-1University of Saskatchewan Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering EE 868.3 Digital Techniques for Power System Protection (Spring & Summer, 2012) Midterm Examination (In Classroom) Examination Paper Hand-In Time: June 18, ‘12 Instructor: Dr. Rama Gokaraju Time: 9:00am-1:00pm Total Marks: 25 Instructions: 1) This examination paper consists of 6 problems and 4 pages in total. 2) You are not permitted to discuss or take assistance of others to solve the examination problems. You would be severely penalized if your solutions appear to have been copied from others. 3) Your solutions should be methodical. You would be penalized if your solutions are illegible. 4) Mark allotted for each problem is shown on the right margin. Problem 1 (Design Problem) A portion of a 765 kV network is shown in Figure 1. The positive and zero sequence impedances of the transmission lines are 0.02 + j0.6 Ω and 0.1 + j 1.8 Ω per mile, respectively. The negative sequence impedance is same as the positive sequence impedance for the transmission line. Assume that the generator impedance is j10 Ω for positive and negative sequence, and j20 Ω for the zero sequence. (a) Relays R12, R23, and R34 use directional type IEC standard inverse current characteristics for single-line-to-ground fault protection of this system. Determine the fault current needed for setting the pickup value of R12 ground relay. You may neglect line resistances for this calculation. (b) Select CT and CVT ratios for phase distance relays at bus 1. You may assume that the relay current coils can carry 10 A continuously, and that the emergency line loading limit is 3000 MVA. Use standard CT ratios. (c) Determine and show on the (secondary) R-X diagram the three zones of a directional impedance realy at bus 1 for phase fault protection. (d) Also show the location of the equivalent impedance of the emergency load on the R-X diagram. Do you see any problems with line operating at emergency load? What solution would you propose? The tap settings are as follows: 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 12.0 A. The standard CT ratios are listed in Table 1. The IEC standard inverse over-current characteristic curves are given in Figure 2. Figure 1: One-line diagram of the 765 kV network. -2Current ratio 50:5 100:5 150:5 200:5 250:5 Table I: Standard CT ratios Current ratio 300:5 400:5 450:5 500:5 600:5 Figure 2: Characteristic curves of type IEC standard inverse overcurrent relays. Current ratio 800:5 900:5 1000:5 1200:5 7 Marks -3Problem 2 A 100 MVA, 18 kV turbogenerator having X d'' X 1 X 2 20% and X 0 =5% is about to be connected to a power system. The generator has a current-limiting reactor of 0.162 Ω in the neutral. Before the generator is connected to the system, its voltage is adjusted to 16 kV when a double line-to-ground fault develops at terminals b and c. Find the initial symmetrical rms current in the ground and in line b. 4 Marks Problem 3 Consider the multi-terminal line in the system shown in Figure 3. Each of the buses C, D, G, H and J has a source of power behind it. For a three-phase fault on bus B, the contributions from each of the sources are as follows: Figure 3 System diagram for Problem 3. You may assume that the fault current contributions from each of these sources remain unchanged as the fault is moved around throughout the system shown. Determine the zones 1, 2 and 3 settings for the distance relays at buses A and B. Take into account the effect of the infeed for determining the zones 2 and 3 settings, while no infeeds are to be considered for the zone 1 settings. 7 Marks -4- Problem 4 A blown fuse or broken conductor that opens one of the three phases represents a series unbalance and is referred to as one-open conductor fault. Consider phase a open on the 34.5 kV line at bus H that is given in Fig. 4. All constants are in per unit on a 30 MVA base. Fig 4: Single-line diagram of the system. Consider a 30 MVA, 90% pf load as shown in the figure. Assume voltage at the load to be 1.0∟00. Determine the change in bus voltage at bus H. Find the currents flowing in the system. From the calculated values of the currents, comment whether there would be any difficulty in providing protection for open-conductor faults in the system. If there is no load connected to the system, would an open-conductor fault have any difference on the system. 7 Marks ==============