspectives on Human Development, Culture, and Cognition
Sept. 5 Schema (Piaget, Rumelhart & Norman) and the Role of Prior Knowledge
(Marzano). Syllabus quiz
Kris schema ppt + memory pegs activity
Tamara PLC 2013 lesson plan template, phase 3a: Prior Knowledge
Homework: Trumbull and Pacheco (T & P) Read I-C, II, III-C
Who are our students? How will they interact with the tools provided to them?
Sept. 6 CORE Institute: Common Core Standards
Sept. 12 Cultural Responsiveness
Discuss readings ( T & P: I-C, II, III-C) and apply them to our students.
Revisit lesson plan template, phase 3a: Prior Knowledge.
1. Read situated (Brown, Collins, & Duguid) and distributed cognition (Hutchins) articles
on Bb, and then complete the “Situated or Distributed Cognition Practice” worksheet
(posted under “Assignments) on Bb.
2. Skim ELD standards 2012 - focus on emerging, bridging and expanding levels
How do the levels vary? Come to next class prepared with one example.
Sept. 19 Situated and Distributed Cognition, Information Processing
Oct. 3
EL Typologies, Levels & Scaffolding
Revisit lesson plan template, phase 3b: Scaffolding instruction (I do)
Preview ESA for eFolio on TaskStream: Developmentally Appropriate Lesson Plan.
Homework: T & P Read I-D
Consider different definitions and approaches to learning
Social Constructivism (Brunner) and Modeling (Bandura)
Discuss learning theories
Revisit lesson plan template, phase 3b: Scaffolding collaborative practice (We do)
Homework: Create a timeline for your Developmentally Appropriate Lesson Plan..
You do. Key concept: active engagement with material
Revisit lesson plan template, phase 3b: Scaffolding independent practice
The Big Picture: Phase 3 overview.
Vygotsky (ZPD, Gradual Increase in Complexity aka “Gradual Release”)
Homework: Complete Theories and Applications Quiz (on Bb)
Current Perspectives on Language development (both primary & secondary)
Oct. 10 Language Development & Math Conceptual Development: Primary (L1)
Oct. 17
L1 theories, research, and stages (including language and math stages):
How language development relates to both physical and cognitive development.
Simultaneous bilingualism (two or more languages from birth).
* The benefits and limitations of applying this knowledge in the classroom.
Homework: Additional language development reading on Bb
Identify similarities and differences between L1 and L2 acquisition
Language Development: Additional (L2)
The bilingual brain:
L2 theories, research and stages.
How they relate to ELD typologies, levels, and scaffolding.
Mid-task review & check-up on Developmentally Appropriate Lesson Plan.
Homework: Complete Language Development Quiz (on Bb)
Oct. 18 CORE Institute: Common Core en Español
Culture, Identity, and Schooling (and Motivation)
Oct. 24 Your identity & beliefs, Your students’ identity & beliefs
Oct. 31
“Types of learners and teachers” video
Other People’s Children excerpt & discussion; Erikson puzzle.
Homework: T & P Section II
Identity Development: Readings and Activities from T & P Section II
Participate in “Discussion Board” on Bb
Homework: Deci & Ryan “The What and Why of Goal Pursuits: Human Needs and the
Self-Determination of Behavior”
Complete “Guide-O-Rama” task
Nov. 7
Motivation prezzi on Bb (from Stella)
Discuss Deci & Ryan article; Videos TBD
Checklist for Developmentally Appropriate Lesson Plan (due next week)
Homework: Complete Identity and Motivation Quiz (on Bb)
Culture in Teaching and Learning; Culture, Families, Communities, and Schools
Nov. 14 Meeting Student Needs: Maslow
Maslow & Critiques of Maslow (ref. materials on Bb);
Innovative Schools: MAAC Charter http://www.maacproject.org/heath_wellness.aspx
Nov. 21
Nov. 28
Dec. 5
DUE: Developmentally appropriate lesson plan (Submit via TaskStream eFolio)
Homework: T & P Section III-A, B, D.
Principles for Learning and Teaching, Communities & Schools
Principles of Learning (per Resnick & per Nieto).
Addressing the achievement Gap. http://wwe.wgbh.org/programs/Maria-Hinojosa-One-onOne-12/episodes/Fernando-Reimers-853 (Fernando Reimers on Latino education)
Building a supportive, multicultural community in the classroom & beyond.
Homework: Take action in support of any of the 3 above – be prepared to discuss what you
have done when we meet in class in two weeks (pair share + 3 at random share w/class).
Thanksgiving Holiday – Enjoy!
Assessment & Cooperative Development of Final
Developmental & psycho-emotional issues related to classroom assessment and grading,
standardized assessment, language proficiency exams, etc
Standardized assessment of the Common Core: http://youtu.be/VzZD6NbsMJY
*Groups construct scenarios to use in the final, evaluate the options, and select 3 for use.
Homework: Review for final.
Dec. 6
Dec. 12
CORE Institute: CA ELD Standards 2012 Overview
Explore human and technological communication modalities which facilitate
teaching/learning in the bilingual context.
Identify communicative & academic tasks involving interpretation, collaboration, &
production (per CA ELD standards 2012 – following up on your CORE Institue)
Human Communication
-- Final Exam -http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=3n2afl5gq5os2t72e4dtuc6o88%40group.calendar.g
oogle.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles (SDSU Bilingual Credential on-line calendar)
Signature Assignment: Developmentally Appropriate Lesson Plan due 11/14
(*Submit via TaskStream e-Folio)
Step 1: Choose at least one theorist from within each of the categories below
 Cognitive development (Piaget; Vygotsky; Brown, Collins, & Duguid; Hutchins)
 Identity and Motivation ( Benard, Cokley, Deci, Deci & Ryan, Delpit, Erikson)
 Language Development (L1: Piaget, Chomsky, Fernald & Kuhl; L2: Cummins, Krashen,
Long, Swain, Seliger, McLaughlin, Bialystok, Van Lier)
 Schema, Scaffolding (Bandura; Brunner; Marzano, Rumelhart & Norman, Vygotsky)
Step 2: With your 4+ theories in mind, take a lesson plan developed for another class or off the
internet and redesign it so that it promotes a positive classroom environment (reference identity
and motivation), supports student learning (reference cognitive development, language
development, and scaffolding) and takes into account what you know about your students'
backgrounds (educational, developmental, linguistic, socio-cultural, etc.). Take into account the
guidelines for your grade level outlined in TPE 6 below and on the following page.
Step 3: Evaluate how well you achieved the above. Reference the guidelines provided under the
appropriate level of TPE 6 (A, B or C) for your grade level. Annotate your lesson plan, write up
your reflections and cross index them with the annotated lesson plan.
Step 4: Submit annotated lesson plan plus reflection on TaskStream under PLC 523/4 in the
This assignment is used to assess Teaching Performance Expectation 6: Developmentally
Appropriate Teaching Practices (see below).
TPE 6: Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices
Background information for TPE 6: TPEs describe knowledge, skills, and abilities for all
credential candidates, and they underscore the importance of generically-effective strategies for
teaching a broad range of students. The purpose of TPE 6 is to establish additional expectations
that are of greatest importance in teaching students at distinct stages of child and adolescent
development. It is not the intent of TPE 6 to describe practices that are appropriate or effective
only at one developmental level. This TPE describes professional practices that are most
commonly used and needed for students in each major phase of schooling, grades K-3, 4-8, and
9-12.1 It is important that candidates understand the vertical spectrum of child and adolescent
growth and development and the use of developmentally appropriate instructional practices to
make content accessible to all students
See next page for Specifics at different developmental levels.